yea! socialized medicine

So Unite our nation, would you be opposed to states taxing people in order to pay for a socialised healthcare system confined to that state alone?

States have already done it.

Oregon did it and went bankrupt so they cut back who they will help, now they help less people than they helped before they started the help everyone program.

Hawaii just about 8 months ago used obamas cover all kids plan. They did it for 7 months then it bankrupted the state and now they dont cover anyone again except the kids on welfair.

its been tried
Well, find the reasons why its being bankrupted and work out a way around it. I'm sure it could be done if people actually wanted to do it.
You know "moderators" should at least be held to some conditions . The "it" from UK is completely ignorant of the fact ALL AMERICANS and NON CITIZENS have HEALTH CARE AVAILABLE. And its FREE if you are to poor to pay. Anyone feeling sick can go to the nearest Hospital and receive treatment even if they have no money or no insurance. To hear IGNORANCE spoken by one who we assumed at least could think continually harms the purpose of having "moderators". THINK!
sub, the health care in America is very complicated. I doubt many, besides those in the industry for a lot of years, truly understand the current systems (there are multiple) enough to figure out the BEST way to preserve solid, available healthcare nationwide while giving more care.

Here is an example of a state that is trying it and failing miserably!

"The law established an independent public authority, the Commonwealth Health Insurance Connector Authority, also known as the Health Connector, which offers the subsidized coverage and facilitates the selection and purchase of private insurance plans by individuals and small businesses.[2][3] Incentives for residents to obtain health insurance coverage include tax penalties for failing to obtain an insurance plan. In 2007, Massachusetts tax filers who failed to enroll in a health insurance plan that was deemed affordable for them lost the $219 personal exemption on their income tax. In 2008, penalties increase by monthly increments, and are based on half of the cost of a health insurance plan"

Health Care Plan Could Cost Some Bay Staters as Much as a Third of Their Income New York, NY. The Massachusetts Health Care Plan, negotiated by former Governor Mitt Romney and the legislature, is proving to be expensive, just as critics warned, with the lowest cost plan costing state residents as much as $9,560 per year in out-of-pocket expenses if they suffer a serious illness. While the Mass plan has been pointed to as a model for other states, these new numbers make clear that the Romney model of individual mandates is not a reasonable approach. "Having an individual mandate impose such a cost, which could be as much as a third of a person's income under the plan, is unacceptable," said Adam Thompson, a health care policy specialist with the Progressive States Network The lowest cost plan would carry an average monthly premium of $380 and a deductible of $2,000 per year with a total annual limit on out-of-pocket costs of $5,000. These numbers apply to any individual who earns more than $29,400 per year – the cutoff for state subsidies. To penalize individuals who reject this expensive proposal by levying $1,000 fines borders on cruel. The Massachusetts law has been hailed as a national model, but Thompson warned that states looking at copying Massachusetts plan should look carefully at the price tag to consumers before moving forward.

Telling someone who earns $30,000 a year that one in three dollars they earn will have to go to health care is not just bad policy, it is likely to anger voters.
Well, find the reasons why its being bankrupted and work out a way around it. I'm sure it could be done if people actually wanted to do it.

NHS is going broke in the UK, France is going broke over socialized care, Canada isn't only because they keep slashing services, and Medicare / Medicaid are both going broke. Plus the USPS is constantly over budget, Social Security is going broke, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac both went broke, the VA health system is constantly over budget.

There are two things in common with all of these. They are all going broke, and they are all socialized.

Based on that, here's the reason why it's being bankrupted: Socialism. It doesn't work, it never works, and this is the common, even expected results. Go and look at every socialized health system in the US. They are either horrible, with crappy service, or they are broke. MassHealth for example, totally free state paid for service from high taxes. Result? The system is going bankrupt, and the service is absolutely horrible.
Are you dim bulbs really that stupid, or are you just intentionally distorting the facts?

The plan that was part of Obama's campaign platforn is NOT socialized medicine. It's insurance. There are 47 million Americans without health insurance, his plan addressed that fact. There are many Americans that have some pre-existing condition, or have received past treatment for an issue. Under the current system, insurance companies frequently, almost always, use that as a disqualifying reason to allow them to purchase individual coverage.

Allowing Americans to buy in to our current federal health insurance program is no closer to socialized medicine, than your claims are to the truth.
I understand that Americans without insurance can recieve "emergency care" just for everyones information. What can they recieve under this exactly then?