101 million...


Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2009
Somewhere Nice
...Americans receiving government food aid. More than the number of Americans working.

You would think this would be reported by ALL media outlets, but you would be wrong. Is it any wonder most Americans and most liberals have no understanding of what is occurring.

But hey...the Obama recovery is moving along nicely.:confused:o_O:ROFLMAO:

101M Get Food Aid from Federal Gov’t; Outnumber Full-Time Private Sector Workers - See more at: http://cnsnews.com/news/article/101...e-private-sector-workers#sthash.FSHo4GCj.dpuf
Anothet recent fun fact only 47% have full time jobs

and a temp firm is niw the #2.employer in America

yeah that economy is blasting alright...
Anothet recent fun fact only 47% have full time jobs

and a temp firm is niw the #2.employer in America

yeah that economy is blasting alright...

Yeah...just ask any liberal about why the economy continues to flounder and they will tell you it is because W messed things up so badly. No mention of the ridiculous interventions by BO...no mention of the absurdly named Affordable Care Act...no mention of the unbelievable deficit spending...regulations upon regulations.
Yeah...just ask any liberal about why the economy continues to flounder and they will tell you it is because W messed things up so badly. No mention of the ridiculous interventions by BO...no mention of the absurdly named Affordable Care Act...no mention of the unbelievable deficit spending...regulations upon regulations.

and absolutly no mention of why and how mortgage backed derivitives came to be and were legtimized by Frank Gaines.
Anothet recent fun fact only 47% have full time jobs

and a temp firm is niw the #2.employer in America

yeah that economy is blasting alright...

temp firm does not mean bad...I know 2 people who are listed as temps...one makes about 50,000 a year...the other I am not sure the number...but its more.

And you know what would make more people full time? single payer health care. But so long as companies have to pay workers health care, they will hire less full time workers. ( hence why no other industrial nation does that) But odd how you guys never cared about that issue...when Bush was in office. I use to work 2 part time jobs simply because they would not let me have the hours as they did not want to pay for health care. republican assholes called that Lazy...as I did not have insurance...even though I put in more hours then most of them.
And you know what would make more people full time? single payer health care. But so long as companies have to pay workers health care, they will hire less full time workers. ( hence why no other industrial nation does that) But odd how you guys never cared about that issue...when Bush was in office. I use to work 2 part time jobs simply because they would not let me have the hours as they did not want to pay for health care. republican assholes called that Lazy...as I did not have insurance...even though I put in more hours then most of them.

Do you have any proof that single payer HC will generate more full time jobs? That conclusion would appear flawed. Most of the industrial nations with government HC have high unemployment rates and high tax rates. Their economies are not any better than ours and many are much worse.

To think that the overburdened, ever powerful, debt ridden, ever corrupt federal government can effectively provide HC to Americans, is to not think.
temp firm does not mean bad...I know 2 people who are listed as temps...one makes about 50,000 a year...the other I am not sure the number...but its more.

And you know what would make more people full time? single payer health care. But so long as companies have to pay workers health care, they will hire less full time workers. ( hence why no other industrial nation does that) But odd how you guys never cared about that issue...when Bush was in office. I use to work 2 part time jobs simply because they would not let me have the hours as they did not want to pay for health care. republican assholes called that Lazy...as I did not have insurance...even though I put in more hours then most of them.

How about this from a Swede on the wonderful socialist hell hole that is Sweden...I hold out no hope that you and your kind will accept the truth about government run healthcare. The brainwashing you have endured and accepted is so thorough there is no breaking through it.

You have heard the saying "the truth will set you free." The opposite of that phrase is also true..."untruths will enslave you."

Here is the truth about socialized medicine you so admire and desire...are you man enough to accept it?

The reality is that Swedish healthcare is the perfect illustration of the tragedy of central planning. It is expensive and — even worse — it kills innocent people.
Free universal healthcare came about in the 50s as part of the Social Democratic project to create the “People’s Home” (Folkhemmet). This grand effort also included free education on all levels, modern housing for the poor, mandatory government pension plans and more. Let us grant benefit of the doubt and assume that some of its proponents had good intentions; as so often, these intentions paved the road to a hellish destination.
It has taken awhile, but it is now becoming obvious even to the man on the street that everyaspect of this project has been a disaster. He may not be able to connect the dots, but he can see that the system is definitely not working as advertised, and it is rapidly deteriorating.
Before the utopian project got under way, Sweden had some of the absolute lowest taxes in the civilized world and, not surprisingly, was ranked at the top in terms of standard of living. The project changed Sweden into a country with the second highest tax rate in the world (Denmark is higher), periods of rampant inflation, and a steadily deteriorating economy.
There is nothing economically mysterious about health care — it is just another service. Like any other it can be plentifully provided on a free market at affordable prices and constantly improving quality. But like everything else, it breaks down when the central planners get their hands on it, which they now have. To claim that the problems are due to a “market failure” in health care is like saying that there was a market failure in Soviet bread production.
temp firm does not mean bad...I know 2 people who are listed as temps...one makes about 50,000 a year...the other I am not sure the number...but its more.

