Voting machines can and do flip votes

OK. Dems did not stop the investigations, bent judges and election officials did. Furthermore, no judge in the country has ever offered even one reasonable refutation of the massive evidence of 2020 voting fraud. Avoiding voting fraud cases does not qualify as refutations of voter fraud evidence.
Prove he was a bent judge
But you won't
God hates when you lie
prove it was for wicked reasons.
oh you won't
god hates when you lie
I saw nothing said that offered any good reason for shutting down voting fraud investigations. Since Republicans want the investigations and leftist lying looters don't the conclusion is clear that the looters and liars are trying to hide their fraud.
I saw nothing said that offered any good reason for shutting down voting fraud investigations.
That's because no judges ruled they be shut down. You invented that in defence if your pathetic delusional position.

Since Republicans want the investigations and leftist lying looters don't the conclusion is clear that the looters and liars are trying to hide their fraud.
Talk about an idiot.
The GOP put their own auditors in and found nothing. No one stopped them.
There are other channels than fox. Try watching the soapies. It's more your intelligence level.
I saw nothing said that offered any good reason for shutting down voting fraud investigations. Since Republicans want the investigations and leftist lying looters don't the conclusion is clear that the looters and liars are trying to hide their fraud.
You read the detailed decision and can pist wickedness?
God hates when you lie
That's because no judges ruled they be shut down. You invented that in defence if your pathetic delusional position.

Talk about an idiot.
The GOP put their own auditors in and found nothing. No one stopped them.
There are other channels than fox. Try watching the soapies. It's more your intelligence level.
You keep repeating looting leftist lies.
so you deny that republicans hired cyber ninjas to analyze the arizona election?
want me to post a link and prove you are stupid?
i'm happy to do so lol
Cyber Ninjas did conduct an investigation, but looting leftists misrepresent the facts and omit key details that show serious errors or fraud that were uncovered by the investigators of the 2020 election.

Maricopa County Forensic Audit Results – US 2020 Election Fraud at a Glance (


US 2020 Election Fraud at a Glance

Reports by StateArizonaMaricopa County Forensic Audit

Maricopa County Forensic Audit Results

On Sep 24, 2021, the Arizona Senate heard presentations from the key auditors, presenting their findings.

The audit report identifies more than 57K questionable votes, intentionally deleted election files, and other suspicious voting machine activity. 1

The official written reports can be obtained from The Arizona State Senate Republican Caucus, or we’ve included direct links below.
Major issues identified:

  • 255,326 early votes are recorded in the VM55 file of counted ballots but are missing from the EV33 file 2
  • 17,322 duplicate votes (where voters sent in 2 or more ballots) that were illegally counted in the final certified tally (a large surge of these were dated the week following the election) 3
  • 27,807 ballots cast from individuals who had moved prior to the election, and are unlikely to have physically received their ballots legally
  • Envelopes without signatures that were stamped as “approved”
  • Ballot envelopes showing an apparent “approved” stamp behind the basic graphics of the envelope, suggesting tampering, or at the very least, poor quality scanning and archival of envelope images
  • The systems related to elections integrity had numbers that could not balance or agree with each other
  • The voter rolls and the registration management process itself having many data integrity issues. For instance, over 200 individuals were easily identifiable as likely being the same person but having two different Voter IDs and voting twice in the election.
  • Without access to the County’s detailed records including personally identifiable information and registration systems it is more likely there were many tens of thousands of improper votes in the election from double voters, deceased voters, voters for which there is no trace in the public records nor association to their voting address
  • Proper voter registration law and procedures were not followed
  • There were unexplained large purges of registered voters, right after the election, of people who had voted in the election
  • There was back-dating of registrations, adjustments made to historical voting and voter records, unexplained linking of voter registration affidavits to multiple voters and more
  • Files were missing from the Election Management System (EMS) Server and other voting machines, either intentionally or negligently removed
  • Ballot images on the EMS were corrupt or missing
  • Logs appeared to have been intentionally overwritten
  • All data in one database related to the 2020 General Election had been fully wiped. This occurred on the day prior to Maricopa’s own internal audit. 4
  • On the ballot side, batches were not always clearly delineated, duplicated ballots were missing the required serial numbers, some originals were duplicated more than once, and the auditors were never provided chain-of-custody documentation for the ballots for the time-period prior to the ballot’s movement into the auditors’ care. This all increased the complexity and difficulty in properly auditing the results.
  • There were significant anomalies identified in the ratio of hand-folded ballots, on-demand printed ballots, and a significant increase in provisional ballot rejections for a mail-in ballot already being cast, suggestive of mail-in ballots being cast for voters without their knowledge.
  • Maricopa County failed to follow basic cyber security best practices and guidelines from CISA 5
  • Remote Access and “Terminal Services” features of Windows were enabled allowing machines to be remotely controlled 5
  • Software and patch protocols were not followed 5
  • Credential management was flawed: unique usernames and passwords were not allocated. Many (if not all) accounts shared the same password, and multiple users appear to have shared the same account. 5
  • A dual-boot configuration was discovered on adjudication equipment which is not an approved configuration. The second hard drive contained non-Maricopa County data.
Cyber Ninjas did conduct an investigation, but looting leftists misrepresent the facts and omit key details that show serious errors or fraud that were uncovered by the investigators of the 2020 election.

