
Well-Known Member
Mar 12, 2022
March 23, 2022
"As the 2022 primary season gets underway, those of us who have long opposed former President Donald Trump may finally begin seeing an end to his reign over the Republican Party.

Just consider
the current realities Trump faces."
The specifics of who can run is flatly stated as part of the Constitution and not subject to druggie-influenced logic in the Mile-High State. It figures that people in the state with the highest rate of lead and heavy metal contamination in drinking water would be unaware of the details of the document that sets the rules for all laws that descend from the founding principles. A lot of heavy users of hallucinogens have crawled into the Colorful mountains and you know what they always say, GIGO. Sorry Colorado, you're having a bad trip.
There will be something democrats who will see this for what it is a attempt to cheat .it will help him with a few liberals and there might be a few republicans that were not going to vote for him that may change their minds.
There will be something democrats who will see this for what it is a attempt to cheat .it will help him with a few liberals and there might be a few republicans that were not going to vote for him that may change their minds.
Yes, people are watching this and it's hard to call what they're doing to Trump anything other than what it is: business as usual for Dems. Cheat, steal, lie, connive, stab in back or any other surface available, -just another day on the job.
The specifics of who can run is flatly stated as part of the Constitution and not subject to druggie-influenced logic in the Mile-High State. It figures that people in the state with the highest rate of lead and heavy metal contamination in drinking water would be unaware of the details of the document that sets the rules for all laws that descend from the founding principles. A lot of heavy users of hallucinogens have crawled into the Colorful mountains and you know what they always say, GIGO. Sorry Colorado, you're having a bad trip.
I think they got it spot on and so will the other states.
Election interference and corruption at its most glaring.

Yeah....Spanky drew all 5 Aces, on those!!!!

14th (3.0) Amendment To The U.S. Constitution
"No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof."
December 20, 2023
"This ends when we kill these fuckers," a user wrote on a pro-Trump forum that was used by several Jan. 6 rioters."
I'd like to express the same rage, but it's just giving the Dems a tool to use against us as the Jan6er's can attest to. How'd that work out? Armed revolutions tend to last 15 to 20 years and as often as not the wrong guys win. (See: Venezuela) While GOP has to upgrade our game to include playing just like them, we need to win with votes and change the system to preclude commies and outsiders from participation. Our enemies finance provocateurs and aid bad people like Barry & Gay and thousands more like them. The middlers are sailboats and will go along to get get along having no deep convictions and only useful at the ballot box. Dem policies are hurting everyone so the middle will sail our way, but we need better lawyers to win inside the system. We need to judge-shop, just like they do.
December 20, 2023
"This ends when we kill these fuckers," a user wrote on a pro-Trump forum that was used by several Jan. 6 rioters."
Radicals threatening to murder leftists are similar to radicals threatening to murder cops or white people. There is no excuse for such animosity and that sort of attitude is born in hearts and minds that are estranged from God.
Radicals threatening to murder leftists are similar to radicals threatening to murder cops or white people. There is no excuse for such animosity and that sort of attitude is born in hearts and minds that are estranged from God.

I disagree. Rage is the product of overwhelming threats to one's self interest that precludes reasonable responses. Back a wild animal into a corner and he will eventually come out leading with claws and teeth. It's a question of when, not if. It's not anti-Christian or the absence of God of any denomination; it's purely the nth degree on the flight-or-fight scale. While it's not the preferred response to the individual, it may indeed be the expected and desired response to the progenitor. The bad guys, -democrats are doing this to us. The incautious among us will fall for it and take the bait.

Excluding Trump from the ballot is a prime example of events that force that animal out of the corner and through the face of evil forces blocking the way. Allowing illegal immigrants to vote in NYC is another. If non-citizens can vote in our elections because they are affected by the outcome, why do they have to be here in a given place to vote, why not from wherever they are in the world? What's the difference? Elsewhere? Mail them a ballot!

There's a conspiracy to prevent Trump from becoming President, again.

conspiracy, kən-spîr′ə-sē, noun

1. An agreement to perform together an illegal, wrongful, or subversive act.
2. A group of conspirators.
3. An agreement between two or more persons to commit a crime or accomplish a legal purpose through illegal action.

From The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition. More at Wordnik

Members of the cabal in New York, DC, Georgia, Colorado, ad infinitum and every major university are sowing the seeds of America's destruction; many of us see it coming like a slow-motion train wreck. The Dems are pushing the throttle wide open while the GOP tries in vain to apply the brakes. We're losing and Dems are winning right now, but there are always curves beyond our sight and although we don't know when we will come to one, we will.

The soft landing the FED is steering us to is more likely to be a short, muddy field than a long bed of roses. Russia could overcome Ukraine at any time; that would be very threatening to surrounding EU countries, in spades. Would the victor disband his army, or look around for another, easier accomplishment? Did Hitler stop at just one potato chip? CCP needs to move on Taiwan before Joe is thrown out of office to insure that the US (& western powers) will drag their feet long enough for a response to be too little, too late. Islamic terrorists are everywhere, under every rock and behind every pillar & post. A little terrorism goes a long way to handcuffing western governments that respond in slow-motion, if at all to a crisis. Witness the Hoootie vs. shipping to & from 200+ countries of the world. Response time? Months, waiting for someone else, meanwhile back at the ranch all prices on everything will increase for the 5,000,000,000 people who don't live in Yemen.

If we're betting on Joe, which is more likely: Congress will continue to investigate and reveal millions more in Biden family income, vote to impeach, and then what will the Senate do? Crawfish? Or, he drops dead or more likely pulls up lame and Dems slow-walk an ~orderly~ transition to Ms. Popularity until they can find a Dem candidate better than Gavin Wino d'Californicatoria, the guy whose good points start and end with his hair. There's no basement deep enough to keep him out of sight long enough to win.

I'm betting Joe pulls up lame the week before the Dem Convention, but I'm expecting a black swan. This is what's called a, "Lose, lose, lose" scenario. Coming to a theater of war near you...