Guillotine the aristocracy

Oh, for the return of the guillotine. I would gladly sit for hours pulling the lanyard time after time. The real enemy is not without of our borders, it is and always has been within. With the disparity between worker and CEO growing each year, their agenda will re-establish the robber barons to power.

As you have stated before, you would gladly pull the lanyard to decapitate me.

Just further proof that you leftists are a very murderous bunch.
Oh, for the return of the guillotine. I would gladly sit for hours pulling the lanyard time after time. The real enemy is not without of our borders, it is and always has been within. With the disparity between worker and CEO growing each year, their agenda will re-establish the robber barons to power.

This article seems to lament the trend that states will no longer automatically deduct from pay checks and give it straight to unions....if workers really supported what the union was doing, and thought it represented their interests, why would such a change dry up union funds? After all, workers could just write a check to pay their dues right?
The leftwing view of society - punish the achievers. Which is the reason why socialist societies always end up somewhere in the economic range of poverty to starvation.
The leftwing view of society - punish the achievers. Which is the reason why socialist societies always end up somewhere in the economic range of poverty to starvation.

Exactly right, Rick. The "end game" of the leftists is to remove all incentives by the working class to do a good job, by punishing the owners of businesses who dare to make a PROFIT through their own hard work and innovation.

As it has always been, the leftists always love to create an "us versus them" atmosphere in EVERY phase of our lives, whether it is at the workplace (usually via labor union demands), or through racial unrest, or through economic inequality, or through class warfare.

If everybody lived and worked in harmony, the leftists would be out of work.

I happen to believe that multi-million dollar salaries and bonuses and golden parachutes for CEOs and other senior management-types is OBSCENE, especially when it involves corporations that are failing or are on life-support or are surviving on government bailouts.

I would also like to know WHY oil companies are receiving tax breaks, and WHAT the oil companies are doing with their multi-billion dollar profits. Are they upgrading their refineries and distribution systems? Are they cutting the wholesale prices of the products created from the crude oil they refine? Are they saving some of their profit money for a "rainy day fund", when their profits aren't there anymore?

I have no problem with companies making profits. I do have a problem with companies who make profits on the backs of the consumers, and in some cases their employees, then frivolously and recklessly redistribute those profits.
There were several parts of that story I could comment on but I'll limit myself to just a few of his statements:

Whatever the truth, there is one thing that the most basic understanding of societies throughout the history of the world reveals- concentrating all of the power and the money in the hands of the aristocracy leads to a very unhappy ending.

And while many a society has bought into the notion that they were the one to make it work – they never do.

Why would we be any different?
I agree that concentrating the power and money in the hands of a few elite doesn't end well. However, guillotining the rich and redistributing the nations wealth does exactly that. Such a measure puts all the power and wealth in the hands of the few elite charged with the redistribution of the nations wealth. We should learn from history that those who come to power through mass murder have no qualms about continuing the blood bath in order to remain in power.

So while many a nation has bought into the notion that they could make a bloody revolution of the proletariat succeed - they never do.

Why would your's be any different?

[T]he law...prohibits the state from automatically deducting dues from the paychecks of state employees to be paid over to the unions.
And why does the author consider this a bad thing? The answer was in his very first sentence:

The quest for influence, power and control at all levels of government has long played out through large political contributions and the big bucks paid to lobbyists to accomplish special interest objectives.
By not automatically deducting dues from the paychecks of state employees, the Unions quest for influence, power and control at all levels of government through large political contributions and paid lobbyists will be hampered and thereby threaten the unions special interest objectives.

Clearly the author does not see our Corporatist system as the problem. Oh no... He sees the real problem as having to compete with other special interests for control of government. If only he and his special interest were allowed to weild all the influence, power and controls at all levels of government to accomplish their own special interest objectives - at the exclusion, and even expense, of all the other special interests...

I doubt the author would be writing ominous warnings about the concentration of wealth and power in the hands of his special interests, the Unions. He certainly wouldn't characterize the concentration of wealth and power into the hands of the Unions as coming at the cost of our democracy.