Maricopa County Forensic Audit Results – US 2020 Election Fraud at a Glance (


US 2020 Election Fraud at a Glance

Reports by StateArizonaMaricopa County Forensic Audit

Maricopa County Forensic Audit Results

On Sep 24, 2021, the Arizona Senate heard presentations from the key auditors, presenting their findings.

The audit report identifies more than 57K questionable votes, intentionally deleted election files, and other suspicious voting machine activity. 1

The official written reports can be obtained from The Arizona State Senate Republican Caucus, or we’ve included direct links below.
Major issues identified:

Here is a summary table from the Cyber Ninjas report (Volume III). This does not include the 17,322 duplicate ballots found by Dr. Shiva (EchoMail) and the 255,326 early votes that appear in the VM55 but are missing from EV33 file.

A lot of the mainstream media has picked up on a single results table from Doug Logan that showed that the audit team’s count of the ballots closely matched the certified results, using that as supposed proof that Biden still won the state. What is being overlooked is the highly questionable validity of those votes.

Also note that this is not the complete audit report. Analysis of the routers, Splunk logs, and paper ballots is still ongoing.

Thanks to @LibertyOverwatchChannel for sifting through the reports and providing summaries. A further summary, with slightly more detail is on Patrick Byrne’s website.

Analysis of the routers, Splunk logs, and paper ballots is still ongoing. We’ll update this page as more findings are uncovered.
Continued Debate

Maricopa County officials took to Twitter and sympathetic media channels to deny the allegations and minimize the report’s findings. They claimed the results were mistaken and that they had provided everything in the Senate’s subpoena, despite several key items still being withheld.

Members of the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors, as well as Ken Bennett, Senate liason for the audit, presented testimony to Federal Congress’ Oversight Committee on the findings, during which the county admitted to removing election files from machines prior to the audit. 7

Senator Karen Fann has forwarded all reports onto Attorney General Mark Brnovich, who is in the process of identifying criminal activity and other breaches of law that need to be prosecuted.

The state congress will also likely explore further actions such as potentially decertifying the results. We expect to hear more about this in the coming days and weeks.
Here is a summary table from the Cyber Ninjas report (Volume III). This does not include the 17,322 duplicate ballots found by Dr. Shiva (EchoMail) and the 255,326 early votes that appear in the VM55 but are missing from EV33 file.

A lot of the mainstream media has picked up on a single results table from Doug Logan that showed that the audit team’s count of the ballots closely matched the certified results, using that as supposed proof that Biden still won the state. What is being overlooked is the highly questionable validity of those votes.

Also note that this is not the complete audit report. Analysis of the routers, Splunk logs, and paper ballots is still ongoing.

Thanks to @LibertyOverwatchChannel for sifting through the reports and providing summaries. A further summary, with slightly more detail is on Patrick Byrne’s website.

Analysis of the routers, Splunk logs, and paper ballots is still ongoing. We’ll update this page as more findings are uncovered.
Continued Debate

Maricopa County officials took to Twitter and sympathetic media channels to deny the allegations and minimize the report’s findings. They claimed the results were mistaken and that they had provided everything in the Senate’s subpoena, despite several key items still being withheld.

Members of the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors, as well as Ken Bennett, Senate liason for the audit, presented testimony to Federal Congress’ Oversight Committee on the findings, during which the county admitted to removing election files from machines prior to the audit. 7

Senator Karen Fann has forwarded all reports onto Attorney General Mark Brnovich, who is in the process of identifying criminal activity and other breaches of law that need to be prosecuted.

The state congress will also likely explore further actions such as potentially decertifying the results. We expect to hear more about this in the coming days and weeks.

the cyber ninjas are morons. thanks for letting me point this out. lol

Trump’s claim stemmed from a statement made by Doug Logan, the leader of the election review team, that 74,243 mail-in ballots were counted that had “no clear record of them being sent.” Right-wing pundits and supporters of the so-called audit, including those funding it, seized on the number and dubbed those people “phantom voters” who stole the election from Trump.

