Another Obama Payback!


Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2008
Isn't Obama on record stating he was going to bring us all together?
No class warfare?

How can he do that when he pulls crap like favoring the unions on health care?

Let's face it. Obama cares nothing for the majority of those that voted him in. He owes so much to the unions that they will get whatever they want while the rest of the country goes down in flames.

Democrats reach Deal with Unions

Democratic negotiators acceded to union demands for a scaled-back tax on high-end health-insurance plans, exempting union contracts from the tax until 2018, five years beyond the start date for other workers.

The deal helped Democrats clear a key hurdle, but the break for organized labor added to the pressure to find new revenue to pay for their health bill, which is designed to give coverage to tens of millions of uninsured Americans. Negotiators were considering increasing the financial hit on drug makers, nursing homes and medical-device makers, according to people familiar with the discussions.

The tax on high-value insurance plans was included in the Senate's version of the bill but not the House's, and has been one of the main unresolved issues as Democrats work to combine measures passed by the two chambers late last year.

Unions, as well as many House Democrats, are fiercely opposed to the tax on "Cadillac" insurance plans, which they say will hit many middle-class workers and undermine benefits won by unions.

President Barack Obama has supported the measure as a way to pay for the legislation and control overall health-care spending. The changes mean that the tax will raise about $90 billion over 10 years, down from $149 billion in the Senate bill, labor officials said.

Mr. Obama traveled to Capitol Hill to reassure House Democrats who feared a vote for the bill would be politically damaging. "I know how big a lift this has been. I see the polls," Mr. Obama said. He promised to wage a "great campaign from one end of the country to the other" to sell the legislation to the public should it become law.

Republicans seized on the delay for unionized workers to say the deal was unfair to workers not in unions, who would be forced to pay the tax five years earlier, starting in 2013.

"The White House and congressional Democrats are picking one group of workers over another," said Antonia Ferrier, spokeswoman for House Minority Leader John Boehner. "If this sounds discriminatory, well it is."

J.P. Fielder, a spokesman for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, said that like the unions, the business community didn't like the tax and supported scaling it back. But he said it seemed unfair for unionized workers to be exempted for five years when others were not.

In addition to softening the tax on high-end plans, Democrats plan to increase subsidies for lower earners to buy health insurance. To pay for such changes, Democrats are considering levying an additional $10 billion in fees on medical-device makers, for a total of $30 billion over 10 years. But it wasn't a done deal as the House was showing resistance.

Congressional negotiators have also told drug makers they were considering decreasing reimbursements under government health programs or increasing fees by an additional $10 billion over a decade, beyond the $80 billion in concessions the industry agreed last year, according to people familiar with the negotiations.

The union deal comes as the White House and congressional leaders pressed to reach a final agreement on key parts of health-care legislation by the weekend.

Top congressional Democrats negotiated with the president into the night Thursday, the second consecutive day of lengthy talks. They hoped to have an agreement ready for assessment by the Congressional Budget Office as soon as Friday.

Issues that have yet to be resolved, aides said, included how to structure the new exchanges where Americans would buy coverage, how much to increase the Medicare payroll tax, and how to handle restrictions on abortion coverage.

Union leaders pressed their case for the changes on the high-end insurance tax at two White House meetings this week, including a two-hour session with Mr. Obama.

The dispute threatened to drive a wedge between the White House and unions, which strongly backed Mr. Obama's presidential campaign. The president of the AFL-CIO, Richard Trumka, this week suggested that without changes to this provision, unions might be less likely to help Democrats on the ballot this fall and Republicans could take back the House. Another union threatened to pull support for the health bill, Mr. Obama's top legislative priority.

After Thursday's agreement, labor leaders had warmer words for the president and said they would promote the deal among Democrats.

Under the Senate bill, health insurers would have paid a 40% tax on premiums that exceed $8,500 annually for individuals, or $23,000 for family plans. The agreement reached Thursday raises those thresholds slightly, to $8,900 for individuals and $24,000 for families, with annual increases tied to one point above the Consumer Price Index, labor and White House officials said.

The threshold increases further if health-care costs rise faster than predicted between now and 2013, when the tax takes effect, officials said.

In addition, the value of dental and vision benefits wouldn't count toward the thresholds, and the threshold would rise further for plans where premiums were higher because the work force was older or had more women. There were also adjustments for 17 states with particularly high health costs.

