You can smell the socialism

the annoying thing

Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022

She thinks she is some kind of princess but is really clueless .
The retailers and wholesalers have been engaging in price gouging. That is clear.
Really it is > What drove prices up so much and what companies are doing this give examples and data otr are you going to just make claims about it and then shut your mouth.
You may not be smart enough to comprehend the above link but here is a simple example .
One major reason food prices have gone up is production and transportation costs , Fuel costs for production and transportation and electricity have gone up a lot and have not come down and will not come down till fuel prices do.

Even packing is affected by fuel cost, labor it has a major effect on food prices .

And if it comes from a boat overseas the prices are up due not only to fuel costs but insurance costs due to the middle east problem .

Giggle swill promise anything and screw america like joe only more.
really which ones ? and how much
All the cereal companies have either raised the prices of breakfast cereals hugely, or reduced the amount of cereal inside. Some as much as 40%. This way more than the cost of production and distribution merit.
There are many others that have done the same sort of thing: makers of corn and potato chips, cooking oil and sausage.
All the cereal companies have either raised the prices of breakfast cereals hugely, or reduced the amount of cereal inside. Some as much as 40%. This way more than the cost of production and distribution merit.
There are many others that have done the same sort of thing: makers of corn and potato chips, cooking oil and sausage.
so your saying inflation and Biden policy's had nothing to do with it hey .
so your saying inflation and Biden policy's had nothing to do with it hey .
Biden did not raise the prices in the supermarkets. Inflation was caused by Covid shutting down the entire world economy. Some prices rose because of fuel prices, others due to greed. Biden did more to lower the inflation rate than Trump could ever do. Dont; tell me what I am saying, dolt.
inflation is caused by printing money..economics 101

comrade stalin
wall street
Biden did not raise the prices in the supermarkets. Inflation was caused by Covid shutting down the entire world economy. Some prices rose because of fuel prices, others due to greed. Biden did more to lower the inflation rate than Trump could ever do. Dont; tell me what I am saying, dolt.
And inflation was also caused by his massive spending and policy's.
I'd bet if it was trump in charge you would be 😭
Really it is > What drove prices up so much and what companies are doing this give examples and data otr are you going to just make claims about it and then shut your mouth.
You may not be smart enough to comprehend the above link but here is a simple example .
One major reason food prices have gone up is production and transportation costs , Fuel costs for production and transportation and electricity have gone up a lot and have not come down and will not come down till fuel prices do.

Even packing is affected by fuel cost, labor it has a major effect on food prices .

And if it comes from a boat overseas the prices are up due not only to fuel costs but insurance costs due to the middle east problem .

Giggle swill promise anything and screw america like joe only more.
Exactly! She will have to answer some questions soon. They need several debates! Media will not press her!
really which ones ? why isn't Biden doing anything about it now, You have admitted your a socialist .
You only use such measures when there is war or a national disaster other wise its on the edge of being a Commie
Which ones? Krogers, Kelloggs, ConAgra, PepsiCo.
Conservative Churchill imposed major price controls and lost the election as a result after WWII.
Nixon enacted price controls, and was unsuccessful.

It is 100% legal to be a socialist. Democratic Socialism is how we build a truly great country.
What Trump wants is a religious dictatorship where the rich get even richer and the rest of us pay his tariffs.
The retailers and wholesalers have been engaging in price gouging. That is clear.
No, that may be what clueless socialists stupidly think but it is not true that the businesses are doing evil in order to get rich while hurting the poor. The democrats have driven up prices and wickedly blame the consequences of their actions on innocent Americans and businesses.