Good News for once

Rummy re-created the military to fight a new sort of war.
If you knew what an accomplishment it is to train that behemoth to do a new trick you would appreciate him more. Ansd a change that huge does not go off flawlessly.

All in all in t hundred years he will likely be seen as the best secDef ever.

Rummy ? he was a mindless idiot...He Recreated the military to fight the first 72 hours of the to fight the next 6 plus years, he forgot about and failed on...That god he was Replaced...I don't know how many times more we could listen to him and Dick say we where so close to victory...and how they where just about we where on the brink of losing that war, completely....I think some fail to see just how really close we where to a complete and total meltdown in Iraq.
Rummy ? he was a mindless idiot...He Recreated the military to fight the first 72 hours of the to fight the next 6 plus years, he forgot about and failed on...That god he was Replaced...I don't know how many times more we could listen to him and Dick say we where so close to victory...and how they where just about we where on the brink of losing that war, completely....I think some fail to see just how really close we where to a complete and total meltdown in Iraq.

Did I say the first 72 hours ? That was all Pentagon and it did unseat Hussein which was what they were tasked to do.

Dealing with an insurgency was what they were not prepared to do and thats what Rumsfield twisted the Pentagon in to figuring out how to do.

We were never on that brink despite hyperbole. Playing softball put us in fa worse straits than anything else. That was Bush trying to play nice with "the muslim street" and other muslim states in the region. They only recognize strength and Bush was not consistent enough on that and Obama is jello to them.
Did I say the first 72 hours ? That was all Pentagon and it did unseat Hussein which was what they were tasked to do.

Dealing with an insurgency was what they were not prepared to do and thats what Rumsfield twisted the Pentagon in to figuring out how to do.

We were never on that brink despite hyperbole. Playing softball put us in fa worse straits than anything else. That was Bush trying to play nice with "the muslim street" and other muslim states in the region. They only recognize strength and Bush was not consistent enough on that and Obama is jello to them.

they where not ready, for the hard part and main part of the I stated would be the case from the start....bravo....( and of course 8 years under Clinton had nothing to do with the army being ready for Iraq right?) even though you normaly fight with the army the guy before you got.) Maybe by the end of your 2 terms but not at the start.
Rummy, not Romney. If I got that wrong before (wouldnt be the forst time) then whoops for me.
#1 thats the problem relying on this sort of crew but that was the dem's idea to begin with.
#2 they were trained but its different in treal life also refer to #1
# 3 like I said RUmmy had to reconfigure our military on the fly, and he did it
#4 the enemy WAS trhe populace, insurgents, including Hussein's Republican Guard. nobody anticipated this but once they sorted it out things were rapidly reconfigured.

if you understood what they guy did you would be amazed.
No, if you were talking about Rumsfeld...I'm the one that has always twisted that around to Romesfeld {pronounced it ROMNEY instead of RUMMEY} my bad :D

Here's an interesting place to read the 'INS & OUTS' of the BUSH & Company ideologies about Iraq.
<source for this article>
Bush administration rationales for war in Iraq From SourceWatch
The Bush administration rationales for war in Iraq just continue to continue.
Most recently, on August 30, 2005, "standing against a backdrop of the USS Ronald Reagan, the newest aircraft carrier in the Navy's fleet," President George W. Bush "answered growing antiwar protests ... with a fresh reason for US troops to continue fighting in Iraq: protection of the country's vast oil fields, which he said would otherwise fall under the control of terrorist extremists.
A little more than a week earlier, while speaking to the national convention of Veterans of Foreign Wars in Salt Lake City, Utah, "Bush again linked the Iraq war with efforts to protect the United States from another September 11-style attack -- a link critics say is an attempt to shift the justification for war."
Earlier in the day, while meeting "briefly with reporters aboard Air Force One, Trent Duffy, a White House spokesman subbing for Scott McClellan, said that President Bush believes that those who want the U.S. to begin to change course in Iraq do not want America to win the overall 'war on terror'." [1]
"For political reasons, the president has a history of silence on America's war dead," Maureen Dowd wrote August 24, 2005. "But he finally mentioned them on Monday [August 22nd] because it became politically useful to use them as a rationale for war - now that all the other rationales have gone up in smoke.
"'We owe them something,' he told veterans in Salt Lake City (even though his administration tried to shortchange the veterans agency by $1.5 billion). 'We will finish the task that they gave their lives for.'
"What twisted logic: with no W.M.D., no link to 9/11 and no democracy, now we have to keep killing people and have our kids killed because so many of our kids have been killed already? Talk about a vicious circle: the killing keeps justifying itself," Dowd said.
Other Rationales

