In the last two post you have only talked about money and have not talked about survival at all.
And since not a single person in this country fears for their survival due to lack of access to food and most of the poor only need to worry about making life "a little more managable" as you put it that hardly is a case of survival.
I can only conclude that for you it really is about money.
And how do the rich hoard money not through their own labor but through the labor of others? I did not think we had slaves anymore in this country. But you won't answer that question will you?
Don't you know by now that I never fear answering a question when I have the time?
I guess you decided to join the crowd and belittle me. . .oh well! As you wish!
I disagree that the poor are not functioning at the level of "survival!" They MAY have enough food to survive, they may even have a home. . .although they are in perpetual fear to lose it, but they have ABSOLUTELY no security, living from one day to the next.
And this is what I am talking about, although you chose to focus on the "money" part of my posts! It is NOT about the money. . .it is about having enough resources that one doesn't have to go to sleep at night, wondering which bill will come tomorrow, whether the electricity will be cut, whether the car will have enough gas to get to that minimum wage job, and whether the sick kid in the other room will get better on his own, with over the counter medication, or whether you're going to have to take him to the emergency room to get treated when his illness gets worse.
No rich person got that way without the work of many people around them, and without the "lift" given to them by that government that you all hate so much. . .public schools, subsidized universities, laws that benefit businesses and keep him safe, roads and infrastructure that allowed him to ship his product to the next State. . .
And, yes those minimum wage workers he was able to hire to manufacture his product, the public schools and university that educated his engineers and his accountants so that they could support him on the road to success.
As enamoured one may be with "individualism," NO MAN IS AN ISLAND.
And about hoarding. . .if it was just the very wealthy trying to pile up the billions, it would be one issue, but it is also their CORPORATIONS (link from a right wing source!).
"Corporate America's cash pile has hit its highest level in half a century.
Rather than pouring their money into building plants or hiring workers, nonfinancial companies in the U.S. were sitting on $1.93 trillion in cash and other liquid assets at the end of September, up from $1.8 trillion at the end of June, the Federal Reserve said Thursday. Cash accounted for 7.4% of the companies' total assets—the largest share since 1959."