Biden’s re-election votes will be worse than when Hillary ran.

Stray Bullet

Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2024
He might not even win the popular vote. He has pissed off at least half of his base he’s going to need to win. There’s a couple of reasons Biden won last time, and it’s definitely not because he was Joe Biden. I was saying it then when he rigged the nomination against Bernie Sanders by having all competition drop out before the first Super Tuesday votes were even able to be casted, that he was going to be a one term president. He’s so uninspiring. But I believe the reasons for his victory are a pandemic happened and he was running against an incumbent. A very unlikeable incumbent. But just as shallow and narrow minded it was to think Trumpism could be defeated by this weak ass sucker for the status quo and establishment, is just as quick as it takes for people to not see Trump as the legitimate threat he really is. You can’t defeat fascism that way. It’ll always come back if you don’t have a strong plan or leader in place. So I expect Biden’s numbers to be even lower than when Hillary ran this time around. She was very unlikeable. Biden wasn’t as unlikeable but now he’s more unlikeable than she could’ve ever been because genocide will do that. I truly am sorry that Trump is going to win this November. But it’s Biden’s fault. Just remember that.
guess we'll see. its one thing to be "pissed off" but another to want trump to win.
guess we'll see. its one thing to be "pissed off" but another to want trump to win.
They don’t want Trump to win. But they also don’t want to vote for genocide. Both are equally important to maintain. So they will vote third party or not at all.
They don’t want Trump to win. But they also don’t want to vote for genocide. Both are equally important to maintain. So they will vote third party or not at all.
History doesn't show a third part can get any traction on the presidency.

All the piffle you quote is your opinion only.
History doesn't show a third part can get any traction on the presidency.

All the piffle you quote is your opinion only.
Oh yeah it’s probably not going to work. But having the view of being against a genocide goes beyond winning an election. If both options are pro genocide then you don’t vote for either one. It makes sense to me from a moral standpoint. There’s no in between on this issue. You either are for or against it.
Oh yeah it’s probably not going to work. But having the view of being against a genocide goes beyond winning an election. If both options are pro genocide then you don’t vote for either one. It makes sense to me from a moral standpoint. There’s no in between on this issue. You either are for or against it.
It certainly will not work.
You don't have the experience to make a black or white judgement.
It certainly will not work.
You don't have the experience to make a black or white judgement.
This is a pretty easy one to see. A fifth grader could make the right moral decision here. Money is corrupting where we should stand on basic things like human rights. You don’t bomb children or hospitals and get to call yourself the good guys. I don’t care if bad guys are hiding in there (which they most likely aren’t and is just a shitty excuse).
This is a pretty easy one to see. A fifth grader could make the right moral decision here. Money is corrupting where we should stand on basic things like human rights. You don’t bomb children or hospitals and get to call yourself the good guys. I don’t care if bad guys are hiding in there (which they most likely aren’t and is just a shitty excuse).
And I do t care what you think. It is happening regardless of what you think. Get over it.
And I do t care what you think. It is happening regardless of what you think. Get over it.
And if you cared about saving the hostages then you’d understand that they could be hiding behind them too. This is not the right strategy. It’s just a barbaric collective punishment for a terrorist attack that most people there had nothing to do with.
And if you cared about saving the hostages then you’d understand that they could be hiding behind them too. This is not the right strategy. It’s just a barbaric collective punishment for a terrorist attack that most people there had nothing to do with.
Again. I don't care how teary eyed and bleeding heart you get. If people die for supporting a terrorist regime, I'm sorry about that but I dont care.

If they are serious about saving their own lives, tell the Israelis where they are. End of story and war.

In the meantime, keep bleating your high moral ground bullshyt. No one is listening.
Again. I don't care how teary eyed and bleeding heart you get. If people die for supporting a terrorist regime, I'm sorry about that but I dont care.

If they are serious about saving their own lives, tell the Israelis where they are. End of story and war.

In the meantime, keep bleating your high moral ground bullshyt. No one is listening.
Israel will always oppress Palestine as long as they can. War or not.
guess we'll see. its one thing to be "pissed off" but another to want trump to win.
Murderers, rapists, racists, thieves, crooks, perverts, substance abusers, Muslims, terrorists, scammers, baby killers, and the like will no doubt not only vote for Biden but will gladly commit fraud for him if asked to do so.