Trump celebrates "the Late Great Hannibal Lector"

Evolution is the only theory that rubes believe is true science while simultaneously remaining powerless to disprove the scientific refutations of.
Evolution is not related to science whatsoever.
It's a proven fact and your living proof of its faults.
That's correct.
The devil appears to be succeeding with great support from demmie perverts and commies.

1936 Communist Party goals sound familiar​

In his book, "The Naked Communist," Cleon Skousen listed 45 goals of the US Communist Party's 1936 Platform. These were also noted in the 1962 Congressional Record. Among these were:
PostedMay 12, 2012

In his book, “The Naked Communist,” Cleon Skousen listed 45 goals of the US Communist Party’s 1936 Platform. These were also noted in the 1962 Congressional Record. Among these were:
* Soften school curriculum.

* Eliminate obscenity laws as violating free speech.
* Break standards of morality by promoting pornography.
* Present homosexuality and promiscuity as natural and normal.
* Discredit the Bible.