Democrat totalitarians' weaponization of politics and courts

mark francis

Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2021
Make no mistake - the Democrats are using their stolen power to turn America into a one-party 3rd world Marxist state ruled by brutal fascist Democrat party dictators who will crush any and all opposition to their evil regime.

N.Y. Dems accused of weaponizing courts against many political foes -- not just Donald Trump - Washington Times 3-25-24

N.Y. Dems accused of weaponizing courts against many political foes — not just Trump
New York Republicans say Attorney General Letitia James’ vendetta against former President Donald Trump is the latest proof that Democrats have turned the state’s courts into a political retribution machine.

They say business owners in New York City and across the state must acquiesce to Democrats’ political agendas and cooperate with the party’s incumbents who control the levers of government. ...

“This is a real serious issue. Why would you ever want to do business in New York state? What if they didn’t like the business you’re in?” said Rep. Claudia Tenney, New York Republican.

“Say you’re producing propane for people in upstate New York and they decide they didn’t like you. Are they going to prosecute you and put up a bond that you can’t pay and run you out of business?” ...

“[The Democrats] control all the levers of government. They control the permits and the agencies and all that,” he said. “And unlike some other places where they’ll give to both sides, in New York, they’re afraid to do that. ...

Critics say beef producer JBS and the National Rifle Association are examples of organizations put through the legal wringer in New York for political reasons.

In February, Ms. James filed a lawsuit against JBS, the world’s largest beef producer, for making “fraudulent and illegal” marketing claims about its climate change efforts.

The lawsuit says the company made fraudulent claims about achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2040.

The beef giant’s business is out of step with the left-wing agenda, and its political action committee overwhelmingly favors Republican candidates.

Former New York Lt. Gov. Betsy McCaughey recently wrote in an opinion article that the JBS lawsuit is another example where Ms. James uses the state’s “legal apparatus to punish individuals and industries unpopular with the left.”

“Half the world’s 2,000 largest publicly listed corporations state that they aspire to be net zero by 2040, but very few have concrete plans on how to get there,” said Ms. McCaughey, a Republican.

In 2020, Ms. James sought to dissolve the NRA, which is despised by the left. Her effort failed when New York Supreme Court Justice Joel M. Cohen ruled in 2022 that the allegations of fraud and misappropriation of funds did not warrant a “corporate death penalty.” ...

In an amicus brief, 16 Republican attorneys general said Ms. James’ attempt to dissolve the NRA revealed that her lawsuit was not about protecting NRA members but crushing their First Amendment rights.

“Supposedly to protect the NRA’s members, the New York AG seeks to kill the NRA. It is difficult to fathom how it would serve those members’ interests to disband the advocate they support. Dissolving the NRA would leave its members with less of a voice,” the attorneys general wrote.

“The New York AG campaigned for office on a platform of taking down the NRA by any means possible. And both her campaign rhetoric and statements since taking office leave little doubt that she has targeted the NRA because she disagrees with its political speech and zealous defense of the Second Amendment.”

Before she was elected attorney general, Ms. James campaigned on prosecuting Mr. Trump. She called him an “illegitimate president” who should be “indicted for criminal offenses” and “charged with obstructing justice.”

During Mr. Trump’s trial, she said, “I will be shining a bright light into every dark corner of his real estate dealings and every dealing demanding truthfulness at every turn.” ...

Democrats are using racist black women to crush their enemies because they have found that they can get away with falsely accusing Americans who object to their clear violations of civil rights and constitution protections of being racists.



Make no mistake - the Democrats are using their stolen power to turn America into a one-party 3rd world Marxist state ruled by brutal fascist Democrat party dictators who will crush any and all opposition to their evil regime.

N.Y. Dems accused of weaponizing courts against many political foes -- not just Donald Trump - Washington Times 3-25-24

N.Y. Dems accused of weaponizing courts against many political foes — not just Trump
New York Republicans say Attorney General Letitia James’ vendetta against former President Donald Trump is the latest proof that Democrats have turned the state’s courts into a political retribution machine.

They say business owners in New York City and across the state must acquiesce to Democrats’ political agendas and cooperate with the party’s incumbents who control the levers of government. ...

“This is a real serious issue. Why would you ever want to do business in New York state? What if they didn’t like the business you’re in?” said Rep. Claudia Tenney, New York Republican.

“Say you’re producing propane for people in upstate New York and they decide they didn’t like you. Are they going to prosecute you and put up a bond that you can’t pay and run you out of business?” ...

“[The Democrats] control all the levers of government. They control the permits and the agencies and all that,” he said. “And unlike some other places where they’ll give to both sides, in New York, they’re afraid to do that. ...

Critics say beef producer JBS and the National Rifle Association are examples of organizations put through the legal wringer in New York for political reasons.

In February, Ms. James filed a lawsuit against JBS, the world’s largest beef producer, for making “fraudulent and illegal” marketing claims about its climate change efforts.

The lawsuit says the company made fraudulent claims about achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2040.

The beef giant’s business is out of step with the left-wing agenda, and its political action committee overwhelmingly favors Republican candidates.

Former New York Lt. Gov. Betsy McCaughey recently wrote in an opinion article that the JBS lawsuit is another example where Ms. James uses the state’s “legal apparatus to punish individuals and industries unpopular with the left.”

“Half the world’s 2,000 largest publicly listed corporations state that they aspire to be net zero by 2040, but very few have concrete plans on how to get there,” said Ms. McCaughey, a Republican.

