Well, you have to admit, you guys get 'Change you can believe in', even though you may find it 'unbelievable!'.
Obama's massive stimulus plan, could be the first step of the final nail that knocks US off the edge into the abyss of full blown bankruptcy. The lesson of the abject failure of the first $350bn, seems to have taught economists nothing. You can add that to the billions being injected across the globe, for all others trying desperately to create fake balance sheets for their big businesses too.
You know you really have to worry, when you see Walmart stocks rising. Things like that usually happen before a major fall. ( What seems like 'growth' to them, merely tells you that more people have very much less money to spend)
A really large % of the US population will see ZERO benefit from stimulus, as most of that will evaporate into the bank accounts of a few under the guise of 'loss'and 'corporate expenditure'.
Institutions suddenly 'became' banks, just to access these funds. Instead of the senate immediately outlawing that from the outset, it fabulously materialised into reality with such ease , so you have to question the credibility of ALL the legislators. How incredible that people accusing others of being asleep at the switch, are actually asleep at the switch themselves .
Legislators, are actually brilliant about passing bills that should never exist, and finding extreme difficulty in doing things that are actually necessary.
Isn't it amazing that taxpayers money, is being used to buy 'Liabilities' ( troubled '' assets) ? Thats like saying 'Rotten apples for sale...don't miss your chance to invest in this spectacular deal'!'
They then go on to rationalise how this can all actually become 'good' for the taxpayer
Obama comes along to say ' YES WE CAN' , and continues the spree of spreading not only taxpayers money, but 'borrowed' money as well. Legislators supposedly weren't happy with the way the first lot disappeared, but hurry through legislation on more.
Its amazing to watch these 'experts' at work.
You cannot expect much from an administration that still advocates 'Free Markets..no protection..no regulation' - the consequences will be dire indeed. Of course, thats all easily rationalised . It'll be interesting to see just how much the American people can actually swallow before mass demonstrations, rioting and anarchy start to get aimed fully at the Whitehouse.
While a larger % of the population is still relatively personally unaffected by all thats happening, its only a matter of time until disaster spreads to the front door of all. Now, you see just the beginnings of what will worsen through 2009/2010. Jobs are being erased at a daily rate thats even scary in just official figures.
The economy cannot revive, until any stimulus can address the regeneration of the job market. Unfortunately, Obama's stimulus can only address job creation in a very fractional way. At the current rate of unemployment, for every 1 job he creates, 3 may be lost and no taxpayers money will be recovered, further increasing the deficit.
I'd not really comment on the gloom, if I had no solution to offer. I did contact the transition team, and various state departments, senators offices etc. Listening however, is not up to me
Sometimes, as is the nature of mankind..it takes a full blown collapse for governments to listen. Until that time, leaders will continue their efforts in vain...not just in US, but across the globe.
By mid 2009, you will see China also suffer massive job losses because at the moment, they're busy trying to cover up the realities too. Why else would a nation confident of 9% growth, use 'stimulus' ??
While a few legislators may be critical, what are their comments really worth ? All that becomes is an 'I told you so' sometime down the line.
I suppose many will watch the inauguration..the tears..the big talk , all over again, and perhaps begin to really wonder what they truly voted for. 'Change' is a constant, and guaranteed , its the results that are important.
If the current choices in the team selections are not sounding very encouraging to Republicans, and Democrats alike, then you can be sure that these are very early red flags.
A leader that cannot take relevant instruction and solid advice, is a detriment to himself, and the nation. Disasters however, are avoidable, when leaders have the presence of mind, to actually 'listen'.
Obama's massive stimulus plan, could be the first step of the final nail that knocks US off the edge into the abyss of full blown bankruptcy. The lesson of the abject failure of the first $350bn, seems to have taught economists nothing. You can add that to the billions being injected across the globe, for all others trying desperately to create fake balance sheets for their big businesses too.
You know you really have to worry, when you see Walmart stocks rising. Things like that usually happen before a major fall. ( What seems like 'growth' to them, merely tells you that more people have very much less money to spend)
A really large % of the US population will see ZERO benefit from stimulus, as most of that will evaporate into the bank accounts of a few under the guise of 'loss'and 'corporate expenditure'.
Institutions suddenly 'became' banks, just to access these funds. Instead of the senate immediately outlawing that from the outset, it fabulously materialised into reality with such ease , so you have to question the credibility of ALL the legislators. How incredible that people accusing others of being asleep at the switch, are actually asleep at the switch themselves .
Legislators, are actually brilliant about passing bills that should never exist, and finding extreme difficulty in doing things that are actually necessary.
Isn't it amazing that taxpayers money, is being used to buy 'Liabilities' ( troubled '' assets) ? Thats like saying 'Rotten apples for sale...don't miss your chance to invest in this spectacular deal'!'
They then go on to rationalise how this can all actually become 'good' for the taxpayer

Obama comes along to say ' YES WE CAN' , and continues the spree of spreading not only taxpayers money, but 'borrowed' money as well. Legislators supposedly weren't happy with the way the first lot disappeared, but hurry through legislation on more.
Its amazing to watch these 'experts' at work.
You cannot expect much from an administration that still advocates 'Free Markets..no protection..no regulation' - the consequences will be dire indeed. Of course, thats all easily rationalised . It'll be interesting to see just how much the American people can actually swallow before mass demonstrations, rioting and anarchy start to get aimed fully at the Whitehouse.
While a larger % of the population is still relatively personally unaffected by all thats happening, its only a matter of time until disaster spreads to the front door of all. Now, you see just the beginnings of what will worsen through 2009/2010. Jobs are being erased at a daily rate thats even scary in just official figures.
The economy cannot revive, until any stimulus can address the regeneration of the job market. Unfortunately, Obama's stimulus can only address job creation in a very fractional way. At the current rate of unemployment, for every 1 job he creates, 3 may be lost and no taxpayers money will be recovered, further increasing the deficit.
I'd not really comment on the gloom, if I had no solution to offer. I did contact the transition team, and various state departments, senators offices etc. Listening however, is not up to me

By mid 2009, you will see China also suffer massive job losses because at the moment, they're busy trying to cover up the realities too. Why else would a nation confident of 9% growth, use 'stimulus' ??
While a few legislators may be critical, what are their comments really worth ? All that becomes is an 'I told you so' sometime down the line.
I suppose many will watch the inauguration..the tears..the big talk , all over again, and perhaps begin to really wonder what they truly voted for. 'Change' is a constant, and guaranteed , its the results that are important.
If the current choices in the team selections are not sounding very encouraging to Republicans, and Democrats alike, then you can be sure that these are very early red flags.
A leader that cannot take relevant instruction and solid advice, is a detriment to himself, and the nation. Disasters however, are avoidable, when leaders have the presence of mind, to actually 'listen'.