So is Anti-Theism.
Are you intolerant of opinions that differ from your own?
Please, list a few.
What do you suggest doing about that?
1) What, exactly does anti-theism, whatever that is, have to do with anything we are discussing?
2) The Theory of Evolution is not merely an opinion. Neither is relativity, or any other scientific theory.
3) The eggheads who promote creationism, for instance, are doing so for one specific purpose, and that is to get religion back into the public schools. What's more, despite the fact that creationism is not science, they are promoting it to people as a scientific theory, and of course, nothing could be further from the truth. It was dismissed as such in the 19th century, and for good reason.
4) Facilities like the creation museum give children the wrong impression of science, and is detrimental to the advancement of science education.
Do I need to go on?
What needs to happen is for people who don't understand science to either get a an education and then stand in the professional publishing line with the rest of us or else stop interefering with the process. Creation science is not science, and so the people promoting it should not get the same consideration in academic circles or in our public schools. Like I've said before, if they can't come up with something better than "God did it", then they have no right pretending to the public that what geologists, paleontologists, cosmologists, and evolutionary biologsists know from hundreds of years of scientific research not to be true.
1) Noah's global flood? A myth
2) The world was created in 7 days? Fairy tale
3) Plate Tectonics? Real
4) Evolution does not violate the laws of thermodynamics
5) The Bible is not a science book.
Etc, etc, etc.