From Stanford University?There is of course that scenario and its being written about and peer reviewed by many established and reputable institutes and organisations but again it has to go back to why? Look at the link within the article to where this 10 times faster comes from....
Whose climate models? Have these models been peer reviewed? Have they been stress tested? Are they based on current analytical algorithms etc. etc. etc. the questions go on and on. There is a view within a section of the scientific community that the study and teaching of climate/meteorology and heat transfer etc. being provided to the governmental/non-governmental bodies is like children put in a dark room and telling ghost stories - the longer they are in there the more dramatic stories become the more scared they get. Finally the message that emerges from these sessions bears little relation to the actual state of affairs.
We're already seeing more extremes of weather, just as predicted. The 10 times figure may or may not be accurate, as the question still is being debated as to how much warming is natural and how much is human caused. Some of the models tell us that there should be a natural cooling trend just now.
The problem with the uncertainties is that the non scientists see it as proof that AGW is a hoax.
Maybe perpetrated by China. That's what the president says anyway.