101 million...

Or both, fact is companies are making billions, there top people making Millions, and they are paying there workers so little they can't make it without government help...They did a study of a walmart in WI, and found it cost the taxpayers 300,000 to pay for its workers that it does not pay enough.

Who is "they"? And what exactly constitutes "making it"?

Top People at walmart make Millions

So what?

there workforce will get paid the min wage, 20 hours at a time with no benefits. And have at times even had walmart tell there workers how to get help from the government. Now the Republican position is, fuck the workers they are lazy...the Left has pushed for companies to actually pay there workers.

Since when was minimum wage designed to support a family? And since when were people entitled to benefits at work? The workers are Walmart are not lazy generally (there are probably lazy workers in every job), but I don't see why you would think you can take a menial job and live the high life.
I'll never understand the leftist's thinking. If a job doesn't pay you enough to live on, then go find one that does.
Who is "they"? And what exactly constitutes "making it"?

So what?

Since when was minimum wage designed to support a family? And since when were people entitled to benefits at work? The workers are Walmart are not lazy generally (there are probably lazy workers in every job), but I don't see why you would think you can take a menial job and live the high life.

You can't live the high life....you can't afford rent and food

And you can say so what...but one day the poor will start killing the rich and I am not going to care one bit.

I belive that workers should be well paid for there work...you can be fine with workers being fucked over so the rich can get richer.
You can't live the high life....you can't afford rent and food

And you can say so what...but one day the poor will start killing the rich and I am not going to care one bit.

I belive that workers should be well paid for there work...you can be fine with workers being fucked over so the rich can get richer.
Spoken like a true socialist ...

How's that wacko ideology worked out for Europe?

In fact, please mention any time throughout history that that kind of insanity has EVER provided anything for the people ....

Wacko leftist .... Go Figure!
Spoken like a true socialist ...

How's that wacko ideology worked out for Europe?

In fact, please mention any time throughout history that that kind of insanity has EVER provided anything for the people ....

Wacko leftist .... Go Figure!

As the wealth gap grows, the more this nation will fall...as that happens...the more at risk the rich are at being killed by those they stood on the backs of....Its not a Ideology...its a fact.
As the wealth gap grows, the more this nation will fall...as that happens...the more at risk the rich are at being killed by those they stood on the backs of....Its not a Ideology...its a fact.
Yes ....

We have seen this happen in many socialist european countries throughout the decades.

I agree it will certainly happen in this Country as well if we don't get rid of our socialist dictator and return to our capitalist roots!
You can't live the high life....you can't afford rent and food

You can most likely afford rent and food...just not where you would ideally like to live. Again, budget to live on the money you make. Don't decide you must have X, Y, and Z and then determine since your salary is to low you must deserve more money.

And you can say so what...but one day the poor will start killing the rich and I am not going to care one bit.

I suppose that will get them all jobs and make them so much better off. o_O

I belive that workers should be well paid for there work...you can be fine with workers being fucked over so the rich can get richer.

I believe people should be paid fairly for their work as well. But not all work is of equal value. Why should someone who dropped out of high school and took a job at Burger King make the same as someone who is well educated and manages a multimillion dollar company? The fact is that they should not, and rightfully so.

People should be paid a fair wage for the value of their work. Stocking a shelf at Walmart simply does not hold the same value as overseeing the entire company.
As the wealth gap grows, the more this nation will fall...as that happens...the more at risk the rich are at being killed by those they stood on the backs of....Its not a Ideology...its a fact.

Why is the wealth gap relevant? If the top 10,000 richest people in the United States all took their money and left the country it would close the "wealth gap" right? But how does this make you any better off?
You can most likely afford rent and food...just not where you would ideally like to live. Again, budget to live on the money you make. Don't decide you must have X, Y, and Z and then determine since your salary is to low you must deserve more money.

I suppose that will get them all jobs and make them so much better off. o_O

I believe people should be paid fairly for their work as well. But not all work is of equal value. Why should someone who dropped out of high school and took a job at Burger King make the same as someone who is well educated and manages a multimillion dollar company? The fact is that they should not, and rightfully so.

People should be paid a fair wage for the value of their work. Stocking a shelf at Walmart simply does not hold the same value as overseeing the entire company.

full time job min wage pays you about 1000 a month..
Where in the hell can you live on that in the US...With Health care.
full time job min wage pays you about 1000 a month..
Where in the hell can you live on that in the US...With Health care.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics stated that:
"For 2011, just over half of all workers paid at or below the federal minimum wage were aged 25 and above, representing 1,933,000 people."

So, 2,000,000 people we can assume are of the age that they are out of school, and might be working to support their family on this job. What does this number shrink to when you remove those that have no children or dependents? What does this number shrink to when you take out those that have another earner in the family? I would be willing to bet it gets pretty low. And let's face it, 2 million on the front end is pretty low anyway when you put it in a context of 101 million who are getting some food benefits.

And yes, I would wager you could live on that if you are by yourself. Live with roommates (or just rent a room), don't have a car, don't have cable tv etc....live on the money that you are earning. And most places will give you a raise if you stay there -- even Walmart increases your pay the longer you work there.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics stated that:
"For 2011, just over half of all workers paid at or below the federal minimum wage were aged 25 and above, representing 1,933,000 people."

