Is every Democrat official in California stupid in economics?

mark francis

Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2021
It seems California Democrat officials move from one unaffordable promise to another. Are these people stupid or are they lying to rubes in exchange for votes, with no intention of seriously attempting to push through their stupid unaffordable Democrat plans?

Free Healthcare for immigrants to be paid for by dwindling tax receipts from dwindling numbers of working taxpayers.

California to offer 700,000 illegal immigrants free healthcare as deficit soars and population shrinks ( 12-30-23

California to offer 700,000 illegal immigrants free healthcare as deficit soars and population shrinks
California is ushering in 2024 with free healthcare for more than 700,000 migrants living illegally in the Golden State as the state is faced with a looming $68 billion deficit.

The program, which was announced in May by Gov. Gavin Newsom, will provide health insurance for approximately 700,000 illegal immigrant residents aged 26-49.

California has been providing free health insurance to illegal immigrants who are under 26-years-old since 2019.

The program will begin on Jan. 1, 2024 and will provide more illegal immigrants with health insurance under the state's Medi-Cal coverage.

San Francisco Reparations Proposal Would Cost City North of $100 Billion | National Review 1-23-23
San Francisco Reparations Proposal Could Cost City North of $100 Billion
It seems California Democrat officials move from one unaffordable promise to another. Are these people stupid or are they lying to rubes in exchange for votes, with no intention of seriously attempting to push through their stupid unaffordable Democrat plans?

Free Healthcare for immigrants to be paid for by dwindling tax receipts from dwindling numbers of working taxpayers.

California to offer 700,000 illegal immigrants free healthcare as deficit soars and population shrinks ( 12-30-23

California to offer 700,000 illegal immigrants free healthcare as deficit soars and population shrinks
California is ushering in 2024 with free healthcare for more than 700,000 migrants living illegally in the Golden State as the state is faced with a looming $68 billion deficit.

The program, which was announced in May by Gov. Gavin Newsom, will provide health insurance for approximately 700,000 illegal immigrant residents aged 26-49.

California has been providing free health insurance to illegal immigrants who are under 26-years-old since 2019.

The program will begin on Jan. 1, 2024 and will provide more illegal immigrants with health insurance under the state's Medi-Cal coverage.

San Francisco Reparations Proposal Would Cost City North of $100 Billion | National Review 1-23-23
San Francisco Reparations Proposal Could Cost City North of $100 Billion
I agree with every but of it.
If republicans were in charge they would let sick people die in the street like they did years ago but suck up to big Health for the bribes.
As for the reporation, it'll never happen and you know that but it's used by you to have an ignorant poke at democrats. You're so predicable. Stick with your Bible boy.
I agree with every but of it.
If republicans were in charge they would let sick people die in the street like they did years ago but suck up to big Health for the bribes.
As for the reporation, it'll never happen and you know that but it's used by you to have an ignorant poke at democrats. You're so predicable. Stick with your Bible boy.
Stupidity is believing endless repetitions of lying leftist narratives about "greedy rich people and corporations," global warming alarmism, alleged Christian terrorists, impossibility of Democrats to commit voting fraud, impossibility of blacks to be racists or to commit hate crimes, and so forth.

gS9i5[1].png Is every Democrat official in California stupid in economics?​

"On May 17, 2001, future Republican governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and former Los Angeles Mayor Republican Richard Riordan met with Enron CEO Kenneth Lay at the Peninsula Beverly Hills Hotel in Beverly Hills. The meeting was convened for Enron to present its "Comprehensive Solution for California," which called for an end to federal and state investigations into Enron's role in the California energy crisis."
"On May 17, 2001, future Republican governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and former Los Angeles Mayor Republican Richard Riordan met with Enron CEO Kenneth Lay at the Peninsula Beverly Hills Hotel in Beverly Hills. The meeting was convened for Enron to present its "Comprehensive Solution for California," which called for an end to federal and state investigations into Enron's role in the California energy crisis."
Ken Lay was suspected of financial crimes, just like Joe Biden is suspected of financial crimes. Evidence of financial crimes should be investigated and those found guilty should be punished.
yes th
It seems California Democrat officials move from one unaffordable promise to another. Are these people stupid or are they lying to rubes in exchange for votes, with no intention of seriously attempting to push through their stupid unaffordable Democrat plans?

Free Healthcare for immigrants to be paid for by dwindling tax receipts from dwindling numbers of working taxpayers.

California to offer 700,000 illegal immigrants free healthcare as deficit soars and population shrinks ( 12-30-23

California to offer 700,000 illegal immigrants free healthcare as deficit soars and population shrinks
California is ushering in 2024 with free healthcare for more than 700,000 migrants living illegally in the Golden State as the state is faced with a looming $68 billion deficit.

