Six of the doctors came to the meeting with Pres. Obama because they were told that they were actually going to have the opportunity to speak with him about their issues his point of view on Healthcare reform. Three others brought a petition asking him to change his position on Healthcare reform. They did not get to discuss any issues with the president, but did deliver the petition.
As for the coats, several of the doctors were told that there opportunity to speak to the president was tied to the photo op and lab coats were part of that requirement. The lab coats were provided by the special interest lobby you suggest, but don't believe for a minute that that group represents doctors as a whole.
Next time you question someone's facts with second hand data, you may want to ask a few more questions and don't believe everything you read. I talked to people who were actually there.
I don't care about your's or anyone's issues with Beck. My point is that objectivity is a better place to have civil debate otherwise all we are a bunch of raving lunatics.
Well at least you've now admitted to everyone that in FACT it was an independent doctors group that brought the lab coats and it wasn't President Obama who went to a store or sent someone to a store to buy and hand out the lab coats for a photo op as you previously implied... that's progress I guess.
As far as Glenn Beck on this one I'm gonna have to call ya out and say this... GROW A PAIR don't run now!

Now you just don't care about people's issues with Beck?????? NO... you used Beck's hypocrisy, lying and stagging of fake tears and tried to extrapolate that over to The President of the United States of America on a complete and utter Red Herring. That's what you did... ACTUALLY STARTED A WHOLE THREAD ON. And are now busted for doing so...