Here's what we are looking forward to.

Here's another factual rendition of what trump did to this country yet you still support him.
If there were voter fraud I'm so pleased there was and I hope it happens again just to keep the bastard away.

Leftists have been busy censoring speech, data, reports, and evidence that tells and shows truth opposed to error. I am not impressed by unsupported and poorly supported leftist hype and propaganda.
Leftists have been busy censoring speech, data, reports, and evidence that tells and shows truth opposed to error. I am not impressed by unsupported and poorly supported leftist hype and propaganda.
You're interested but you don't like the truth.
You elected a phsycopathic narcissistic bully who destroyed the country.
Here's another factual rendition of what trump did to this country yet you still support him.
If there were voter fraud I'm so pleased there was and I hope it happens again just to keep the bastard away.

Lmao. Media fed simpleton.
I can't say 100 percent I made all of those but I made most of them for sure.
Prove its a lie big mouth.
You horse dick chokers don't accept proof. No matter what he shows, your sorry ass will deny it. I learned a long time ago that trying to actually debate with you sons of bitches was an exercise in futility.