Well-Known Member
I have to both agree and disagree with PLC's statements. The issue of gun control is very much a Conservative/Libertarian vs Liberal/Progressive issue. Name the last Republican to champion, or even support, any gun control measure... Meanwhile Democrats push for stricter gun control laws every year. And I agree that Conservatives often have an authoritarian streak, despite the many denials regarding this fact. Just one example of this was a decade or so ago when "Conservatives" were pushing to make it illegal for people to burn the American flag.
So while TexasT claims that "Conservatives support the Constitution... 100%", Conservatives are quick to ignore such Constitutional phrases as "Congress shall make no law..." when issues of "morality" are on the table.
since I live in a "liberal State" how is it that we have not banned guns? Because the whole Liberals all want to ban guns is crap...Liberals understand that there are limits...The word Regulated is right there in the 2nd ...The Right to Free Speech is not 100%..you can't yell fire in a crowded theater..you can't say...I am going to murder the president. You can't conspire to commit a crime. Society makes some judgments..like you don't need a RPG for Self Protection. Maybe you don't need to be able to fire 600 rounds in a min with a 100 round clip.