The county’s master file, known as the “voted list,” shows each person who cast a ballot in the election — and a letter code indicating whether they voted on Election Day, by mail or at an in-person early voting center. The reason there was no record of mail-in ballots being sent to them was because, like Yee, they voted early at an in-person voting center during the last 10 days before the election.

Logan explained to Fann and Petersen that he pulled his numbers from two types of reports that the county elections department provides to political parties during the early voting period. One of the reports, known as an EV32, lists every voter who requested an early ballot each day, while the second, called an EV33, shows every voter who returns an early ballot each day.

ABC15 and the Arizona Mirror examined the same records that Logan has, and found 74,241 people who are listed as voting by early ballot but aren’t on the EV32 reports. Of those voters, 74,238 appear in the master file of general election voters. More than 99.4% of those people — 73,819, to be exact — voted in-person at early voting centers.

Another 392 submitted their ballots by mail and requested them just before the deadline, but the county didn’t process those requests until the next business day, meaning they weren’t included on the EV32 report, election officials said . Another 57 people had recently registered to vote and had separate voter identification numbers — the records were merged after the election — while two other voters mailed ballots that weren’t counted because they didn’t have signatures affixed to them.

That means Logan, who is in charge of a team tasked with determining whether there were problems with the 2020 general election in Maricopa County, either didn’t take the basic step of checking the names against the master list of voters or knowingly told Fann and Petersen — and, by extension, the world — something that was untrue.

they are just incompetent. lol
Cyber Ninjas did conduct an investigation, but looting leftists misrepresent the facts and omit key details that show serious errors or fraud that were uncovered by the investigators of the 2020 election.

Maricopa County Forensic Audit Results – US 2020 Election Fraud at a Glance (


US 2020 Election Fraud at a Glance

Reports by StateArizonaMaricopa County Forensic Audit

Maricopa County Forensic Audit Results

On Sep 24, 2021, the Arizona Senate heard presentations from the key auditors, presenting their findings.

The audit report identifies more than 57K questionable votes, intentionally deleted election files, and other suspicious voting machine activity. 1

The official written reports can be obtained from The Arizona State Senate Republican Caucus, or we’ve included direct links below.
Major issues identified:

  • 255,326 early votes are recorded in the VM55 file of counted ballots but are missing from the EV33 file 2
  • 17,322 duplicate votes (where voters sent in 2 or more ballots) that were illegally counted in the final certified tally (a large surge of these were dated the week following the election) 3
  • 27,807 ballots cast from individuals who had moved prior to the election, and are unlikely to have physically received their ballots legally
  • Envelopes without signatures that were stamped as “approved”
  • Ballot envelopes showing an apparent “approved” stamp behind the basic graphics of the envelope, suggesting tampering, or at the very least, poor quality scanning and archival of envelope images
  • The systems related to elections integrity had numbers that could not balance or agree with each other
  • The voter rolls and the registration management process itself having many data integrity issues. For instance, over 200 individuals were easily identifiable as likely being the same person but having two different Voter IDs and voting twice in the election.
  • Without access to the County’s detailed records including personally identifiable information and registration systems it is more likely there were many tens of thousands of improper votes in the election from double voters, deceased voters, voters for which there is no trace in the public records nor association to their voting address
  • Proper voter registration law and procedures were not followed
  • There were unexplained large purges of registered voters, right after the election, of people who had voted in the election
  • There was back-dating of registrations, adjustments made to historical voting and voter records, unexplained linking of voter registration affidavits to multiple voters and more
  • Files were missing from the Election Management System (EMS) Server and other voting machines, either intentionally or negligently removed
  • Ballot images on the EMS were corrupt or missing
  • Logs appeared to have been intentionally overwritten
  • All data in one database related to the 2020 General Election had been fully wiped. This occurred on the day prior to Maricopa’s own internal audit. 4
  • On the ballot side, batches were not always clearly delineated, duplicated ballots were missing the required serial numbers, some originals were duplicated more than once, and the auditors were never provided chain-of-custody documentation for the ballots for the time-period prior to the ballot’s movement into the auditors’ care. This all increased the complexity and difficulty in properly auditing the results.
  • There were significant anomalies identified in the ratio of hand-folded ballots, on-demand printed ballots, and a significant increase in provisional ballot rejections for a mail-in ballot already being cast, suggestive of mail-in ballots being cast for voters without their knowledge.
  • Maricopa County failed to follow basic cyber security best practices and guidelines from CISA 5
  • Remote Access and “Terminal Services” features of Windows were enabled allowing machines to be remotely controlled 5
  • Software and patch protocols were not followed 5
  • Credential management was flawed: unique usernames and passwords were not allocated. Many (if not all) accounts shared the same password, and multiple users appear to have shared the same account. 5
  • A dual-boot configuration was discovered on adjudication equipment which is not an approved configuration. The second hard drive contained non-Maricopa County data.

