Tennessee Governor signs into law bill allowing armed teachers

So you are mak8ng a prediction based on your bigotry
Because you have no evidence, only right wing hand waving
Are you wanting 2nd amendment supporters to back up their logical predictions with proof while avoiding your responsibility to back up your illogical contrary predictions with proof? Yes, you are.
Are you wanting 2nd amendment supporters to back up their logical predictions with proof while avoiding your responsibility to back up your illogical contrary predictions with proof? Yes, you are.
Yes I want proof, not whining and hand waving, of your proposal being a net benefit
I made no predictions, moron
God you are stupid
We already know gun laws do not disarm lawless thugs and now we will find out that arming teachers will not increase mass murdering gun deaths of schoolkids at the hands of ungodly madmen.
So if they believed in god they wouldn't kill people?
Are you sure about that?
We already know gun laws do not disarm lawless thugs and now we will find out that arming teachers will not increase mass murdering gun deaths of schoolkids at the hands of ungodly madmen.
So you can't show they were democrats. There's a pattern forming here and it includes desperate lies and you getting pinged everytime. Have another go. I'm loving this.