Another War!

You have to consider the position from which a threat is made and the context in which it is given and the position of the person giving it.

Taking into consideration that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is a person who denies there ever having been a Holocaust, I'd say the risk of assuming that all he is capable of is being verbal, is a mistake.
Taking into consideration that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is a person who denies there ever having been a Holocaust, I'd say the risk of assuming that all he is capable of is being verbal, is a mistake.

Don't fall into the trap of assuming that because Ahmadinejad is the president he has power. His existence is solely in the hands of the Supreme Leader - Khamenei pulls all the levers of state he controls from top to bottom.

You're familiar with the "good cop - bad cop" routine? So Khamenei is balancing various factions within the ruling counsel, there are various factions from hard liners down to the "moderates". Ahmadinejad is a fairly rough and ready lad, well educated (PHD in traffic management!!) Khamenei uses Ahmadinejad as a prop to support his "credentials" as a "moderate" when required which in this case, after speech given by Ahmadinejad, he did when he appeared after the speech and qualified Ahmadinejad's meaning - he toned it down thus making himself look like a calming influence - realpolitik
Don't fall into the trap of assuming that becuase Ahmadinejad is the president he has power. His existence is solely in the hands of the Supreme Leader - Khamenei pulls all the levers of state he controls from top to bottom.

Where Israel is concerned, they seem to share the same opinion: Ayatollah Khamenei: Israel's destruction will be imminent
Also remember that the Ayatollah cheered Ahmadinejad on in the elections last year, they're very good friends.

You're familiar with the "good cop - bad cop" routine? So Khamenei is balancing various factions within the ruling counsel, there are varous factions from hard liners to the "moderates". Ahmadinejad is a fairly rough and ready lad, well educated (PHD in traffic management!!) Khamenei uses Ahmadinejad as a prop to support his "credentials" as a "moderate" whern required which in this case after speech given by Ahmadinejad he then appeared and qualified Ahmadinejad's meaning - he toned it down thus making himself look like a calming influence - realpolitik

I can't say seeking the destruction of the Israeli state is moderate.
Don't fall into the trap of assuming that because Ahmadinejad is the president he has power. His existence is solely in the hands of the Supreme Leader - Khamenei pulls all the levers of state he controls from top to bottom.

You're familiar with the "good cop - bad cop" routine? So Khamenei is balancing various factions within the ruling counsel, there are various factions from hard liners down to the "moderates". Ahmadinejad is a fairly rough and ready lad, well educated (PHD in traffic management!!) Khamenei uses Ahmadinejad as a prop to support his "credentials" as a "moderate" when required which in this case, after speech given by Ahmadinejad, he did when he appeared after the speech and qualified Ahmadinejad's meaning - he toned it down thus making himself look like a calming influence - realpolitik

Well then the Israelis will just have to hope and pray that the Supreme Leader does not believe in their destruction.

I am sure you would rather hope not to get nuked based on this flimsy evidence than take action to protect yourself. I am sure the leaders of your nation would just discount the comments of Iwannajihad as the rantings of a lunatic.

Why does that sound so familiar? Geez...I think many pacifist Brits thought this way as Hitler built up his military machine and proceeded to conquer all of Europe.

Where is Winston Churchill when you need him?
If Israel attacked Iran, the biggest matter that they would have to discuss
is if Iran retaliated would it be able fight back at Iran or would Iram empower
them? I beleive Israel if it does attack they will build up on it's weapons and
self to prepare for war.

I beleive sooner or later there will be a real war between them and I do beleive
may be tangled up in it since last I heard we were supposed to be allies to Israel.
We could give Israel a headstart and the weaponry they need and say "here, you
do what you want to Iran, since this is your war."

I truly beleive a war will soon break out with Israel, they can't take those threats,
bombng, and other to long because sooner or later they will take things into their
own hands for what the Muslims have done to them.
If Israel attacked Iran, the biggest matter that they would have to discuss
is if Iran retaliated would it be able fight back at Iran or would Iram empower
them? I beleive Israel if it does attack they will build up on it's weapons and
self to prepare for war.

Israel should attack already today, before Iran becomes a nuclear power. The retaliation power that Iran would have today is far less dangerous than it is going to have when Iran becomes a nuclear power.

I beleive sooner or later there will be a real war between them and I do beleive
may be tangled up in it since last I heard we were supposed to be allies to Israel.
We could give Israel a headstart and the weaponry they need and say "here, you
do what you want to Iran, since this is your war."

With Barack Obama as the president, I don't see that happening. Unfortunately for the West, their ignorance is frighteningly similar to the ignorance of the danger of Nazi-Germany in the 30's.
With Barack Obama as the president, I don't see that happening. Unfortunately for the West, their ignorance is frighteningly similar to the ignorance of the danger of Nazi-Germany in the 30's.

I don't mean the USA to be involved in this "real war" that I had explained,
but I do not beleive they would really test us with our weapons although
we did sign a treaty of arms. Iran has a dictatorship within it's governemnt,
a ambitious monster waiting for the chance to attack. Imagine if North Korea
joined an alliance with them, it would be a repeat of the events that took
place at the beginning of World War ll only much different.

Obama has not kept his promises as he's "promised," its said to be 2015
till our troops are really pulled out and what will happen after that? Iran
and Iraq remain in peace, no build up from their dicatorships? We are
disabling our own securities again. Another 9/11 I fear may come in the
later future, but what will it be next? The Empire State Building? Lady
Liberty? Or the White House?! Just to think that another attack may
become inevitable makes me angry. Don't people learn from their mistakes?
Obviousy not, it takes another tragedy, and another high cost of lives
still something becomes done. The 1993 bombing was not so focused or
looked upon as a security concern until after 9/11. The second time
people began to at least understand that no matter what they are not as
safe as they beleive they are especially within a country of Democrats
and Liberals who repeatedly scream "appeasment."

Remember what happened when the League of Nations used appeasment
on Adolf Hitler. Doing so did not work. John F Kennedy learned from this
when he dealt with the Cuban Missile Crisis. He knew of the outcomes and
yet his decision saved lives and prevented a possible World War lll.

:) I'm going to lay off the "bold" type for awhile.
Diamond, why are you saying that Israel should attackw ehn you believe that Israel ad and Iran are at war already?
Werbung: terms of the present regime yes, I agree.

I just wonder though how much longer the current hardline faction can last? In a highly political highly theocratic and highly fractional supreme council how long will Khamanei maintain his grip following his?

We see dictatorships last for a long time, even without the support of their people, unfortunately. And this is exactly what has happened in Iran, it's become a dictatorship. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad received over 100% of the votes in several regions of Iran in the 2009 elections, now that's impossible. As long as he's capable of doing this, it doesn't matter what the brave Iranians are doing.

Diamond, why are you saying that Israel should attackw ehn you believe that Israel ad and Iran are at war already?

I've never said they're currently at war, a cold war yes. But I do believe the acts of the current Iranian regime is declaration of war on Israel.