The program, which was announced in May by Gov. Gavin Newsom, will provide health insurance for approximately 700,000 illegal immigrant residents aged 26-49.

California has been providing free health insurance to illegal immigrants who are under 26-years-old since 2019.

The program will begin on Jan. 1, 2024 and will provide more illegal immigrants with health insurance under the state's Medi-Cal coverage.

San Francisco Reparations Proposal Would Cost City North of $100 Billion | National Review 1-23-23
San Francisco Reparations Proposal Could Cost City North of $100 Billion
Yep they are nut jobs .

They plan on spending billions on perorations they do not have spending billions on illegals Requiring gas cars only be sold 3035 after that its got to be electric and they do not have a power grid that can handle it or charging statics . lol I wonder how they plan to put charging stations for condos and apartments
They have a huge deficit and its growing .
You can look and see they are the kings of blowing money .And dreams
yes th

Yep they are nut jobs .

They plan on spending billions on perorations they do not have spending billions on illegals Requiring gas cars only be sold 3035 after that its got to be electric and they do not have a power grid that can handle it or charging statics . lol I wonder how they plan to put charging stations for condos and apartments
They have a huge deficit and its growing .
You can look and see they are the kings of blowing money .And dreams
Leftists are idiots. California fascist oligarchs banning gasoline vehicles is like a government welfare department banning government funding for its own existence.
yes th

Yep they are nut jobs .

They plan on spending billions on perorations they do not have spending billions on illegals Requiring gas cars only be sold 3035 after that its got to be electric and they do not have a power grid that can handle it or charging statics . lol I wonder how they plan to put charging stations for condos and apartments
They have a huge deficit and its growing .
You can look and see they are the kings of blowing money .And dreams
There should be about $1.6 mil in there for bribes & kick-backs. Forced austerity is just around the corner in Californica, at which time the mass exodus begins in earnest. Businesses that can move, will. People won’t be able to sell their homes for enough to cover the mortgage and nobody will buy the businesses or commercial buildings. It’ll be like a giant Detroit. There won’t be enough revenue to staff & maintain civil services and infrastructure will descend into endless decay. The worse it gets, the worse it gets. The bad guys who did this to the state will have disappeared into the woodwork in other states, and the people left holding the bag are those with too few assets to be able to afford to move. What used to be the 6th largest economy in the world will become the largest slum on the planet. Argentina writ large.
0a79e8730e1031bf7021a26c7014013e[1].jpg There should be about $1.6 mil in there for bribes & kick-backs. Forced austerity is just around the corner in Californica, at which time the mass exodus begins in earnest. Businesses that can move, will. People won’t be able to sell their homes for enough to cover the mortgage and nobody will buy the businesses or commercial buildings. It’ll be like a giant Detroit. There won’t be enough revenue to staff & maintain civil services and infrastructure will descend into endless decay. The worse it gets, the worse it gets. The bad guys who did this to the state will have disappeared into the woodwork in other states, and the people left holding the bag are those with too few assets to be able to afford to move. What used to be the 6th largest economy in the world will become the largest slum on the planet. Argentina writ large.
There should be about $1.6 mil in there for bribes & kick-backs. Forced austerity is just around the corner in Californica, at which time the mass exodus begins in earnest. Businesses that can move, will. People won’t be able to sell their homes for enough to cover the mortgage and nobody will buy the businesses or commercial buildings. It’ll be like a giant Detroit. There won’t be enough revenue to staff & maintain civil services and infrastructure will descend into endless decay. The worse it gets, the worse it gets. The bad guys who did this to the state will have disappeared into the woodwork in other states, and the people left holding the bag are those with too few assets to be able to afford to move. What used to be the 6th largest economy in the world will become the largest slum on the planet. Argentina writ large.
Business and people have been leaving demo rat cities like NY and la fresco etc. the taxes are killing them the cost of living and crime.
If you look back through the history of the USA you will see that many cities that were important and substantial in our early years are insignificant now. Nothing is granted; nothing is forever. The Italians, who have a very long history of being at the center of western civilization, have a saying, "Nothing changes; but nothing stays the same." It infers, and history concurs, that mankind's predilections for self dealing always outweighs whatever social and technological progress we make. Those in power get more than their fair share every time, and move on when the corpse is used up. It's a robbery in slow motion, we can see it happening in real time, yet we are powerless to change the direction of the great ship of state.

It's instructive to know that Sham Francisco was the most expensive city to live in, in the USA and 6th most expensive in the world. It has been populated by the most successful people in the USA. These are the people who have ruined it. It's safe to say that the smartest people in the room are not always, or maybe ever (?), the people we should listen to, for anything. Originally, the Founders created a system that was supposed to be a democratic Republic; not ruled by a King, or educated elite or the richest, but rather with the concurrence of the common man. It's arguable that we're neither democratic nor a Republic now. We need to get back to square one.