No, he'd be writing about how a new era in America was coming, the era of the worker. Where everyone makes a living wage, jobs are plentiful, green energy powers the economy, and the lust for profit had finally taken a back seat to the needs of the people, all thanks to the power and wealth of the country being concentrated in the hands of his elite, his aristocracy, his special interest group - The Unions.
Aristocrats are an ever changing group of people. Today's middle class is tomorrows rich. If we enact a policy to cut off the head of the rich more and more people will eventually get the axe.

Who is most likely to be poor? A: A young kid just out of high school working at McD's. Who is most likely to be rich? A young kid just out of high school who has then put in 40 years of work.
The Great Walter E. Williams states it perfectly here...

The sane among us recognize that in a free society, income is neither taken nor distributed; for the most part, it is earned. Income is earned by pleasing one's fellow man. The greater one's ability to please his fellow man, the greater is his claim on what his fellow man produces. Those claims are represented by the number of dollars received from his fellow man.

Contrast the morality of having to serve one's fellow man in order to have a claim on what he produces with congressional handouts. In effect, Congress says, "You don't have to serve your fellow man in order to have a claim on what he produces. We'll take what he produces and give it to you. Just vote for me."

If anyone is obliged to give something back, they are the thieves and recipients of legalized theft, namely people who've used Congress, including America's corporate welfare queens, to live at the expense of others. When a nation vilifies the productive and makes mascots of the unproductive, it doesn't bode well for its future.

I think that last sentence speaks volumes, but apparently those on the Left are deaf.
Just further proof that you leftists are a very murderous bunch.

A good demonstration of the converse fallacy of accident which is also called a hasty generalisation.

for example

George Bush ordered the illegal invasion of Iraq and so is a War Criminal.

Therefore, all americans are War Criminals.

Comrade Stalin
A good demonstration of the converse fallacy of accident which is also called a hasty generalisation.

for example

George Bush ordered the illegal invasion of Iraq and so is a War Criminal.

Therefore, all americans are War Criminals.

Comrade Stalin

I'm sure you've been asked many times before if you have any PROOF that the "invasion" of Iraq was "illegal", and I bet you've never answered that question coherently.

I'm also sure that in the interest of "intellectual honesty", you would also characterize Obama ordering the "invasion" of Pakistan as "illegal", not to mention Obama ordering an escalation of the "invasion" of Afghanistan, and the continued occupation of Iraq as both being "illegal".
A good demonstration of the converse fallacy of accident which is also called a hasty generalisation.

for example

George Bush ordered the illegal invasion of Iraq and so is a War Criminal.

Therefore, all americans are War Criminals.

Comrade Stalin

The iraq war wasn't illegal, and you can't prove that it was. You're simply repeating the mantra of the leftwing koolaid kids. :D
Gipper's liberal use of logical fallacies often has hilarious consequencies and here we have a classic.

His fellow travellers, leaping to his defence, have not bothered to acknowledge that his text was fallacious, but that the EXAMPLE was wrong - pretty much the reaction that I expected when I composed the example.

I, of course, do not have to prove a thing. The proof was required by the US administration. In due course, bogus intelligence reports were trundled out to show that Iraq possessed massive quantities of WMD, ignoring the UN inspectors and the millions who marched against the war.

As Egypt, Tunisia, Syria and Libya have shown, it is possible the Iraq regime would have crumbled without the death and destruction created by the imperialist occupation forces.

Comrade Stalin
Gipper's liberal use of logical fallacies often has hilarious consequencies and here we have a classic.

His fellow travellers, leaping to his defence, have not bothered to acknowledge that his text was fallacious, but that the EXAMPLE was wrong - pretty much the reaction that I expected when I composed the example.

I, of course, do not have to prove a thing. The proof was required by the US administration. In due course, bogus intelligence reports were trundled out to show that Iraq possessed massive quantities of WMD, ignoring the UN inspectors and the millions who marched against the war.

As Egypt, Tunisia, Syria and Libya have shown, it is possible the Iraq regime would have crumbled without the death and destruction created by the imperialist occupation forces.

Comrade Stalin

That's funny coming from the Left's most murderous hero.

You have outdone yourself again Uncle Joe.

You continue to post crazy whacky leftist propaganda. I just love it even though you would gladly pull the lanyard on me just like the Ludington Geezer.