Racism, Homophobia, Birthism all on display at teabagger convention


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Washington state
This is what the teabaggers are really all about..and check out how the religious freaks are taking over a movement that claims it's about liberty. Seems much more like it's about a theocracy and discrimination to me..

• Joseph Farah, the publisher of the right-wing website WorldNetDaily.com, drew cheers from the crowd by questioning whether President Obama was born in the U.S. "The media, the politicians ... all say, no, it's all been settled," said Farah. "I say, if it's been settled show us the birth certificate. Simple."

• Tom Tancredo, the former Colorado Republican congressman, declared that the president was elected because "we do not have a civics, literacy test before people can vote." Such tests, of course, were used in the Jim Crow south to block African-Americans from voting. Tancredo, who ran for president in 2008 as a rabid foe of illegal immigration, referred to the president using his middle name, and added: "People who could not even spell the word 'vote' or say it in English put a committed socialist ideologue in the White House."

• Roy Moore, the former Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court charged that by proclaiming a gay pride month, Obama "has elevated immorality to a new level." Moore, who became a conservative darling after refusing to remove a monument of the Ten Commandments from the state courthouse, added: "An appeal to the God of hosts is all that is left."

• And Pastor Rick Scarborough -- a self-proclaimed "Christocrat" -- "went after homosexuals several times to choruses of amens," according to Time.

Poor little popeye's desperation is pouring out of his mouth and running down his shirt and pants.

The latest is a screed he copied from something that calls itself "muckraker.talkingpoints.com" or something similar.

Do you suppose little popeye even noticed, in his eagerness to get it into a post?
Poor little popeye's desperation is pouring out of his mouth and running down his shirt and pants.

The latest is a screed he copied from something that calls itself "muckraker.talkingpoints.com" or something similar.

Do you suppose little popeye even noticed, in his eagerness to get it into a post?


Being a liberal is SO difficult these days.

Look how much of your own party's screwups and bad policy you have to ignore, and the tiny things you have to keep digging for to try to make the other side look bad.

My sympathies.
I do believe that two of the topics that popeye stated in the title are very close to his heart. Perhaps he can't see or care about anything about America past those issues.

It's a very limited world for some.
Here is an unbiased reporter talking about Palin. What a witch. No such thing as liberal bias....nooooooooooooooo

Its not the Liberal Medias fault she is a retard
Ain't it a shame that the simple minded want to play the blame game...as if the LIBERALS forced dear Sarah Palin to present herself in front of the 'TEA PARTY' organization and just keep saying those cutesy/snappy quotes and lines that seem to have supported her since her Wasilla days...even the locals got tired of hearing the repetitively stupid one-liners and were asking some hard questions...trying to get her to reply with some answers with substance. :rolleyes:

Oh, well she's still purty to look at ELMER...LOL
I guess you are right, but I get a kick out of feeding them.

They so cute and say the darnedest things. Their hypocrisy is beyond belief....

Did you find her speech substantive and enlightening? What struck you as the most important idea she had to share?
I like the speech about bring back making you take a test to vote...became now the high and mighty stick the Constitution people don't believe in the right to vote for all...and want to go back to a system used to stop blacks from voting for 70 years...

you can hide all you want, the racism hidden in other things, is still racism