You know it’s getting bad when people like Peter Beinart notice it.

YOU KNOW THINGS ARE GETTING BAD, When the Dem's use this for an excuse...The Republican Party believes in voter suppression. Yeah, I have heard that old golden nugget about one thousand times. I keep it in my accounting ledger, alongside “The Republican Party is racist”, “The Republican Party is waging a war on women”, “The Republican Party is anti-immigrant”, and “Elvis is actually still alive”.

It doesn’t matter if any charges against the conservative ideology are true, what matters if is liberals can make people believe them. The ends always justify the means for liberals and some Consevatives – all is fair in politics and war. Unfortunately in this war, truth seems to be the first casualty.

Using your best estimate, how many adults in the United Sates do not already possess a photo ID? As a person goes about the normal routine of life, he or she is required to show an ID to do certain things. No one really seems to have an issue with that; it appears as though possessing an ID has become a necessity for living in modern America. So the actual estimate? I can’t say for certain, but I would think that anyone who says at least 90 percent of Americans do NOT have an ID is smoking a hallucinogenic substance. Personally, I think the figure is actually much higher than that, but I won’t argue the point.

So from the remaining 10 percent that don’t have an ID, how many of those ever exercise their right to vote? We know that around only 60 percent of eligible voters actually cast a ballot in presidential elections. This means that roughly 40 percent can’t even be counted upon to drag their lazy butts to the polls. So to extrapolate the data, of the 10 percent that don’t have an ID, we really need to only worry about 6 percent of them. Why expend energy on the percentage of people that don’t even care enough to exercise their privilege to vote?

We are left with 6 percent of eligible voters. Of these people, how many of them buy beer or cigarettes? Both require photo ID’s by law – if they don’t have one, how are they getting the product or products? How are they renting an apartment? How are they getting utilities connected? It must be amazingly difficult to get these tasks accomplished without a photo ID, wouldn’t you say?

How many of these people are just SO destitute that they can’t afford to get an ID? Of those people, how many have a cell phone? How many drive a car? How many have cable TV? How many of them have a big-screen TV? Think about it – is it your HONEST evaluation that we have a sizable number of people in the United States that do not have a photo ID and just cannot swing the exorbitant cost to get one? If you do think that, more power to you. But I think you may want to see a psychiatrist.

No, this is all a fallacy, every bit as true as flying unicorns and the email announcing you have won the Jamaican lottery. It is simply an elaborate myth spun to divert the attention of the American people from the real issue.

And that issue is that it is true that the Democratic Party does hate voter suppression. The problem is that the voter suppression that they can’t stand is ILLEGAL voter suppression. There is one party that, year after year, election after election, directly benefits from fraudulent votes, much more than the other party in question. Let’s all scratch our heads together. Hmmm – which party would that be?

So if you will indulge me, please spare me the BS about your love and care about the scared need to ensure everyone can vote. You don’t care about that, you want as many people as possible to vote for YOU, and you couldn’t care less whether those votes are legal or not. You are disingenuous at best.

All Americans should support a “get an ID, or don’t vote” initiative. This is a surefire way to at least reduce voter fraud, which we should all regard as very, very important.

Unless you endorse receiving fraudulent votes. That wouldn’t apply to any of our politicians at all! I am certain of it!

That last statement is going into my ledger, right next to the Elvis entry.