Your Weekly Assignment

Hey Libs, have you completed your assignment yet or was it too difficult?

Maybe we need to start a little slower considering your mental condition.

How about next week you listen to Rush for just 10 minutes each day. I understand it is best to go slow with persons infected with a dread disease.


Well that certainly explains the mindset that you follow...but for me...I'd rather have my news as REAL NEWS not the MOMMA DRAMA THAT FLOWS OUT OF THAT WASTE OF HUMANITY;)

Yes, If radicals of all progressive leftist politics could somehow gain enough confidence in their own judgement and abilities to reason ,they too could climb out of the filthy sewer they find their political values to be located and enjoy a GREAT LIFE with our BLESSINGS!! Even LEFTIST can become of VALUE ONCE they see THE LIGHT!! RUSH does not hold a grudge , he will understand why you have failed!!
Okay libs your weekly assignment is to listen to Rush Limbaugh one hour each day. You will need to do this in secret or risk losing ALL your friends and being uninvited to all those drunken, illegal drug & ogre parties. Since conservatives have endured total dominance of the media and academia by liberals, we need to socialize information sources. And we all know how much you love socialism.

Let me warn you, at first you will experience a level of dread unknown even you and you may want to shoot yourself (but since you fear guns for this very reason and don't own one, no worries). So hang in there. Your entire belief system will be debunked and if you are young, all those wonderful Utopian stories about Soviet, Cuban, and Chinese communism will be obliterated. In the end, I you will be uplifted and your totalitarian chains lifted from your shoulders.

After a few days you will experience a euphoric feeling (similar to pot & crack smoking common to your ilk), but it is all legal and FREE!!! (we all know how you love free stuff) at least until BO outlaws all non-Marxist speech. So get Rushified, before it is too late. Good luck!!!

I have to wonder if halfor or more of Rush's audience is lib. I also look forward to the onslaught of lib callers to talk radio,always a hoot when they call.
I have to wonder if halfor or more of Rush's audience is lib. I also look forward to the onslaught of lib callers to talk radio,always a hoot when they call.

There should be lots of callers now :)

Obama Website Trains Seminar Callers to Spam Talk Radio Shows

I wonder if they will still screw it up even when they have instructions on what to say :)
Okay libs your weekly assignment is to listen to Rush Limbaugh one hour each day. You will need to do this in secret or risk losing ALL your friends and being uninvited to all those drunken, illegal drug & ogre parties. Since conservatives have endured total dominance of the media and academia by liberals, we need to socialize information sources. And we all know how much you love socialism.

Let me warn you, at first you will experience a level of dread unknown even you and you may want to shoot yourself (but since you fear guns for this very reason and don't own one, no worries). So hang in there. Your entire belief system will be debunked and if you are young, all those wonderful Utopian stories about Soviet, Cuban, and Chinese communism will be obliterated. In the end, I you will be uplifted and your totalitarian chains lifted from your shoulders.

After a few days you will experience a euphoric feeling (similar to pot & crack smoking common to your ilk), but it is all legal and FREE!!! (we all know how you love free stuff) at least until BO outlaws all non-Marxist speech. So get Rushified, before it is too late. Good luck!!!

The more I hear Consrvatives talk, the more I wonder if how they got to be so loony. Do they live in the same world as the rest of us?
The more I hear Consrvatives talk, the more I wonder if how they got to be so loony. Do they live in the same world as the rest of us?

No. they live in the world of reality.

I would suggest that you open your mind for a sec and take a look.

I too was young and uneducated at one time myself. I got better. So can you !
The more I hear Consrvatives talk, the more I wonder if how they got to be so loony. Do they live in the same world as the rest of us?

See!!! There in lies the problem.

When libs hear the truth, their liberal minds tell them it is NOT the truth. I am not a shrink, but this must be some form of mental retardation. Maybe big pharma can come up with a new drug to help liberals over come their dreadful condition.


I have just discovered a new disease. It is Truth Dysfunction which is similar to erectile dysfunction I suppose. Libs just can't get it....right.
My understanding is that hookers always do a roaring trade when the Republican annual get-together is in their town.

I could be wrong. Can anyone confirm or deny this ?

Comrade Stalin

I cannot confirm but only suspect that HILLARY makes a fortune giving "Round the WORLDERS" to as many men and women as possible!
damn, I thought we had the dumbest thread before, but this one does come close .....

Again , this is the drawback of the fact anyone can post here....with no rules about having anything valuable to add.

Liberals have always seen the fact that people besides themselves are allowed to speak, as the primary drawback to freedom of speech. If only we could have some kind of free speech czar to make sure that all free speech is "intelligent" speech. By "intelligent" I of course mean in one hundred percent accord with whatever bull**** liberals are currently peddling. 150 years ago, it would have been the idea that one person can own the right to another person's labor. Today it would be the idea that one person can own the right to...... wait a second..... YOU GUYS HAVE NOT CHANGED AT ALL!!!
Gyppper thread

On the rights to someone else's labor - wait a minute here. Which group profits most from other people's labor - Conservative beloved upper managment. Who is out of touch with reality here?
Re: Gyppper thread

On the rights to someone else's labor - wait a minute here. Which group profits most from other people's labor - Conservative beloved upper managment. Who is out of touch with reality here?

Does the government force you to work for a specific employer? Does your employer pay you an agreed upon amount for the labor that you provide?

The fact that the employer profits off of the labor of another does not mean that the employer has a right to that persons labor. An employer employee relationship is and must be voluntary on both ends. If you don't like the arrangement, you are not required to participate. You can start your own business, make your own rules, and pay whoever you can convince to work for you whatever you think their labor is worth.

If someone else has a right to something, and I have a responsibility to provide for that right, then the product of my labor is being taken from me. It is not part of a voluntary arrangement on my part.

Do you understand the difference between slavery, and voluntary employment with compensation?

Who is out of touch with reality indeed?