Bad news on the horizon for the Biden administration and America

mark francis

Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2021
America cannot keep borrowing itself out of debt, and we see signs that the inevitable paid of having to pay back our debts is now coming due. Because of crushing forces on the economy, the CBO predicts hurtful rises in unemployment ahead for America.

Millions of Americans to Lose Their Jobs in 2024 ( 12-16-23

Millions of Americans to Lose Their Jobs in 2024
A Congressional Budget Office (CBO) report on Friday forecasts a rise in U.S. unemployment from the current 3.9 percent to 4.4 percent by the end of 2024, signaling potential job losses for millions amidst a contracting gross domestic product (GDP).

The projected increase in unemployment, affecting an estimated 7.4 million Americans within the workforce, will come amidst economic adjustments and policy shifts, the CBO said in its "Current View of the Economy From 2023 to 2025" report.
of course, nothing odd here, a 4.4% unemployment rate is still very good of course., assuming this forecast happens.
of course, nothing odd here, a 4.4% unemployment rate is still very good of course., assuming this forecast happens.
Insensitive leftists with their own selfish comforts don't really give a flip about the tragedy of millions of people on unemployment being made to suffer the consequences of bad governmental economic policies.
Insensitive leftists with their own selfish comforts don't really give a flip about the tragedy of millions of people on unemployment being made to suffer the consequences of bad governmental economic policies.
blah blah blah
all you do is spew right wing talking point word salads.

feel free to prove leftists dont care.
but you wont because you are a liar lol
Insensitive leftists with their own selfish comforts don't really give a flip about the tragedy of millions of people on unemployment being made to suffer the consequences of bad governmental economic policies.
Lug nut has no clue about debt he's a democrat progressive Narcissist and like other democrats think money is free as long as it's the other guys
Insensitive leftists with their own selfish comforts don't really give a flip about the tragedy of millions of people on unemployment being made to suffer the consequences of bad governmental economic policies.
You never said a word when unemployment was higher under Trump. Why is that?

Bad news on the horizon for the Biden administration and America​

America cannot keep borrowing itself out of debt, and we see signs that the inevitable paid of having to pay back our debts is now coming due. Because of crushing forces on the economy, the CBO predicts hurtful rises in unemployment ahead for America.

Millions of Americans to Lose Their Jobs in 2024 ( 12-16-23
"The Federal Reserve's own forecasts nearly align with the CBO's projections, anticipating economic growth to slow down to 1.4 percent in 2024, before picking up pace in subsequent years. The Fed's projection for the unemployment rate is optimistic compared to the CBO, forecasting a rise to 4.1 percent by the end of next year."
Are you talking about after Fauci gave us covid and fascist state officials shut down businesses and churches in America?
Yes. I think the virus came from China. The state officials weren't fascist under Trump when there was no covid.
Do you think businesses were closed just to annoy you?
Why can't the bleeding obvious appear to you? Everything is corrupt and conspiratorial. Was that the same all over the world? You're a dickhead.
"The Federal Reserve's own forecasts nearly align with the CBO's projections, anticipating economic growth to slow down to 1.4 percent in 2024, before picking up pace in subsequent years. The Fed's projection for the unemployment rate is optimistic compared to the CBO, forecasting a rise to 4.1 percent by the end of next year."
Rosy leftist predictions of good times ahead ignore the fact of the ballooning debt that will certainly bankrupt us if we do not fix the problem soon. But bankrupting the US economy to destroy capitalism has always been the ultimate goal of the most senior radical elites for decades.
Collapsing the System on Purpose: The Cloward Piven Strategy | The Global Dispatch | The Global Dispatch


Ten years earlier, when Cloward and Piven determined that the welfare state was acting as a safety valve for the establishment, they resolved to destroy the welfare state. The method of destruction they chose was drawn from the teachings of Saul Alinsky: “Make the enemy live up to their own book of rules.” And so they did, challenging the welfare state to pay out every penny to every person theoretically entitled to it. Alinsky called this sort of tactic “mass jujitsu” – using “the strength of the enemy against itself.