And you know what would make more people full time? single payer health care. But so long as companies have to pay workers health care, they will hire less full time workers. ( hence why no other industrial nation does that) But odd how you guys never cared about that issue...when Bush was in office. I use to work 2 part time jobs simply because they would not let me have the hours as they did not want to pay for health care. republican assholes called that Lazy...as I did not have insurance...even though I put in more hours then most of them.

when temp is the fastest growing its the opposite of what bo promised.

so you want to trade taxes for regulation and you think this wil change anything ? in both cases it means money that companies cant use to grow which is the problem.

its pathetic that the affordable was left totaly out of the affordable care act.
Even the Democrats up for re-election next year are crying about BO's unaffordable healthcare.

Obama also postponed part of the law, which is illegal and not in his power to do. I wonder how long Americans are going to allow him to dictate by fiat.
when temp is the fastest growing its the opposite of what bo promised.

so you want to trade taxes for regulation and you think this wil change anything ? in both cases it means money that companies cant use to grow which is the problem.

its pathetic that the affordable was left totaly out of the affordable care act.

Its what republicans have blocked every bill to make sure happens. The Slope head party has blocked anything that would help the poor or middle class while paying off the rich. Also my wife makes more as a temp ...on long term contract then some of the same people doing the same job do working full time. My dad went back to work as a temp and made more per hour then he did doing the same job...Temp is not always a bad thing. My Freind is former Special Forces and takes contract work for big money, and before one contract is done, he already has another. I bet all make more then you.
Its what republicans have blocked every bill to make sure happens. The Slope head party has blocked anything that would help the poor or middle class while paying off the rich. Also my wife makes more as a temp ...on long term contract then some of the same people doing the same job do working full time. My dad went back to work as a temp and made more per hour then he did doing the same job...Temp is not always a bad thing. My Freind is former Special Forces and takes contract work
for big money, and before one contract is done, he already has another. I bet all make more then you.

No, "temp" is not a bad thing. Many corporations use temp agencies to fill positions and then down the road might make them permanent. That said, this seems to miss the issue. There are 101,000,000 people who need government food aid? Either the country is totally in the toilet, or there is some major abuse in the system.
No, "temp" is not a bad thing. Many corporations use temp agencies to fill positions and then down the road might make them permanent. That said, this seems to miss the issue. There are 101,000,000 people who need government food aid? Either the country is totally in the toilet, or there is some major abuse in the system.

companies are jzcking use of temps to avoid the additional overgead of actual employees as well as to make shaving positions painless (for them). and a big and getting bigger part of that overhead is due to govt regulation. which is the real fault.

more significant is that most of these temp pisitions are not ghe contract sorts of jobs referred to. I did contract work for years and the pay was good and the escape from politics better. these are now service sector positions, the opposite of well paying.
companies are jzcking use of temps to avoid the additional overgead of actual employees as well as to make shaving positions painless (for them). and a big and getting bigger part of that overhead is due to govt regulation. which is the real fault.

more significant is that most of these temp pisitions are not ghe contract sorts of jobs referred to. I did contract work for years and the pay was good and the escape from politics better. these are now service sector positions, the opposite of well paying.

I worked for a temp agency for years too. I could quit if I hated the job or the boss and not feel guilty.

The biggest problem we are having with jobs is because more people are being hired as part time (less than 30 hrs) and not full time.
No, "temp" is not a bad thing. Many corporations use temp agencies to fill positions and then down the road might make them permanent. That said, this seems to miss the issue. There are 101,000,000 people who need government food aid? Either the country is totally in the toilet, or there is some major abuse in the system.

Or both, fact is companies are making billions, there top people making Millions, and they are paying there workers so little they can't make it without government help...They did a study of a walmart in WI, and found it cost the taxpayers 300,000 to pay for its workers that it does not pay enough.

Top People at walmart make Millions, there workforce will get paid the min wage, 20 hours at a time with no benefits. And have at times even had walmart tell there workers how to get help from the government. Now the Republican position is, fuck the workers they are lazy...the Left has pushed for companies to actually pay there workers.