From DCG News: "The DC Group is a management advisory firm focused on making business better in America."
So inside industry we see they admit that employee [I presume they are citizens] health is directly related to the bottom line. The bottom line is the GDP. So our nation's health relies on the health of each individual citizen [potential worker].
Ergo: "general Welfare" includes providing guaranteed adequate and accessible helathcare for all citizens.
So a management advisory group tells corporations that healthier employees are more productive and you want that to morph to Uncle Sam has to provide insurance to all (whether they work or not) ?
Try corps should promote helthier employees in many ways (which they have been doing for decades).
The issue is that health care costs too much, a problem that impacts everyone and which was caused by government.
It would be lovely to do something productive about this but its the last thing the democrat legislation attempted to do. Worse still, it need not cost the government anything to work on this.
Perhaps now that the donkeys are forced to work WITH the conservatives (if they chose to work at all) we may see some positive ideas emerge.