They dug up a WMD in Iraq

I've given up on faith based politics...I want results. Does that make me selfish? :D

No, I believe that makes you just another 'John Q. Public' that needs to see the proof for all of the promises that we get each time we have a presidential primary! They all promise to make it all better and then we all cling to that as if it's really going to BE ALL BETTER ;)
Dogtowner, as you can see... Anything short of finding a fleet of ICBM's with nuclear warheads, all fueled and ready to fly, nothing we ever find there is good enough for the Left.
Thats not exactly true. I think clear existance of real components, active development programs, weapons in working order...that makes a difference.
In my eyes and many others, the Bush administration mislead the American people in this push for war. This would be true for WMDs, or a real connection to 9-11 or AlQ. This is not to mention the handling of the wars.

Just add it to the 550 metric tons of Uranium and the few dozen chemical warheads that were previously found.
This is something that I have always wondered which is why was Bush not out parading the uranium issue. Either way, I am glad it is off the streets, and I wish I knew more of the story. But of course in hindsight this would not have justified invasion. If WMD eradication were the true focus we could have looked elsewhere and found another target.
Iraq puts the death toll at around 50,000... Your buddies in the Anti-War movement put the death toll in the millions.

And apparently killing Iraqi and Afghan civilians wasn't enough for Obama... He's now also killing Pakistani and Yemeni civilians as well - "We're just air raiding villages and killing civilians." - Obama
What happened to wanting to go after terrorists anywhere in the world?
Without question my honest to goodness favorite GWB quote back in my Republican days, was I think the state of the union or maybe his joint congressional address in the days after 9/11.
He said something along the lines of whether we bring them to justice or bring justice to them, we will get them. It was a great Presidential line. I distinctly remember giving a fist pump and saying something worse than "hell yeah."
2 years later, it was all down hill from there with me and the GOP.
SCUDs were barely viable weapons but they did kill.
Not in the same class. One is a ballistic missle capable of deploying WMDs. The other is a third rate Chinese piece of junk and not in any way secret.
Scuds are a heck of a lot more dangerous than the silkworm.
The Chinese and NKorean rockets they peppered Kuwait with whi8le we were bassing there were also WMD and managed to do a little harm despite incompetant shooters.

But its fun to watch yall and the little games you play with blinders.

Again, these are not really considered WMDs. They are conventional missles that do not have a public NBC capabilities that the general public has privy to. Its fun to watch you play games and think because something happens to be buried that it is a WMD when in fact it isnt.
It's a Silkworm missile variant. See:

It was used for anti ship operations and I don't believe it had a CW or BW variant. Thankfully, the Israeli's took care of Saddam's nuclear program. That was making good progress. See:
Yes the Israelis are good at taking care of those sorts of things. I dont condemn that. As for the missle, you are correct and as I said before, it is Chinese and it wouldnt surprise me if there was some sort of hidden away variant that is capable of NBC warheads, but I couldnt imagine the Chinese making that available much less public.
The other thing though is that these are not great weapons in the first place. Back in the 80s a civilian US tanker was hit in the wheelhouse by an Iranian one(Yeah during those tough Reagan years), and while there were injuries, no deaths occurred and the ship was damaged but not lost. Hardly a strategic threat.
Bush didn't lie, he was wrong, as was everyone that advised him, including most members of the opposition. Saddam stated (before his neck was stretched) that he complied with the UN to stave off the US, but then engaged in ruses to make the Iranians think he still had WMD because he feared them. The US (and the world), engaging in an extreme case of Western centric thinking, never understood that Saddam might really be more worried about Iran, a country with which they had a REAL war with REAL casualties, than he was about the US. Ref:

(I picked the Al Jazeera story, but it can also be found on MSNBC, and other actually credible websites--I just picked the ones favored by the left for emphasis.)

Saddam miscalculated, and Bush was wrong. So was everyone in the US intelligence community, and most of the world's intelligence services as well. Life is too complicated for demagogues to understand.
There was a lot of credible contradictory evidence that was overlooked, supressed, and discarded because Bush had decided Iraq was on the agenda since before he took office. I dont blame Bush so much as I blame Cheney. Bush might have been misinformed, and ultimately wrong. But those controlling his information did some evidence tampering that if this was a criminal case, it would get thrown out on appeal.

We cant go back now. The actions have been made and we will all have to live with the collective consequences. I just cant believe there was a time when I bought into the BS I was fed and thought Iraq was a necessary war. When in fact it was one of choice, convenience, and miscalculation.
Saddam played rope-a-dope with the entire world--fitting he ended his days at the end of a rope. Bush's agenda was actually pretty plain. He was intent on taking out the trash. He thought he could just roll through Iraq to achieve his real prize--Iran. Clean out all the terrorists in one fell swoop.
Yeah Saddam is gone, lets build that pipeline through the center of the earth and get a McDonalds, pizza hut and starbucks on every street corner and not just in the green zone.
Between that little miscalculation and spending like a drunken sailor, he killed my party. Unfortunately, Obama is completely outclassed by the Iranians (and the Russians, and the Chinese, etc...) so I'm not hopeful things will get better until we can find some real adults to run for office. sigh
I find it ironic that even through 2006 and the stay the course these things take time mantra the right was preaching and now when the table is turned, just over a year isnt enough to fix the economy.
I also like your classification that Bush had a "little miscalculation". A little miscalculation is adding to much salt to your soup. Bush made a mega historical tens of thousands of lives at stake miscalculation.