Chase bank disallows to transfer money out of USA - has anyone else heard of this....

It’s not your money, and it’s not in the bank. When you open a bank account, you make an agreement that transfers ownership of the funds deposited to the bank, which carries the account as a debt on its books. The depositor has only an unsecured claim against the bank for the funds deposited. Hence the need for insured deposits to preserve public confidence in the national banking system. For the same reason, banks should be prohibited from speculating on high-risk securities (i.e., derivatives) - including trading their own debt securities - on the financial markets. The banking lobby’s argument that the banks should be given carte blanche to trade in financial derivative contracts to be competitive in world markets belies the responsibility for the risk of loss to be borne by the government, and, ultimately, the taxpayer; not to mention that derivatives are traded "over the counter" and carried "off balance sheet", which undisclosed transactions violate all rules of bank accountability. (Even to this day, the government does not know where all the TARP money went!) It is up to Congress to act. The question is whether Congress has the political will to stand up to the banking lobby (with all their money) and say NO!