All men are indeed equals, and men in this generic term includes women.
Good so far.
A woman feels she does not wish to have a child, so she opts for termination.
But how quickly they stumble. Shall we review the DOI again?
Declaration of Independence said:
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
If we are to accept that LIFE is an INALIENABLE RIGHT, then by what "right" does a woman murder the life that she herself chose to create? Is it your contention that the woman is ........GOD????
That she, and she alone has the power of life and death?? I fear not, since by the very text of the Constitution, specifically the 5th Amendment, clearly states that
5th Amendment said:
"No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, ... nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law;"
Now, given that ANYTHING that can result in someones life being terminated IS a capital offense, according to the Constitution, BEFORE you may terminate that persons life, you must first empanel a Grand Jury, and they must forward an Indictment, after which the ACCUSED must be arrested and formally charged with that crime, they must have their bail hearing in a court of law in front of a Judge and represented by competent legal counsel, and all of this BEFORE they are tried, again in a court of law, in front of a jury of their peers, which must decide the case based on the facts and evidence presented in court against them, and even if they are found guilty, there are layers of appeals that MUST be afforded to the accused LONG before they can be executed.
The argument then arises that this child does not have the choice of pursuing happiness. But alas, the child cannot pursue happiness, since as a fetus it has NO CONCEPT of happiness, it has no concept of anything and thus, her right to this supersedes that of the intangible, and what is suggest as nonexistent, consciousness.
Strawman. The child is being PREVENTED from pursuing happiness by being MURDERED.
Your arguments revolve around the right of a non conscious life form in lieu of the right of a conscious and able minded individual. Let's take for example a comatose victim, is it right to pull the plug? If so, why, if not, why not? It is the termination of a "human" life as you call the fetus, it differs only in age, but not in what it is as a person.
Again, you continue to rely on "facts not in evidence". You have asserted that the child is not conscious, support your allegation, or admit that it is fallacious.
The differences in dealing with a comatose individual, and an inutero child is that prior to removing the comatose person from life support, an exhaustive series of tests is required to ensure that there is little/no hope of the comatose person every regaining conciousness. If there is even the slightest possibility that they will regain conciousness, then life support may not be removed. Also, prior to removing a comatose person from life support (lacking a DNR signed by that person), a court must also sign off on the request, or in Constitutional terms, their 5th Amendment Rights have been secured. In an abortion, the child has every possibility of being delivered fully conscious and functional in less than 9 months, and in the case of abortion, the childs 5th Amendment Rights are completely ignored.
Volunteering is never a forced choice, and by your very words the use of her internal organs to support a fetus is purely voluntary, she has the right to cease the voluntary use thereof.
I fear that you have contradicted yourself. Once she has volunteered to take on the responsibility for the very life of the child, she may not retract that responsibility, as it will result in the death of the child. Using your previous comatose victim analogy, once a hospital takes on the responsibility for a destitute comatose victim, they cannot arbitrarily decide to remove that person from life support simply because "they no longer desire to support him". They have assumed the responsibility, and they must see it through until such time as appropriate legal remedy has been reached to transfer that person to another facility, or have their life support terminated.