Instead of Protesting wall street why not protest at the EPA?


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
Theyre the ones holding up most jobs and ****ing up the economy. Just like the logging industry. The EPA sided with looney California politics you cant chop down trees in the forrests. Thats why you have wildfires in California. The more you have trees in forrest the more you ignite chances of a wildfire. Someone i saw on the news did this experment he puts a bunch sticks of matches on a board together he lights one match and when it got hot enough it spreads to other matches. Then another experment he took some matches away like you chop down trees lights the match and then the match burns without speading to other matches cause theyre not close together. You see its those San Francisco loony evoinmentalist wanted the EPA to put an halt in logging industry. Another EPA impact is HIGH OIL PRICES. Again no offshore drilling,No drilling in ANWR and No building 100 new refineries across America fhat also impact JOBS and economy. So instead of Protesting at wall street WHY NOT PROTEST AT THE EPA?
It was the brush between the trees that the eco-idiots didn't want cleared out thatg catches fire easily and facilitates the horrible forest fires. More settled science that turned out badly.
And now the Israeli join in with Occupy Wall Street Protesters!

Another "bunch of dumb hippies?" Or maybe "a mob?"

Israelis join in as Wall Street protests go global
Protests take place across world on global 'day of rage'; rioters in Rome set fire to cars, smash windows of stores and banks and trash offices of the defense ministry.
By Asaf Shtull-Trauring and Reuters
Clear air Sucks!

We want Mercury yes we do, we want Mercury how about you!

Smog is great!

I hate the ice caps!

Polar Bears are Godless Killing machines!

God gave us this earth, and we can destroy it if we want to,

thousands may die of lung cancer...but what about my stock prices?
Clear air Sucks!

We want Mercury yes we do, we want Mercury how about you!

Smog is great!

I hate the ice caps!

Polar Bears are Godless Killing machines!

God gave us this earth, and we can destroy it if we want to,

thousands may die of lung cancer...but what about my stock prices?

well with your lightbulb reg you'll get that mercury and MORE !
polar bears ARE godless killing machines, its a bear thing
well with your lightbulb reg you'll get that mercury and MORE !
polar bears ARE godless killing machines, its a bear thing

recycle them , its not hard...but of course if they spew it in the air where it goes all over and into the don't care...because of the retarded idea that new light bulbs are the end of the world...

so what if they save large amounts of energy ( thats power that does not have to be causeing pollution)

Who cares if they cost less over time....

who cares if last a lot longer

its like watching cavemen fearing fire before they learned it was good.
recycle them , its not hard...but of course if they spew it in the air where it goes all over and into the don't care...because of the retarded idea that new light bulbs are the end of the world...

so what if they save large amounts of energy ( thats power that does not have to be causeing pollution)

Who cares if they cost less over time....

who cares if last a lot longer

its like watching cavemen fearing fire before they learned it was good.

Wonder if people felt that way about their kerosene lamps? :rolleyes:
Theyre the ones holding up most jobs and ****ing up the economy. Just like the logging industry. The EPA sided with looney California politics you cant chop down trees in the forrests. Thats why you have wildfires in California. The more you have trees in forrest the more you ignite chances of a wildfire. Someone i saw on the news did this experment he puts a bunch sticks of matches on a board together he lights one match and when it got hot enough it spreads to other matches. Then another experment he took some matches away like you chop down trees lights the match and then the match burns without speading to other matches cause theyre not close together. You see its those San Francisco loony evoinmentalist wanted the EPA to put an halt in logging industry. Another EPA impact is HIGH OIL PRICES. Again no offshore drilling,No drilling in ANWR and No building 100 new refineries across America fhat also impact JOBS and economy. So instead of Protesting at wall street WHY NOT PROTEST AT THE EPA?

Why not protest the college that charged them so much for a useless degree?
You see why the 1950s were such of a great decade to live in. The Rich paid Taxes. Gas was cheap,,Food was cheap,,Dates were so easy to get and everybody had jobs.
you do know that half the time, what your degree is in, means very little right? Its that you have a degree that matters unless your in a very specialized field.

I am not sure what that has to do with it but ok.

My point is the price of education has gone up too. More than many other things. The protesters are protesting about student loans they can not pay back. Why not protest the colleges for the high cost of education?