Cyber Ninjas, a firm hired by the Arizona state Senate to conduct a review of Maricopa County’s election results, on Thursday announced that it is shutting down after a county government report slammed the firm and a judge ordered it to pay $50,000 a day in fines.

The news followed a Thursday order that Cyber Ninjas turn over public records to The Arizona Republic, including emails and text messages, to comply with an August ruling — or face $50,000 in fines per day.

they know they did a bogus analysis and refused to turn over records because they are wimps, so they disbanded instead.

typical right wing, refusing to take responsibility for their own actions.
Here is a summary table from the Cyber Ninjas report (Volume III). This does not include the 17,322 duplicate ballots found by Dr. Shiva (EchoMail) and the 255,326 early votes that appear in the VM55 but are missing from EV33 file.

A lot of the mainstream media has picked up on a single results table from Doug Logan that showed that the audit team’s count of the ballots closely matched the certified results, using that as supposed proof that Biden still won the state. What is being overlooked is the highly questionable validity of those votes.

Maricopa County Elections, a department of the Board of Supervisors, and the Office of the Recorder Issued a report titled Correcting the Record: Maricopa County’s In-Depth Analysis of the Senate Inquiry as the final word to the Arizona Senate’s inquiry on Maricopa County’s administration of the November 2020 General Election. The in-depth analysis and review of the reports and presentations issued by the Senate’s contractors found that nearly every finding included faulty analysis, inaccurate claims, misleading conclusions, and a lack of understanding of federal and state election laws. The Senate’s election review and its contractors promoted disinformation and distrust. This report details those shortcomings and corrects the record.

republicans are morons. lol
Cyber Ninjas, a firm hired by the Arizona state Senate to conduct a review of Maricopa County’s election results, on Thursday announced that it is shutting down after a county government report slammed the firm and a judge ordered it to pay $50,000 a day in fines.

The news followed a Thursday order that Cyber Ninjas turn over public records to The Arizona Republic, including emails and text messages, to comply with an August ruling — or face $50,000 in fines per day.

they know they did a bogus analysis and refused to turn over records because they are wimps, so they disbanded instead.

typical right wing, refusing to take responsibility for their own actions.

Maricopa County Elections, a department of the Board of Supervisors, and the Office of the Recorder Issued a report titled Correcting the Record: Maricopa County’s In-Depth Analysis of the Senate Inquiry as the final word to the Arizona Senate’s inquiry on Maricopa County’s administration of the November 2020 General Election. The in-depth analysis and review of the reports and presentations issued by the Senate’s contractors found that nearly every finding included faulty analysis, inaccurate claims, misleading conclusions, and a lack of understanding of federal and state election laws. The Senate’s election review and its contractors promoted disinformation and distrust. This report details those shortcomings and corrects the record.

republicans are morons. lol
The investigation is ongoing and there are still quite a few issues that remain unresolved.

Here is a summary table from the Cyber Ninjas report (Volume III). This does not include the 17,322 duplicate ballots found by Dr. Shiva (EchoMail) and the 255,326 early votes that appear in the VM55 but are missing from EV33 file.

A lot of the mainstream media has picked up on a single results table from Doug Logan that showed that the audit team’s count of the ballots closely matched the certified results, using that as supposed proof that Biden still won the state. What is being overlooked is the highly questionable validity of those votes.

Also note that this is not the complete audit report. Analysis of the routers, Splunk logs, and paper ballots is still ongoing.
Maricopa County Forensic Audit Results – US 2020 Election Fraud at a Glance (
The investigation is ongoing and there are still quite a few issues that remain unresolved.

Here is a summary table from the Cyber Ninjas report (Volume III). This does not include the 17,322 duplicate ballots found by Dr. Shiva (EchoMail) and the 255,326 early votes that appear in the VM55 but are missing from EV33 file.

A lot of the mainstream media has picked up on a single results table from Doug Logan that showed that the audit team’s count of the ballots closely matched the certified results, using that as supposed proof that Biden still won the state. What is being overlooked is the highly questionable validity of those votes.

Also note that this is not the complete audit report. Analysis of the routers, Splunk logs, and paper ballots is still ongoing.
Maricopa County Forensic Audit Results – US 2020 Election Fraud at a Glance (
CN has no credibility, like the rest of your "mountain of evidence"

they didn't understand basic voting processes, so their analysis is worthless.

even morons like you should understand that.. lol