US judge rejects challenge to Washington state law that could hold gun makers liable for shootings

Lefties don't fear guns. It's religious gun owners who think they are doing gods work who should be feared.
The 2nd has been taken out of context for what it was meant and you know that. Sadly it never anticipated there would be so many nutters in USA allowed to have guns.

When did democrats take steps to disarm republicans?
Everytime guns are mentioned you rush out and buy more guns and ammo. What for? You all had your chance to rid the country if the tyrannical Trump and you did fuck all. It's only democrats are tyrants ay mark? God bless you old man.
Americans have enjoyed for centuries perfect liberty to own guns for many different reasons and it has only been since the recent emergence of anti-Constitution, anti-freedom, anti-liberty big government hope and change Marxists with stolen illegitimate political power that we are seeing disturbing increases in efforts to disarm law-abiding patriotic Americans for stupid and unjust reasons.
Americans have enjoyed for centuries perfect liberty to own guns for many different reasons and it has only been since the recent emergence of anti-Constitution, anti-freedom, anti-liberty big government hope and change Marxists with stolen illegitimate political power that we are seeing disturbing increases in efforts to disarm law-abiding patriotic
Where are these increased efforts and who is doing it? Be specific or shut up.

Americans for stupid and unjust reasons.
Some nut blasts the guts out of countless kids at schools but it's a democratic right for the country to be awash with guns that never get used for their purpose. The dead kids are just collateral damage for protecting the 2nd. God bless dickhead.
Where are these increased efforts and who is doing it? Be specific or shut up.

Some nut blasts the guts out of countless kids at schools but it's a democratic right for the country to be awash with guns that never get used for their purpose. The dead kids are just collateral damage for protecting the 2nd. God bless dickhead.
It was not the fact that there were too many guns in the hands of teachers that resulted in so many kids being murdered, but the fact that so few teachers were armed for defense against the shooters.
It was not the fact that there were too many guns in the hands of teachers that resulted in so many kids being murdered, but the fact that so few teachers were armed for defense against the shooters.
What a country.
Teachers carry guns to protect kids from nut cases. It's nothing to do with the fact every ratbag has a gun because of the 2nd amendment.
Heaven forbid there's too many guns in circulation.

The fabrication of excuses to justify guns gets more weird by the day. But in a country where most people believe there's a god, its not surprising that guns are a greater priority than kids.
What a country.
Teachers carry guns to protect kids from nut cases. It's nothing to do with the fact every ratbag has a gun because of the 2nd amendment.
Heaven forbid there's too many guns in circulation.

The fabrication of excuses to justify guns gets more weird by the day. But in a country where most people believe there's a god, its not surprising that guns are a greater priority than kids.
Dummies continue to insist without evidence, proof, or logic that criminals have guns because good people are not disarmed.