Yet even more bad news for joe and his liberal loonies


Gold bar bob found guilty on all counts , he could get decades of time but will not he old and done much like Biden
Unlike Republicans who nominated a convicted felon, democrats will just move on
This will have zero impact on national politics
But keep obsessing about him
yes he will not be running as a democrat so you lost a seat and a well connected thug
He will be replaced by a democrat

New Jersey could see its first vacancy in the Senate in nearly a decade should Sen. Bob Menendez (D-N.J.) bow to pressure by fellow Democrats to resign following his conviction on Tuesday on bribery and foreign agent charges.

Should Menendez opt to give up his seat, it would be up to New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy (D) to choose who fills out the term until January of next year.

Otherwise it's a safe dem election menendez won't win
He will be replaced by a democrat

New Jersey could see its first vacancy in the Senate in nearly a decade should Sen. Bob Menendez (D-N.J.) bow to pressure by fellow Democrats to resign following his conviction on Tuesday on bribery and foreign agent charges.

Should Menendez opt to give up his seat, it would be up to New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy (D) to choose who fills out the term until January of next year.

Otherwise it's a safe dem election menendez won't win
yes but can nhe hold the office of bobs when election time comes and its nice to see liberals FELONS isnt it lig nutter
yes but can nhe hold the office of bobs when election time comes and its nice to see liberals FELONS isnt it lig nutter
Why would you say it's nice to see them? What a hateful anti-American post

And yes a democrat can hold the office in the upcoming election
Why would you say it's nice to see them? What a hateful anti-American post

And yes a democrat can hold the office in the upcoming election
why is there something wrong with wanting to see people who commit crimes go free ? really a democrat will hold that office after the next election cycle
why is there something wrong with wanting to see people who commit crimes go free ? really a democrat will hold that office after the next election cycle
Yes it's a solid democrat area
But cheering because it was a democrat who was convicted is hateful and anti-American
Menendez is a crook and a creep and no one among the Democrats is defending his wretched ass.
Trump is a far bigger crook who longs to take children away from their parents and lock them all up in cages. He wants to rid the country of Democrats and anyone who has ever called him a naughty name.
He wants to be a dictator for a day and lock up President Biden and he has deluded himself into thinking that he actually controls Big Oil and has the power to "drill, baby drill".

How could anyone round up all the illegals in his one day dictatorship? How much oil do you think that Trump could drill in that one day? Does he have anywhere to put it?