The Bush administration "used 27 rationales for war in Iraq ... all floated between Sept. 12, 2001, and Oct. 11, 2002," according to Devon M. Lario in her 212-page senior honors thesis at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign: [2]
"Uncovering the Rationales for the War on Iraq: The Words of the Bush Administration, Congress and the Media from September 12, 2001, to October 11, 2002." Additionally, "all but four of the rationales originated with the administration of President George W. Bush," Andrea Lynn, Humanities Editor of the news bureau at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign reports. [3]
Interesting the amount of water under this bridge seems to have softened the rhetoric that the 'SUPPORTERS' of this ideology either ignored by choice or just don't WANT TO REMEMBER...but with his lies and fear tactics I found myself voting for him in 2004. And that will live with me for the rest of my I as an adult bought into his 'fear mongering/B.S. and the lies that have now cost some 4,500 human lives; not counting the number of walking/non ambulatory wounded that will have forever changed lives from this conflict :mad:
Well pocket this is a fine kettle of fish that you got stirred up.:D

Hey we should welcome ANY good news.

If everyone will recall Bush was dead set against a time line to get out of Iraq until the political pressure put on by then candidate for President Obama turned up the heat. Then when Prime Minister Maliki of Iraq publicly confirmed that he agreed with Obama over Bush the "time horizon" ;) deal was done.
Kinda makes me wonder how all o' the "conservative"-psychics missed this one! They're (usually) sooooooooooooooo proactive in telling everyone what's gonna happen, in the future!!!

I guess they simply wanted to surprise us (Libs) with this one!

Rummy, not Romney. If I got that wrong before (wouldnt be the forst time) then whoops for me.
Kinda like that whole spelling-thing, for you, huh?​
#1 thats the problem relying on this sort of crew but that was the dem's idea to begin with.
#2 they were trained but its different in treal life also refer to #1
# 3 like I said RUmmy had to reconfigure our military on the fly, and he did it
#4 the enemy WAS trhe populace, insurgents, including Hussein's Republican Guard. nobody anticipated this but once they sorted it out things were rapidly reconfigured.
That's one thing that was accomplished, during The BUSHCO Years! You "conservatives" surely did elevate tap-dancing to a Fine-Art!!!!


if you understood what they guy did you would be amazed.
Did I say the first 72 hours ? That was all Pentagon and it did unseat Hussein which was what they were tasked to do.

Dealing with an insurgency was what they were not prepared to do and thats what Rumsfield twisted the Pentagon in to figuring out how to do.
Yeah....let's try to forget all o' the chaos & looting he'd allowed!!!
(...Because o' too-few troops!!!!)

....So (of course)....get-out the sledgehammer.




since all we have heard for a while is more US dead in terror attacks, and fighting more in Afganistan...I bring you this.....

"BAGHDAD – December was the first month since the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq nearly seven years ago in which no U.S. forces died in combat in the country.

Gen. Ray Odierno called it a significant milestone and said it speaks to how the violence in Iraq has diminished. Odierno is the commanding general in Iraq."

C.I.A. DEATHS in AFGH. have INCREASED BY 70 %-- OVER 500 DEATHS IN 2009- DUE TO OBAMA'S , CARELESS and INEPT policies!! \
No American combat deaths in Iraq last month!

No U.S. combat-related deaths in Iraq in December

Baghdad, Iraq (CNN) -- December was the first month since the beginning of the Iraq war in which there were no U.S. combat deaths, the U.S. military reported.

Casualties also have decreased among Iraqis, with Interior Ministry officials reporting in late November that the civilian death toll fell that month to its lowest level since the 2003 U.S.-led invasion.

Excellent! We can use a little bit of good news from time to time.
Re: No American combat deaths in Iraq last month!

You posted this already? Where?

The topic is:
Good News for once
since all we have heard for a while is more US dead in terror attacks, and fighting more in Afganistan...I bring you this.....

"BAGHDAD – December was the first month since the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq nearly seven years ago in which no U.S. forces died in combat in the country.

Gen. Ray Odierno called it a significant milestone and said it speaks to how the violence in Iraq has diminished. Odierno is the commanding general in Iraq."

It's an interesting discussion and rather informative and it's been very, very civil too {amazingly so} but then we haven't had the childish rhetoric/constant interruptions either :cool:
Threads merged. It looks like the original thread was just ever so slightly derailed. Maybe this will get it back on track.