So, 2,000,000 people we can assume are of the age that they are out of school, and might be working to support their family on this job. What does this number shrink to when you remove those that have no children or dependents? What does this number shrink to when you take out those that have another earner in the family? I would be willing to bet it gets pretty low. And let's face it, 2 million on the front end is pretty low anyway when you put it in a context of 101 million who are getting some food benefits.

And yes, I would wager you could live on that if you are by yourself. Live with roommates (or just rent a room), don't have a car, don't have cable tv etc....live on the money that you are earning. And most places will give you a raise if you stay there -- even Walmart increases your pay the longer you work there.
At or below the minimum wage? So just who is being paid below the minimum wage?

Disabled people can get a special permit from the dept of labor to work at wages below minimum wage because they would rarely be hired above minimum wage, it makes them feel fulfilled, they gain experience to move on to other jobs, and the get benefits anyway. They are also a larger part of the work force than one might imagine.

Illegals often work below minimum wage. But then again they are often given free housing by their employers and don't pay taxes (or worse yet get a refund) so they might even come out ahead.

I don't think either of these groups should be counted in that statistic if the goal is to determine how many adults trying to support a family earn minimum wage or less.

Many people earning minimum wage also get gov benefits.

And I think it is a great service that Walmart is providing by hiring people at lower wages so those people can, finish school, gain work experience, move up the ladder, and eventually go on to other jobs that pay more. If you are not one of those people who needs experience then you will be getting a job somewhere else anyway. An exception might be the greeter who is retired anyway.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics stated that:
"For 2011, just over half of all workers paid at or below the federal minimum wage were aged 25 and above, representing 1,933,000 people."

So, 2,000,000 people we can assume are of the age that they are out of school, and might be working to support their family on this job. What does this number shrink to when you remove those that have no children or dependents? What does this number shrink to when you take out those that have another earner in the family? I would be willing to bet it gets pretty low. And let's face it, 2 million on the front end is pretty low anyway when you put it in a context of 101 million who are getting some food benefits.

And yes, I would wager you could live on that if you are by yourself. Live with roommates (or just rent a room), don't have a car, don't have cable tv etc....live on the money that you are earning. And most places will give you a raise if you stay there -- even Walmart increases your pay the longer you work there.

first min wage level...is below poverty. And Again show me a budget for somone working full time for 1000 a month with Health care. What get a group of 5 or 6 and live in a studio apt and eat romen? And lets be real you posted numbers that are for min wage or lower...so if McD's and walmart are so kind as to pay you 25 cents a hour more then that...thats not counted.

How is it that the Republican party can care so much about if some rich asshole makes 100 vs 101 million dollars...but not give a shit if half the work force gets paid less then even the living wage. Plus in the real world they would not realy hire them full time because they would prefer to get the work from 2 workers at 20 hours each and no have to pay health care or any benifits.

By the way the living wage for 1 adult with a kid...20 bucks a hour in my area.

If republicans want to stop government help to the poor...how about push the rich to pay there workers enough to not need help. the CEO of Walmart makes 35 million a year...making more in a hour then most of his workers make in a year.
first min wage level...is below poverty.

And if you take a minimum wage job, do you expect to get rich?

And Again show me a budget for somone working full time for 1000 a month with Health care. What get a group of 5 or 6 and live in a studio apt and eat romen? And lets be real you posted numbers that are for min wage or lower...so if McD's and walmart are so kind as to pay you 25 cents a hour more then that...thats not counted.

It also includes people like waiters who work for less than minimum wage, but end up making far more via tips. And yes, if you cannot afford an apartment or a house on your own, then you get roommates to offset the cost...you shop at dollar store, etc. As for healthcare, I cannot give you an exact quote on that since that depends on the person's individual health.

How is it that the Republican party can care so much about if some rich asshole makes 100 vs 101 million dollars...but not give a shit if half the work force gets paid less then even the living wage.

This statement does not reflect any reality.

Plus in the real world they would not realy hire them full time because they would prefer to get the work from 2 workers at 20 hours each and no have to pay health care or any benifits.

In the real world the amount of people surviving on one earner making minimum wage is 2% (on the high end) of those receiving government food aid -- so let's stop pretending this is the whole issue.

By the way the living wage for 1 adult with a kid...20 bucks a hour in my area.

Then don't drop out of school, and make your work more valuable.

If republicans want to stop government help to the poor...how about push the rich to pay there workers enough to not need help. the CEO of Walmart makes 35 million a year...making more in a hour then most of his workers make in a year.

In what reality is the job of a CEO and a cashier the same? Why possible argument is there as to why these people's work should hold the same value?
Of the 753k increase of jobs reported in 2013 557k were part time. In june part time (often temp) were up 360k and full time were diwn 240k. We are at a new all time hugh of 28m part timers.
Tack on underemployed the unemployment rate is up to 14.3 from 13.8
Even uncle sam is going part time up 100k over the oast year.

Things are not swell.