sport is tough in asia


Well-Known Member
May 22, 2008
sports tough in ASIA. iN a basketball match in Manila beteween Australia and the Philippines ended in a brawl
IT a pity they don't do this in poltics.


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I had to keep my post short because my wife wanted the computer. What I meant to say with corruption so strong in the Philippines it is a pity they are not like Malaysia. There when they had an election the previous president is try and put in jail for corruption. IN the Philippines previous leaders are not tried. In fact The Mascos family still has members in parliament. It is a pity the Filipinos do not have a tough opposition and tried previous governments for corruption.
I had to keep my post short because my wife wanted the computer. What I meant to say with corruption so strong in the Philippines it is a pity they are not like Malaysia. There when they had an election the previous president is try and put in jail for corruption. IN the Philippines previous leaders are not tried. In fact The Mascos family still has members in parliament. It is a pity the Filipinos do not have a tough opposition and tried previous governments for corruption.
Government in nearly all cases is a vehicle to support corruption
Penalties have been announced for the BAsketball fight. SEVEn Filipins were suspended . THree Australian were suspended for one month , three month and five months,\ BOTH BASKETBALL Association were fined heaverly. Australian can afford the fine but can the Phllippnies