101 million...

And if you take a minimum wage job, do you expect to get rich?

It also includes people like waiters who work for less than minimum wage, but end up making far more via tips. And yes, if you cannot afford an apartment or a house on your own, then you get roommates to offset the cost...you shop at dollar store, etc. As for healthcare, I cannot give you an exact quote on that since that depends on the person's individual health.

This statement does not reflect any reality.

In the real world the amount of people surviving on one earner making minimum wage is 2% (on the high end) of those receiving government food aid -- so let's stop pretending this is the whole issue.

Then don't drop out of school, and make your work more valuable.

In what reality is the job of a CEO and a cashier the same? Why possible argument is there as to why these people's work should hold the same value?

No one said to make the CEO and Cashire pay the same...But there was a time when the CEO and the workers pay where not 400 times apart from each other on average. But if your content with a growing majority of people being paid less and less...to the point where a full time job can't even give you a home , health care, food and not have to have 6 room mates to do it. SO be it, enjoy your 2 Americas. the Rich and the Poor. Because thats where this nation is going..And I say a single parent and you say stay in school...well what the fuck does that mean? Single parent= drop out. Go look around and the job market still...College students are half the time worse off these days as they get low end jobs and have huge debt.

The Rich and Upper middle class are fine with the rest being paid peanuts because it makes the middle class feel better keeping costs down while the rich rape them as well.

One day the rich are going to pay for it..


YOu know the history of nations when the rich get rich and the poor get poor....
No one said to make the CEO and Cashire pay the same...But there was a time when the CEO and the workers pay where not 400 times apart from each other on average.

Are you worse off because someone else makes more money than you? You still have not answered the question of why a "wealth gap" is even relevant?

But if your content with a growing majority of people being paid less and less...to the point where a full time job can't even give you a home , health care, food and not have to have 6 room mates to do it. SO be it, enjoy your 2 Americas. the Rich and the Poor. Because thats where this nation is going..

At some point we all have to adapt and compete, or not. Those that do adapt and compete will end up ahead.

And I say a single parent and you say stay in school...well what the fuck does that mean? Single parent= drop out.

It means that statistically (as I pointed out) those over 25 (who are generally out of school) and making minimum wage are barely a blip on the radar of the original 101 million figure that was cited on those getting food aid.

Go look around and the job market still...College students are half the time worse off these days as they get low end jobs and have huge debt.

Go look around as well -- and see people who paid $40,000 a year to major in British Literature. Big shock they can't get a job to pay that off.

The Rich and Upper middle class are fine with the rest being paid peanuts because it makes the middle class feel better keeping costs down while the rich rape them as well.

One day the rich are going to pay for it..

YOu know the history of nations when the rich get rich and the poor get poor....

Great -- the poor can rise up and run the country...and drive all the job creators elsewhere. Sounds like a great plan.
according to the letter to Obama from the Union bosses, Obamacare is going to blow up the middle class.

Funny how a utopian socialist program and distributing the wealth is going to bring about two classes of people and destroy the unions.
according to the letter to Obama from the Union bosses, Obamacare is going to blow up the middle class.

Funny how a utopian socialist program and distributing the wealth is going to bring about two classes of people and destroy the unions.

Yes! Obamacare is typical of most things the elite Left push. The very people they CLAIM to be helping, they are hurting and consequences be damned.
does no one ever consider that the "working class" has steadily regressed in their skills (reading writin etc) and rendered themselves less valuable ? and if you tack on the fact that the working class elsewhere in the world has done the opposite AND that necessary skills have increased all the while... well its a miracle that gap is ONLY 400%.