"We think we've done a great job for all working Americans out there and that includes union members," Mr. Trumka said.

—Jonathan D. Rockoff and Janet Adamy contributed to this article.
I guess on the bright side, if he keeps cutting special deals with various special interests, PBO and the Dems might just decide to throw the whole thing out. If they have one iota of intelligence they've got to realize that they cannot make this monstrosity work by putting it 100% on the backs of the "filthy rich."

Then again, perhaps not...

Ross Perot said:
The first thing you will hear is a giant sucking sound and that will be all our jobs going out if the country.

Of course, that was strictly in regards to NAFTA, and pales in comparison to what has happened since the pronouncement of Candidate Obama at the 2008 Democrat Convention... If we have no better reason to offer to businessmen, entrepreneurs and the capital venturesome they will have no good reason to remain here rather than somewhere else in this global marketplace.

And the REAL sucking sound can begin!
obama thinks we are all mentally retarded slaves who dont understand how the PRIVATE federal reserve bank works... or how the fractional reserve banking in wich it operates.................

do we?
Isn't Obama on record stating he was going to bring us all together?
No class warfare?

How can he do that when he pulls crap like favoring the unions on health care?

Let's face it. Obama cares nothing for the majority of those that voted him in. He owes so much to the unions that they will get whatever they want while the rest of the country goes down in flames.

Democrats reach Deal with Unions

Democratic negotiators acceded to union demands for a scaled-back tax on high-end health-insurance plans, exempting union contracts from the tax until 2018, five years beyond the start date for other workers.

The deal helped Democrats clear a key hurdle, but the break for organized labor added to the pressure to find new revenue to pay for their health bill, which is designed to give coverage to tens of millions of uninsured Americans. Negotiators were considering increasing the financial hit on drug makers, nursing homes and medical-device makers, according to people familiar with the discussions.

The tax on high-value insurance plans was included in the Senate's version of the bill but not the House's, and has been one of the main unresolved issues as Democrats work to combine measures passed by the two chambers late last year.

Unions, as well as many House Democrats, are fiercely opposed to the tax on "Cadillac" insurance plans, which they say will hit many middle-class workers and undermine benefits won by unions.

President Barack Obama has supported the measure as a way to pay for the legislation and control overall health-care spending. The changes mean that the tax will raise about $90 billion over 10 years, down from $149 billion in the Senate bill, labor officials said.

Mr. Obama traveled to Capitol Hill to reassure House Democrats who feared a vote for the bill would be politically damaging. "I know how big a lift this has been. I see the polls," Mr. Obama said. He promised to wage a "great campaign from one end of the country to the other" to sell the legislation to the public should it become law.

Republicans seized on the delay for unionized workers to say the deal was unfair to workers not in unions, who would be forced to pay the tax five years earlier, starting in 2013.

"The White House and congressional Democrats are picking one group of workers over another," said Antonia Ferrier, spokeswoman for House Minority Leader John Boehner. "If this sounds discriminatory, well it is."

J.P. Fielder, a spokesman for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, said that like the unions, the business community didn't like the tax and supported scaling it back. But he said it seemed unfair for unionized workers to be exempted for five years when others were not.

In addition to softening the tax on high-end plans, Democrats plan to increase subsidies for lower earners to buy health insurance. To pay for such changes, Democrats are considering levying an additional $10 billion in fees on medical-device makers, for a total of $30 billion over 10 years. But it wasn't a done deal as the House was showing resistance.

Congressional negotiators have also told drug makers they were considering decreasing reimbursements under government health programs or increasing fees by an additional $10 billion over a decade, beyond the $80 billion in concessions the industry agreed last year, according to people familiar with the negotiations.

The union deal comes as the White House and congressional leaders pressed to reach a final agreement on key parts of health-care legislation by the weekend.

Top congressional Democrats negotiated with the president into the night Thursday, the second consecutive day of lengthy talks. They hoped to have an agreement ready for assessment by the Congressional Budget Office as soon as Friday.

Issues that have yet to be resolved, aides said, included how to structure the new exchanges where Americans would buy coverage, how much to increase the Medicare payroll tax, and how to handle restrictions on abortion coverage.

