Has this ever happend before?


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
When a candidate gets the needed electorial votes for nomination during the primaries but the Convention deligates choose someone else. Has this ever happen before?
When a candidate gets the needed electorial votes for nomination during the primaries but the Convention deligates choose someone else. Has this ever happen before?

not recently enough to matter. more likely is a candidate relying on super-delegates to go over the top who has a defection of them.
Im Thinking maybe the super-delegates will choose Newt cause thats his only chance. I dont like Mitt Romney because hes carrying his religion with his campaign.
Im Thinking maybe the super-delegates will choose Newt cause thats his only chance. I dont like Mitt Romney because hes carrying his religion with his campaign.

hmmm you realize rick and Noot are doing it moreso right ?

dont like romney if you wish but at least do it for a better reason.
Newt,,Worked with Reagan,,He even suggested things to Reagan and he took his ideas. Like get tough on the soviets. Can you imagine what Newt can do to CHINA? He will have them scared like a bunch of whimpy dogs. Do you know how to scare a bunch rabid dogs? You throw rocks and stones at them and theyre back away from you. Thats how you get tough. Stand up to them!!! GRAB THE BULL BY THE HORNS!! Mitt will have the Chineese bully us some more.