Leftist protesters invade the Capitol again, but no arrests or long jail terms are expected since these gangsters support Hamas

i'd say that atheists are an enemy of religion,, not of your specific god. he doesn't believe your god even exists.
Atheists believe what they believe by faith, not by sight, but their atheistic faith is a false faith and belief.
Atheism is not a belief system.
Mark claims that anyone that does not believe as he does is wrong, but he has no proof that he is right.
Atheists are to theology as jockeys are to unicorns.
Theology is the study or contemplation of religious beliefs. Atheism is a religious view that adherents prefer not to call a religious view. Such terminology is a matter of semantics.

Modern Humanism can be conceived of as either religious or secular in nature. The differences between religious and secular humanists are not so much a matter of doctrine or dogma; instead, they tend to involve the language being used, the emphasis on emotions or reason, and some of the attitudes towards existence. Very often, unless the terms religious or secular are used, it can be difficult to tell the difference.

Theology is the study or contemplation of religious beliefs. Atheism is a religious view that adherents prefer not to call a religious view. Such terminology is a matter of semantics.

Modern Humanism can be conceived of as either religious or secular in nature. The differences between religious and secular humanists are not so much a matter of doctrine or dogma; instead, they tend to involve the language being used, the emphasis on emotions or reason, and some of the attitudes towards existence. Very often, unless the terms religious or secular are used, it can be difficult to tell the difference.

It's simply a belief that no gods exist