Of course you do.

It is evident in every word you write.

Go back through our posts mare and tell me who is emotional. I am so unemotional that I have been called "cold" and you yourself acused me of being emotionless. Now you claim that my emotions run over my intellect. You are one of the most basicly dishonest people I have come across mare. You simply fabricate whatever you need at a particular moment to make a point.
I have to admit that at first I took you seriously, but you calling me a liar all the time and misquoting me has become such a farce that I often laugh out loud while reading your posts. You ARE an interesting dichotomy of soulless coldness as you advocate chopping people limb from limb to tear the secrets--that you believe they have--out of them. You present yourself as being almost sharklike--a compassionless torturing machine. On the other hand you are sooooooooooo! wrapped up in your emotional involvement with fetuses that you are practically bleeding through the eyes. It's an interesting combination. Around abortion your emotions run over your intellect like a bus over a ground squirrel. Don't feel bad though, no one is really consistent all the time--women are often accused of being fickle so I guess we can cut you a little slack for being so too.
More lies mare.

While I am a laboratory kind of guy (science is how I make my living) I have never said that I don't have religious leanings. I simply keep my religious beliefs out of the discussion when logic and fact will do the job better. If my position sounds like catholic dogma to you, then you might consider that the catholics sound like scientists.
For many scientists, science is a religion with just as much dogma as any church. Your religious beliefs come out in what you advocate despite your attempts to "keep" them out of the discussion. Your adherence to the "spark" that makes us different from animals is without scientific proof. Coyote is right, as we discover things about animals we have to define ourselves differently. At one time we were the only tool-using animal, but when we discovered that chimps made tools and used them we had to find another way to define our superiority. We were the only animal with language, then we were the only animal that laughed, and the list went on and on. Each time we discover that animals are more like us than we used to think, we come up with a new definition to make ourselves special. Do you sacrifice animals in your laboratory?
There is nothing philosophical about the food chain mare. We are at the top of the food chain because we are the most highly developed predator on the face of the earth. One can philosophize about the fact that we know it and understand the consequences of our actions, but there is nothing philosophical about our position on the food chain. We are at the top of the food chain not because we can be but because we ARE. If we ate nothing but vegetables, we would remain at the top of the food chain because we would still be the top predator on the planet, we would have just chosen to eat vegetables.
There is nothing philosophical about anything to those who can't recognize philosophy. There are none so blind as those who will
not see. We could choose to be the most developed predator on Earth or we could choose not to, fear drives most of us to be as powerful as we can be. Our choices make us what we are.
No. We don't choose to be at the top. That is just where we are. And if you think that sounds religious, I would suggest that for some very strange reason, you are unable to differentiate between science and religion. I don't think I have ever encountered anyone else who couldn't tell science from religion.
Well, you don't seem to be doing too good a job of it. Special Spark Pale sounds pretty Catholic in his pronouncements and attitudes. It tickles me to think that you may very well be concealing your Catholicism because you don't want to admit where your combination of compassion and violence comes from.
But I'm just a woman, what could I know--shoot, the Catholic church used to maintain that we didn't even have souls. I don't hate you, Pale, you're too much fun to hate. For me, you have become an interesting specimen. There is a wonderful "smiley" action figure that illustrates how I feel about you, it's a little yellow person using a stick to tentatively poke at a nondescript lump on the ground. No hate, Pale, disgust with your blind misogyny, yes, disappointment at your shortsightedness, yes, but no hate. Thanks for writing, it's good to see that you aren't constipated.