In 2020, Ms. James sought to dissolve the NRA, which is despised by the left. Her effort failed when New York Supreme Court Justice Joel M. Cohen ruled in 2022 that the allegations of fraud and misappropriation of funds did not warrant a “corporate death penalty.” ...

In an amicus brief, 16 Republican attorneys general said Ms. James’ attempt to dissolve the NRA revealed that her lawsuit was not about protecting NRA members but crushing their First Amendment rights.

“Supposedly to protect the NRA’s members, the New York AG seeks to kill the NRA. It is difficult to fathom how it would serve those members’ interests to disband the advocate they support. Dissolving the NRA would leave its members with less of a voice,” the attorneys general wrote.

“The New York AG campaigned for office on a platform of taking down the NRA by any means possible. And both her campaign rhetoric and statements since taking office leave little doubt that she has targeted the NRA because she disagrees with its political speech and zealous defense of the Second Amendment.”

Before she was elected attorney general, Ms. James campaigned on prosecuting Mr. Trump. She called him an “illegitimate president” who should be “indicted for criminal offenses” and “charged with obstructing justice.”

During Mr. Trump’s trial, she said, “I will be shining a bright light into every dark corner of his real estate dealings and every dealing demanding truthfulness at every turn.” ...

Democrats are using racist black women to crush their enemies because they have found that they can get away with falsely accusing Americans who object to their clear violations of civil rights and constitution protections of being racists.
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And Trump said his first term would include jailing his opponents and telling the DOJ to go after his enemies and non supporters. But that's not weaponising the DOJ is it?
And Trump said his first term would include jailing his opponents and telling the DOJ to go after his enemies and non supporters. But that's not weaponising the DOJ is it?
I don't think taking political fascists and crooks to court for sedition and treason is the same thing as weaponizing the Justice Department to falsely make crooks of innocent Americans who did nothing worth penalizing other than to disagree with the Democrat party.
I don't think taking political fascists and crooks to court for sedition and treason is the same thing as weaponizing the Justice Department to falsely make crooks of innocent Americans who did nothing worth penalizing other than to disagree with the Democrat party.

name people who wee charged criminally for merely disagreeing with the democratic party.
you wont of course because you are a liar. lol
name people who wee charged criminally for merely disagreeing with the democratic party.
you wont of course because you are a liar. lol
All sorts of demented rabid leftist racist Democrat dogs are currently tearing Trump to shreds for being unjustly hated of the Democrat party.
All sorts of demented rabid leftist racist Democrat dogs are currently tearing Trump to shreds for being unjustly hated of the Democrat party.

you are a legal moron, or a liar, or both!
trump's charges are well documented, they are not "hating the democratic party".

why do you insist on looking so stupid here? its..weird. but amusing. lol
you are a legal moron, or a liar, or both!
trump's charges are well documented, they are not "hating the democratic party".

why do you insist on looking so stupid here? its..weird. but amusing. lol
Yes, the whole world knows the Democrats are making asses of themselves in never-ending failed attempts to make something stick as they file one false charge after another against Trump in order to punish him for making them so angry.
Yes, the whole world knows the Democrats are making asses of themselves in never-ending failed attempts to make something stick as they file one false charge after another against Trump in order to punish him for making them so angry.
its a false charge because you say so? lol.
sorry, no. he's already been found liable tor sexual assault and fraud for example.
its a false charge because you say so? lol.
sorry, no. he's already been found liable tor sexual assault and fraud for example.
The leftist inquisitors judged the innocent man and found him guilty because that is what hateful demented leftists do to their innocent neighbors if they take a disliking towards them.

Psalm 35:7
For without cause have they hid for me their net in a pit, which without cause they have digged for my soul.
The leftist inquisitors judged the innocent man and found him guilty because that is what hateful demented leftists do to their innocent neighbors if they take a disliking towards them.

Psalm 35:7
For without cause have they hid for me their net in a pit, which without cause they have digged for my soul.
right wing blather.
its all you have. lol
I don't think
You should have stopped there.

taking political fascists and crooks to court for sedition and treason
What should they have done with the j6 rioters then? Give them all God's blessings and 19 hail Mary penance? Grow up.
is the same thing as weaponizing the Justice Department to falsely make crooks of innocent Americans who did nothing worth penalizing other than to disagree with the Democrat party.
Smashing the Capitol under the guidance of a fascist POTUS should go unpunished??
Imagine if it was a Democrat. You hypocrite.
Smashing the Capitol under the guidance of a fascist POTUS should go unpunished??
Imagine if it was a Democrat. You hypocrite.
Tried to find who the black-clad protesters on Jan 6 were and this is what we found:


Leftist weenies cannot tell the difference between a legitimate protest and illegitimate violence.



FLASHBACK: Kamala Harris celebrated BLM and Antifa riots​

"They're not gonna let up," Harris said with pride, "and they should not. And we should not."


Tried to find who the black-clad protesters on Jan 6 were and this is what we found:

View attachment 12542

Leftist weenies cannot tell the difference between a legitimate protest and illegitimate violence.

View attachment 12543


FLASHBACK: Kamala Harris celebrated BLM and Antifa riots​

"They're not gonna let up," Harris said with pride, "and they should not. And we should not."


View attachment 12544
Do you really believe she was at those riots?

Anyone can post that shit.

How about when the republicans repeated shouting " hang pence and Pelosi". Did you approve of that?
You should try to think what my response is before you make ridiculous claims. You're too easy for me.