Zionist strategy since the mid 19th century has been mainly concerned with taking as much land in Palestine
by any means necessary.
When the Ottoman empire ruled the area, bribery and corruption were the preferred tools.
When the British reduced immigration zionist terrorism was used to drive them out.
When the British left, the new state of Israel, drove out huge numbers of Palestinians off their land.
Large numbers of massacres were carried out.
We do not hear ANYTHING about these atrocities, of course.
Israel , as admitted by Begin, started the 1967 war and acquired much more land.
The West Bank is still under occupation and now populated by ILLEGAL settlements.
International law prohibits building settlements on occupied territory.
The West Bank is still Jordanian territory.
And now Gaza.
My prediction is that the Palestinians, mostly refugees,will be driven off their land and be forced by warfare out
of Gaza.
Hamas, promoted by Israel as a counter to the PLO have played their part well.
Who benefits ?
Comrade Stalin
Victorious in The Donbass