4 Years ago Obama promised he will end the war. 4 Years later were still fighting Bushs war!


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
So Why hasnt he done so? We caught Bin Laden and killed him so why are we still fighting? That was our mission is to capture and kill Bin Laden. So why are we still fighting? Rememder it took a republican to end the vietnam war. So why arent democrats and Obama ending it? Its very simple. Just stop the battle and come on home and declare victory!
So Why hasnt he done so? We caught Bin Laden and killed him so why are we still fighting? That was our mission is to capture and kill Bin Laden. So why are we still fighting? Rememder it took a republican to end the vietnam war. So why arent democrats and Obama ending it? Its very simple. Just stop the battle and come on home and declare victory!

He has ended the war in Iraq, and the troops in Afghanistan have started to withdraw and should be totally out in one year.
He NEVER said he would remove the troops immediately.

And.. .declare victory? What victory? You mean. . .a "victory" like the one we had in Vietnam?

What a joke! You are a really funny guy! You mean, you want us to put our tail between our legs and run away like we did in Vietnam? I wouldn't mind. . .but I bet all those "patriots" couldn't stand the shame of it!
He did declare victory (went off rhe telepromptor) and quite a lot of surrogate walkback ensued. seems that "one year" isnt happening either.

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