The indictment of Trump on racketeering charges has backfired on Democrats

This is bullshit. Every time a dog farts you blame Soros. He man is not that silly to spread himself over everything that republicans hate.
It's absurd to think he's behind everything and your mischievous.
It's not just Soros, but other bad billionaires also who are buying politicians and officials who are doing great damage to America and Americans.
Lol stupid post

Unjustly? Lol
Which of his indictments is unjust
We should start with the fact that the crooks on the left falsely claim Democrats did not steal the election and then move on to the fact that many of these crooks know they are trying to jail innocent Americans for objecting to the fraud the crooks know they committed.
poo-eating-fly-smiley-emoticon[1].gif.....bullshit-bs-smiley-emoticon[1].gif....We should start with the fact that the crooks on the left falsely claim Democrats did not steal the election and then move on to the fact that many of these crooks know they are trying to jail innocent Americans for objecting to the fraud the crooks know they committed.
The bloodthirsty left salivates at the prospect of unjustly hanging President Trump for being more popular than any living Democrat in the US.
His popularity is not on trial. It's the fact he's a traitor and fascist.
Again it's the same bullshit Trump is innocent. Grow up.
We should start with the fact that the crooks on the left falsely claim Democrats did not steal the election and then move on to the fact that many of these crooks know they are trying to jail innocent Americans for objecting to the fraud the crooks know they committed.
More lies from you
Unless you can prove the election was stolen
Which you can't duh
Americans who fall under lawless leftist barbarians seeking to imprison them for decades for not submitting to the Democrat way of getting elected and transforming the country should be afraid, as a black man at the end of a Southern Democrat noose in the early 20th century.
More right wing blather lol
Crimes that are covered up by corrupt officials may never be heard in court but they are still crimes nonetheless.
No mark. There were no crimes. You're still suffering Trump defeat syndrome.
Given another election win by Biden and military grade medication, a full recovery is possible.
When Trump farts there is a democrat investigation done .They were talking about impeachment before he took office.
You had a major liberal Hollywood star say his kids should be put in jail with sex offenders.
It's going to be a great dog and pony show and I think both sides will be upset.