No. That's murder......but, what should anyone really expect, from someone who's used to making his own "rules".
No it is not. Declared war is murder?
No. That's murder......but, what should anyone really expect, from someone who's used to making his own "rules".
But BigRob, I am still waiting to hear your principle that states that the foetus has a right to life that Iraqi civilians and those wrongly executed don't have.
I know this is really hard for you because there is no answer to that which makes sense and that the honourable thing to do would be to admit that the point leaves your pro life stance completely exposed for the nonesense that it is.
But as a moderator you should display some kind of reason and that means that you should either explain this apparent contradiction or accept it and change your views.
.....Even if someone (in some other country) has decided their homeland is the "official-battleground" for the War Against Terrorism....without any input from the people living there???![]()
So, then.....if we're gonna be consistant, here....when someone (from some other country) decides your real-estate is now "officially" a war-zone....the local-residents' concerns are of Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Dresden & The World Trade Towers....correct?Yes...
You killed your last fetus out-of-conveneince....and, now you stand in-judgement of others?? That makes sense, to you??In a legally declared war people will die. In the case of a wrongly convicted person, they had trials and appeals. In the case of a fetus, they are simply killed out of convenience.
Your answers are risible.
You behave as though killing people in war and execution is unavoidable.
With the death penalty all you have to do is abolish it and bingo, no more innocent people murderd by the state.
If you don't think the lives of those innocent people are worth something as simple as that your stance as a pro lifer is laughable.
And as god aborts more foetuses than anyone it can't be that bad can it?
If you want to hold a trial by jury for every baby you abort and convict them of murder, then you can go ahead and abort them.
BigRob, try to read and understand the following.
I am talking about the death of innocent people either by wrongful execution or by civilians being bombed in warfare.
One group did get a trial which was inadequate (as many trials are) and the others got no trial.
This makes the last point you made about convicting foetuses not only ridiculous but irrelevant.
Stop inventing my arguments to facillitate a response and try answering what I actually say.
God aborts more foetuses than anyone.
Why don't you hold funerals for them?