Me, you and everyone else. We are all just talking monkeys who cannot possibly make that connection. You expect too much from humans.Your own intellectual limitations do not change the facts. You only expose your own inability to wrap your mind around the biological reality.
You, as all others would snatch up the children, regardless of any intellectual protests. And you would likely shed very public tears for the poor souls left behind in the dishes at the memorial service.Logial fallacy. False delimma. Which I would choose to rescue is irrelavent. Either way, human beings are left behind to burn. That is the sort of loaded question that very poor debaters resort to. I could say that 6 children were in the room. A white child, a native american child, a chinese child, a black child, a korean child, and an hispanic child and you can only get two out. No matter which two you take, I get to accuse you of racism for leaving the others. It is a foolish senario and means nothing.
Or perhaps due to your answer(a dodge...something about not knowing what we would do...was it not something like that?) to the same question, have realized that your disingenuous answer last time indicated the extent of your dishonesty and became disinterested. You are not exactly the type to garner lots of new friends.You will notice that my previous "inquisitors" have scattered to the tall grass.
Not only are your victories legion, they are only surpassed by your tremendous ego.My victories are legion. 45 is approximately the number which have taken an anti abortion on demand position as the result of my arguments.
I have never had a serious political discussion with more than a handful of people in my entire life. If you have actually had an extensive discussion with enough people that you have actually converted 45 to your point of view, you must be someone to avoid at parties. Maybe they tell you that they now agree with you just to get rid of you.