More stupidity from California Loonies

the annoying thing

Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022

The entire point of a police dog is to chase down suspects and avoid danger to the officers ., what do demo rats want the dog to do hold them with their paws or just bark ? idiots pure and simple morons . Don't run and don't fight and dog don't bite .
I acknowledge the truth but I wonder if it were truthful if it was a republican state.
Again. Just another poke at democrats.
I think most republican support the police and want them to have the tools thy need to not only protect themself but make the job safer for both the officer and the suspect. Dogs make a officers job safer and in my opinion if you're stupid enough to run from a dog or hide when they tell you when they're going to send the dog in and you get bit oh well that's your own stupidity
I think most republican support the police and want them to have the tools thy need to not only protect themself but make the job safer for both the officer and the suspect. Dogs make a officers job safer and in my opinion if you're stupid enough to run from a dog or hide when they tell you when they're going to send the dog in and you get bit oh well that's your own stupidity
You're an encyclopaedia of knowledge with the wisdom and foresight of Moses.
You're an encyclopaedia of knowledge with the wisdom and foresight of Moses.
I wish I was lol more like a hillbilly who has a lot of interests and life experiences.
I'm well traveled in the Usa and have lived in many states or worked in them . the police dog is a great deterrent .
and frankly if they have a dog and you decide to fight or run then your asking for the dog to bit .
who knows how many time a suspect has run and they call the dog in to find them . They use the dog to root them out and avoid sending in a officer and they normally tell the suspect we are sending the dog in if they dont give up after hearing that they deserve what ever happens .

California liberals som often pass laws that hinder the police and help the criminal its pathic .
I wish I was lol more like a hillbilly who has a lot of interests and life experiences.
I'm well traveled in the Usa and have lived in many states or worked in them . the police dog is a great deterrent .
and frankly if they have a dog and you decide to fight or run then your asking for the dog to bit .
who knows how many time a suspect has run and they call the dog in to find them . They use the dog to root them out and avoid sending in a officer and they normally tell the suspect we are sending the dog in if they dont give up after hearing that they deserve what ever happens .

California liberals som often pass laws that hinder the police and help the criminal its pathic .
I knew you would be ignorant enough to blame liberals without knowing exactly why it was done.
You're not there and weren't at the meetings. I'm not interested in your feelings. Get the facts first.
Yes they are 516 billion in debt and facing a 41 billion short fall this year along a failing electrical grid and water supply .massive supply chain issues in its ports still a huge illegal population of at least 2 million maybe 2x that
I knew you would be ignorant enough to blame liberals without knowing exactly why it was done.
You're not there and weren't at the meetings. I'm not interested in your feelings. Get the facts first.
Lol Boris cali is a very liberal state and are anti cop and pro criminal
Yes they are 516 billion in debt and facing a 41 billion short fall this year along a failing electrical grid and water supply .massive supply chain issues in its ports still a huge illegal population of at least 2 million maybe 2x that
Lol Boris cali is a very liberal state and are anti cop and pro criminal
My point is you say nothing about republican run states with heavy debt and high crime rates. It's always to draw attention to anything liberals. It's like you copy marks pathetic posts.

The debt is rising as you would expect, like every modern society on earth today. After the international catastrophes it would be uncommon if it didn't.

Trump increased the national debt by 7 trillion in four years. A national record and not a whimper from his boot lickers like you. But you focus on a state which is attempting to facilitate refugees etc. By the millions. You just don't get but I understand you lug nut.
My point is you say nothing about republican run states with heavy debt and high crime rates. It's always to draw attention to anything liberals. It's like you copy marks pathetic posts.

The debt is rising as you would expect, like every modern society on earth today. After the international catastrophes it would be uncommon if it didn't.

Trump increased the national debt by 7 trillion in four years. A national record and not a whimper from his boot lickers like you. But you focus on a state which is attempting to facilitate refugees etc. By the millions. You just don't get but I understand you lug nut.
I am talking about the stupidty of trying to ban police dogs from biting boris thats the point of the is thread