Kill a jew and get paid by Hamas in Gaza

the annoying thing

Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022

Yes its a wonderful program for the people of Gaza commit a terror act kill a jew and we pay you for it. And democrats yet some support these people . Maybe they will start a similar program , O wait they already have kind of with Iran they have paid them billions .
there is more to having an informed political opinion than rummaging through the internet and
cherry picking items that fit your prejudice

what about the 13,500 children killed and thousands maimed or buried under rubble ?

where is your outrage over this..

there is a raging controvery over this and other matters with jewish people that you are totally missing in your one-eyed analysis

wise up

comrade stalin

Yes its a wonderful program for the people of Gaza commit a terror act kill a jew and we pay you for it. And democrats yet some support these people . Maybe they will start a similar program , O wait they already have kind of with Iran they have paid them billions .
Saddam also had a reward system to enrich Jew murderers. Thank God Bush took him out.
Saddam also had a reward system to enrich Jew murderers. Thank God Bush took him out.
Vastly more innocent Iraqis died after Juniorbush's incompetent invasion than Saddam ever executed.
Over half of the population of Iraq was forced to move as a result of the invasion. It allowed Syrians to arm themselves and prolong their civil war which still has not ended.

Nothing the US government has ever done was done more stupidly than Juniorbush's invasion of Iraq.
Saddam also had a reward system to enrich Jew murderers. Thank God Bush took him out. facts say otherwise

my understanding is that saddam did a pretty good job of keeping the religious maniacs in line

Immediately prior to the Gulf War, the U.S. State Department noted that there was no recent evidence of overt persecution of Jews, but travel, particularly to Israel, was restricted, as was contact with Jewish groups abroad. In 1997, the Jerusalem Post reported that in the previous five years, some 75 Jews had fled Iraq, of whom about 20 moved to Israel and the rest mostly went to the United Kingdom and Netherlands.[76] The community's only ordained rabbi died in 1996 and the last shochet, or kosher slaughterer, left in 2002. In 2003, one community member, Emad Levy, became the community's leader, functioning as its sole rabbi, kosher slaughterer, and advisor on all Judaism-related issues to those in the community.[95]

The last active synagogue closed in 2003, a few weeks before the 2003 invasion of Iraq.[96] In the aftermath of the 2003 invasion, the Jewish Agency launched an effort to track down all of the remaining Iraqi Jews to present them with an opportunity to emigrate to Israel, and found a total of 34 Jews in Baghdad, half of whom were over the age of 70. While the community was largely elderly and poor, some were middle class including two doctors. Six chose to emigrate, among them Ezra Levy, the father of Emad Levy.[97][98][76]

After the defeat of the Ba'ath regime, the process of establishing a new democratic government began. Among the subjects for debate over the Iraqi constitution was whether Jews should be considered a minority group, or left out of the constitution altogether.[99]

In October 2006, Rabbi Emad Levy announced that he was leaving for Israel and compared his life to "living in a prison". He reported that most Iraqi Jews stay in their homes "out of fear of kidnapping or execution" due to sectarian violence.[100] However, Levy remained in Iraq for four more years. He emigrated to Israel in 2010 after receiving death threats, where he subsequentlt in the country. In a 2018 interview, he said that there were five Jews still in Iraq, with one woman serving as the community director.[95]y married and started a family, becoming the last Iraqi Jew to emigrate. Levy remained in touch with the small Jewish community left

Vastly more innocent Iraqis died after Juniorbush's incompetent invasion than Saddam ever executed.
Over half of the population of Iraq was forced to move as a result of the invasion. It allowed Syrians to arm themselves and prolong their civil war which still has not ended.

Nothing the US government has ever done was done more stupidly than Juniorbush's invasion of Iraq.
What a quandary you now find yourself in. No matter who you support they are killing innocent women and children, according to you and/or current news reports.
What a quandary you now find yourself in. No matter who you support they are killing innocent women and children, according to you and/or current news reports.
That is true, but I am not being taxed to support the destruction of Gaza and the extermination of innocent Gazans.
Vastly more innocent Iraqis died after Juniorbush's incompetent invasion than Saddam ever executed.
Over half of the population of Iraq was forced to move as a result of the invasion. It allowed Syrians to arm themselves and prolong their civil war which still has not ended.

Nothing the US government has ever done was done more stupidly than Juniorbush's invasion of Iraq.
it took a man out of power that was abusing his own people him and his sons had torture chambers and one son would go to schools and find young girls to rape and no one said anything .
He ws a major danger to peace in the middle east and supported terror attacks by some groups and by the way MR. PHD teacher his political party was based on the nazi party .
Him being gone is a good thing for the middle east.

Here is just a tad about the guy your protecting .

Saddam was a bad guy, but his many evil deeds were puny compared to the horrid mess Juniorbush and Cheney's war did to the entire region, which was WORSE than anything Saddam caused.

It was, of course, about the oil.
That is true, but I am not being taxed to support the destruction of Gaza and the extermination of innocent Gazans.
If you are going to take sides in a war you should not take the side of mass murdering terrorists who have been brainwashed as a nation into believing that God wants them to murder all Jews from the mountains to the sea.
If you are going to take sides in a war you should not take the side of mass murdering terrorists,such as the idf who have been brainwashed as a nation into believing that God wants them to murder all muslims from the mountains to the sea.
a classic example of the strawman logical fallacy

comrade strawman
If you are going to take sides in a war you should not take the side of mass murdering terrorists who have been brainwashed as a nation into believing that God wants them to murder all Jews from the mountains to the sea.
I see no reason to support either side. Both sides are acting stupidly, more so now than ever, and I do not want to support either one.
The Palestinians have no hope of killing all the Jews, nor of driving them into the sea. Nor is there any chance that the Israelis have any chance of expelling or exterminating all the Palestinians.
I favor ending sending money or weapons to the Israelis or the Palestinians until they act in a rational manner towards one another.
I don't see how that is taking sides.
Nor do I think we should take sides in other territorial disputes around the world: Nagorny Karabakh, Ruhingis, Cyprus.
It does make sense for the US to support Ukraine and Taiwan.
no it doesn't

donbass is russian land

taiwan is a fiction created by the wicked imperialists

comrade stalin
Taiwan was a neglected part of the Chinese Empire until the Maoists took over the Mainland. It is a very diverse culture: there are native Taiwanese, people from Fujien across the straits and Mandarin speaking Han Chinese who came with Chaing's army. People in Taiwan are more free and more prosperous than people on the Mainland.

Taiwan is in no way fictional. It evolved from a dictatorship into a prosperous democracy, and should be an independent nation.
fair enough..lets all forget about the untold squillions poured into country by american "aid"

i do not see you, or anyone else on this site agitating for independence for american samoa, the marshall islands, guam, hawaii,
alaska, puerto rico and any number of colonies...

comrade stalin