Obama / Romney Debate

I don't know about George. Everyone from Bill Maher to Chris Matthews is saying that Romney won the debate, however. In fact, I haven't heard anyone from either extreme or the center say that Obama did himself any good last night

George ran true to form trying to cover for a terrible effort.
This is what the Mainstream media like CNN,MSNBC,NBC,ABC and CBS NEWS looked like after the debates



Oh BTW Santa is a Democrat supporter
the more I think about it the more I think it was a calculated move. While he looked bad he also largely avoided defending his record which was importan t as it is indefensable. he can go back out and say whatever crazy lies he wants and get favorable coverage from a press that is unwilling to vet his statements.

when you base your campaign on the public being stupid you run a great risk but it worked last time and he has no other options this time.
Im confused, shouldnt they hate Romney and want obama? obama is more China friendly than Romney

The video seemed Romney friendly to me

I'm not sure if the Taiwanese people feel any loyalty to today's China. They have a complicated political history.
I don't think the loyalty is the same and I dont think the strong arm of the Chinese government is as strong in Taiwan.

I would have to go back and read about it, but they always seemed to me to be independent and not want to be part of communist China. Taiwan has been a bone of contention between us and China.
Ha ha

Maher on Obama: 'Looks like he took my million and spent it all on weed'

Bill Maher, who reemed out the president on Twitter during the debate, teed off on him once again during his monologue Friday, exclaiming, "What the [expletive] happened there?!"

"He sucked. He looked tired. He had trouble getting his answers out. It looks like he took my million and spent it all on weed," quipped Maher, who has donated $1 million to pro-Obama PAC Priorities USA.

"It was fascinating to watch these two men, I mean, the contrast in their demeanor: Now we know what Romney looks like when he’s all charged up. And now we know what Michael Jackson looked like when he was on the Diprivan," Maher joked.

The comedian did get some jabs in at Romney, too, saying he "was in full command of his bull----.“

"You gotta give it up to this man. In one single night he was reborn as this taxing-the-rich, regulation-loving centrist," Maher said. "I tell you, when these people say they are going to reboot a campaign, they don’t just reboot, they erase the hard drive, take it out and smash it with a hammer."