Poll: One-Third of Biden 2020 Voters Say He Should Not Run Again

Are you saying if crooks are not convicted for crimes, then that proves they did not commit the crimes?
I never said that. You're over reacting. But when it comes to election fraud you assume guilt without evidence.
How does that make sense? Using that argument would mean no crook murdered Seth Rich because incompetent investigators cannot find who the murderer was.
So no charges but you've branded them as guilty. How generous of you.
There may be a delay between the time of the crime and charges being brought. Look how many years it took Mueller to discover Trump had committed no crime in spite of his assumed guilt by his hateful enemies.
There is no law that protects fraud. You're becoming emotional by assuming that in light of the fact there was no fraud. You're sour because Trump was beaten.
Democrats have made it a crime to attempt to uncover fraud in voting machines in large democrat election wards.
The real crooks are the Democrats who lied and spied Trump out of office after failing to do so for four years preceding the stolen election in 2020.
Nah Trump lost because he pondered to his base and downplayed covidand was a general I mature jerk
All he had to do to win reelection wad to be intelligent and mature but he's not capable of that
Nah Trump lost because he pondered to his base and downplayed covidand was a general I mature jerk
All he had to do to win reelection wad to be intelligent and mature but he's not capable of that
Democrats lied about Trump's handling of covid but that should not be surprising given their decades of history of massive lies about their opponents for political reasons.
Nope. Feel free to quote that law ly8ng *****
But you wont
I cannot believe your admission that investigators were arrested for responding to a whistleblower's report of voter fraud by accepting an election official's invite to examine her voting machines for fraud, yet you claim there are no laws against investigating claims of voter fraud.
I cannot believe your admission that investigators were arrested for responding to a whistleblower's report of voter fraud by accepting an election official's invite to examine her voting machines for fraud, yet you claim there are no laws against investigating claims of voter fraud.
I didn't claim that at all ***** lol
There may be a delay between the time of the crime and charges being brought. Look how many years it took Mueller to discover Trump had committed no crime in spite of his assumed guilt by his hateful enemies.
You mean like you're assumptions of guilt from a hateful enemies?
You fell into that one.