Another theory that must be rejected by conservatives

Personal attacks are not allowed on this forum, BTW.
Then perhaps you should stop insisting that people who disagree with you are "anti-science" and intellectually inferior for not accepting your beliefs as "basic science"... Or are those kind of personal attacks OK?
The assertion that NOAA, NASA, and the international equivalents of those organizations are somehow involved in a gigantic conspiracy to enslave us all to a Marxist world government is totally preposterous.
Almost as preposterous as the belief that evil oil, coal, and chemical companies are involved in a gigantic conspiracy with scientists from around the world to publish false information on AGW in order to destroy the environment and make a buck.
Do you believe we are alone in the universe? Do you believe that no advanced civilizations exist that might seed likely worlds?

No, I don't believe we are alone in the universe. I can't prove the existence of extraterrestrial life, and neither can you, but it seems pretty likely. So, is your alternative to evolution that an extraterrestrial civilization brought all of the life forms we currently have on Earth from somewhere else? Did it also bring all of the extinct life forms? Since you don't believe that life has evolved, you must believe that every species has been seeded.
Then perhaps you should stop insisting that people who disagree with you are "anti-science" and intellectually inferior for not accepting your beliefs as "basic science"... Or are those kind of personal attacks OK?

I don't recall saying that anyone was intellectually inferior. If I did so, I apologize.
Almost as preposterous as the belief that evil oil, coal, and chemical companies are involved in a gigantic conspiracy with scientists from around the world to publish false information on AGW in order to destroy the environment and make a buck.

Fossil fuel companies are in the business of making money, they aren't evil, nor did I say that they are involved in a conspiracy to spread false information. Naturally, they would want to refute the AGW hypothesis if they can, as doing so is in their best interests. That they would support research into alternatives to the anthropogenic factor in global warming is quite believable, isn't it?

On the other hand, the assertion that there is some kind of conspiracy to enslave mankind under a Marxist government, as has been made, is preposterous.
No, I don't believe we are alone in the universe. I can't prove the existence of extraterrestrial life, and neither can you, but it seems pretty likely. So, is your alternative to evolution that an extraterrestrial civilization brought all of the life forms we currently have on Earth from somewhere else? Did it also bring all of the extinct life forms? Since you don't believe that life has evolved, you must believe that every species has been seeded.

If one looks at the gaping holes in the record, some sort intervention (probably of a genetic engineering sort) over vast spans of time would seem to be a plausible explanation if you believe that there are more ancient and advanced life forms in the universe than ourselves.
Fossil fuel companies are in the business of making money, they aren't evil, nor did I say that they are involved in a conspiracy to spread false information. Naturally, they would want to refute the AGW hypothesis if they can, as doing so is in their best interests. That they would support research into alternatives to the anthropogenic factor in global warming is quite believable, isn't it?

In case you haven't noticed, with the advent of the carbon tax schemes and word on the wind concerning government mandates with regard to energy use, the oil companies seem to be jumping on the wagon because some very large dollars are out there to be made off the hoax.
Oh really? Man did not exist when this happened?

At this point, you have yet to show the first piece of observed evidence that CO2 or any other gas is driving the climate. Till you do, you just look silly showing evidence of change. In case you didn't know, evidence of change does not constitute evidence of cause.
Well, that takes my breath away. Do realize that your buddies working on ID don't believe that the laws of thermodynamics are real, and have made arguments against them? And yet here you are, someone who supports ID claiming that AGW violates those same laws your buddies don't believe in.

I have no buddies that don't accept the laws of thermodynamics. More claims that you simply can not support. Your arguments have turned into nothing more than a joke. You can't provide any observed evidence to support your claims so now logical fallacy is all that is left to you.

You should be piss that you have been duped and led to believe that there was actual observed evidence to support the claims when in fact there isn't. Your church has left you hanging out to dry.

And what the hell do you think that ID has to do with the laws of thermodynamics? Evolution is the theory that seems to fly in the face of increased entrophy wouldn't you say?
On the other hand, the assertion that there is some kind of conspiracy to enslave mankind under a Marxist government, as has been made, is preposterous.

Forget Marxism and think Statism... AGW is the holy grail of Statism. By pushing the AGW agenda, any government can be grown to have unlimited power to control, regulate and tax every aspect of your life, including total control over your economic and social activities.

Because everything you do creates a carbon footprint, the Statists can, and will, argue that everything you do should be subject to some form of government intervention or oversight... It's for the good of the collective, saving the planet and all.

Knowing what you know about government, history, and the Statists who run things, does it still sound preposterous that they would be drooling over the prospect of pushing forward with AGW legislation? That they would do anything in their power to silence dissent? That they would carefully funnel government money into research that seeks to "prove" AGW?

If you still think it's preposterous then tell me... As a believer in AGW... On what grounds could you argue against granting government the power to control, tax, and regulate every aspect of your life since you honestly believe your actions are destroying the planet?
If one looks at the gaping holes in the record, some sort intervention (probably of a genetic engineering sort) over vast spans of time would seem to be a plausible explanation if you believe that there are more ancient and advanced life forms in the universe than ourselves.

So, this extraterrestrial culture would not have had to bring every species to Earth, but would have genetically engineered them over vast spans of time. Isn't that just evolution, with some intelligent guidance along the way?
Forget Marxism and think Statism... AGW is the holy grail of Statism. By pushing the AGW agenda, any government can be grown to have unlimited power to control, regulate and tax every aspect of your life, including total control over your economic and social activities.

First, it is highly unlikely that cap and trade is going to pass. Secondly, if it does pass, it will just be one more expensive failed government program, of which there have been many.

Cap and trade would not be a good thing, don't get me wrong, it would be a giant waste of money, but it isn't a worldwide plan to enslave mankind. That's just hype and exaggeration.

Because everything you do creates a carbon footprint, the Statists can, and will, argue that everything you do should be subject to some form of government intervention or oversight... It's for the good of the collective, saving the planet and all.

Knowing what you know about government, history, and the Statists who run things, does it still sound preposterous that they would be drooling over the prospect of pushing forward with AGW legislation? That they would do anything in their power to silence dissent? That they would carefully funnel government money into research that seeks to "prove" AGW?

If you still think it's preposterous then tell me... As a believer in AGW... On what grounds could you argue against granting government the power to control, tax, and regulate every aspect of your life since you honestly believe your actions are destroying the planet?

Who said our actions were "destroying the planet"?

Some parts of Earth may become more livable than they are now. That AGW is an impending disaster, that it will bring about the end of civilization and so on, is just hype and exaggeration from the other side.

What we should do is to study the phenomenon, see if there is anything we can do to mitigate it, and learn to live with it.

Whether you believe in the A in AGW or not, the fact is, the climate of the Earth is changing. We are going to have to adapt. Even if humans are accelerating the changes, we're not going to be able to stop it, and no one is going to be willing to have a Chinese style government running our lives, or go back to the pre industrial age.

This issue has no lack of hype and fear mongering on both sides. Reason and common sense seems not to be a part of the discussion on either side.
If the bunsen burner goes out (i rarely use a bunsen burner) I look for a rational, testable, repeatable reason that doesn't violate the laws of thermodynamics if I need to know why. I don't jump on the bandwagon of some crackpot who proposes a hypothesis that lacks any hard observed evidence in support.

Oh really? So why do you support crackpot ideas like ID, if you realize that "God did it" doesn't explain anything?
Nice conspiracy theory... :rolleyes:

That is precisely how warmers treat any scientist whose findings challenge AGW.... In fact, you did so in the previous sentence by accusing them of being part of a massive conspiracy!

Dude, it is a conspiracy if everyone knows it's happening?