Union leaders pressed their case for the changes on the high-end insurance tax at two White House meetings this week, including a two-hour session with Mr. Obama.

The dispute threatened to drive a wedge between the White House and unions, which strongly backed Mr. Obama's presidential campaign. The president of the AFL-CIO, Richard Trumka, this week suggested that without changes to this provision, unions might be less likely to help Democrats on the ballot this fall and Republicans could take back the House. Another union threatened to pull support for the health bill, Mr. Obama's top legislative priority.

After Thursday's agreement, labor leaders had warmer words for the president and said they would promote the deal among Democrats.

Under the Senate bill, health insurers would have paid a 40% tax on premiums that exceed $8,500 annually for individuals, or $23,000 for family plans. The agreement reached Thursday raises those thresholds slightly, to $8,900 for individuals and $24,000 for families, with annual increases tied to one point above the Consumer Price Index, labor and White House officials said.

The threshold increases further if health-care costs rise faster than predicted between now and 2013, when the tax takes effect, officials said.

In addition, the value of dental and vision benefits wouldn't count toward the thresholds, and the threshold would rise further for plans where premiums were higher because the work force was older or had more women. There were also adjustments for 17 states with particularly high health costs.

"We think we've done a great job for all working Americans out there and that includes union members," Mr. Trumka said.

—Jonathan D. Rockoff and Janet Adamy contributed to this article.

I am a government worker/union member and I think what he did is disgusting.
Seems that this is illegal, if its not it should be.
Legality? That doesn't concern the politician from Chicago. When has legality ever been a high priority in Chicago or practiced by someone from their ranks?

It's absurd to think that Obama gives a rats a$$ about what legal. He just wants to give away as much free crap as he can to buy more votes. That's as plain and simple as it is.
Just to drop some knowlage on you, since you seem to be lacking

This is how politics guys act like Republicans never take into account what there base thinks , they just act and say damn if we listen! Health care does not pass with the Unions against it...thus , you have to get the Unions to support it , or you have nothing...thats how it works, its that simple...

Republicans want to pass some new Bill ...and the Christian Right is very against know what happens? they don't get it, or the bow to them and give them what they need to support the bill. Don't believe me, I got a bridge to sell you.

And I will take the Unions any day over the Christian Right...
I don't want you taxing my HC plan to pay for anything.. I pay for mine you pay for yours and we can all be happyt. I don't understand why I should be punished because my union has gotten me a good deal on my healthcare plan. This monstrosity needs to drown a speedy death. The socialist desire to make me pay for everyones healthcare needs to be halted in its tracks. If you can fund this without rasing or implementing new taxes then have at it. But as soon as you tell me I have to pay for it over and above my own cost it is then time to cut the head off the chicken.
I don't want you taxing my HC plan to pay for anything.. I pay for mine you pay for yours and we can all be happyt. I don't understand why I should be punished because my union has gotten me a good deal on my healthcare plan. This monstrosity needs to drown a speedy death. The socialist desire to make me pay for everyones healthcare needs to be halted in its tracks. If you can fund this without rasing or implementing new taxes then have at it. But as soon as you tell me I have to pay for it over and above my own cost it is then time to cut the head off the chicken.

sir, does this have anything to do with the color of obamas skin?
That and the fact they'd rather cut off their nose to spite their own face rather than admit Americans are in as healthcare crisis and actually do something about it.:cool:

It's not a crisis! The only reason it is called a crisis is so the left can get more support and scare Americans to support something.

Just like stimulus and climate change. Everything has to be labeled a crisis!

Having Obama in the Whitehouse is a definite crisis though!
It's not a crisis! The only reason it is called a crisis is so the left can get more support and scare Americans to support something.

Just like stimulus and climate change. Everything has to be labeled a crisis!

Having Obama in the Whitehouse is a definite crisis though!

sir, i am in by no means implying you are a racist...but by any chance does your dislike for baraak have to do with his color?
sir, i am in by no means implying you are a racist...but by any chance does your dislike for baraak have to do with his color?
Strictly his policies. I was against some of Bush's policies as well. Especially the medicare advantage, and tarp.
Strictly his policies. I was against some of Bush's policies as well. Especially the medicare advantage, and tarp. my opinion you are a card carrying klansman... hey the media tells me you have to be racist to dislike obama...the media would not lie...

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