I going to write in Jimmy Carter for his second term!!!
The only reason I'm supporting the Hillary Clinton Write-In is because I feel there are enough numbers to actually make it work.
I suspect that Obamanation is a McCain supporter. Encouraging that more people (that he "knows") are likely to vote for McCain, but that writing in Hillary is also acceptable means he really wants McCain to win and to ensure that, splitting the dem vote by writing-in Hillary is perfectly OK with him.
And that's NOT what I am about. I'm about courting people also disgusted with McCain's affiliations with Big Oil and the Bush/Cheney camp. We cannot afford four more years of that. But we also cannot afford four years with a fascist like Obama (read what he did in the Chicago election to fellow minority progressives to "get ahead" in power..).
The only sane choice is the applicant for President of the US that has experience as de facto advisor for 8 years to the Commander In Chief. Early on I voted for Obama but immediately thereafter identified with Clinton after the blatant kid-glove handling of him by Big Media/GOP outlets. My logic was that if they so obviously feared Clinton's shot at office, she had, by that definition alone, gained my total and unwavering support. Such is my level of distrust for the GOP, and also of Obama.
The two candidates John McCain and Barack Obama are dangerous and both wholly unacceptable candidates for the executive position of the highest level of employment in a security position like President of the US.
I really think people should look at the millions who supported Clinton, and the millions more who will wake up in coming weeks and see a Hillary Clinton write in as a real possibility for a landslide.
Just because you favor McCain or Obama, don't play down the significant magnitudes it has the potential to reach. I know what the real numbers behind Clinton are. She represents everyone who is disgusted with the two choices shoved down our throats. And that's a hellof a lot.
An NBC/Wall Street Journal poll found a wide gap last week: Women favored Obama over McCain, 52% to 33%. The survey also found that voters who cast ballots for Clinton in the Democratic primaries preferred Obama over McCain, 61% to 19%.
And you sound like one of those Obama supporters who refuses to even read about what he did to fellow minority progressives in his overweening ambition to climb to the top, in the election in Chicago.
He had a team of lawyers literally comb every single signature of the four candidates running against him to find petty flaws in addresses and whatnot. One man didn't even pose a threat to him at all in the polls. He just wanted to eliminate him too for good measure. To my knowledge none of the signatures on his petitions were examined. When questioned about his nefarious deeds he assured the reporter in essence that it didn't matter because his district got the best candidate for the job anyway..even if the choice was removed forcibly by him from their hands..
Remember Michigan and Florida and Obama's objections to them being counted? Yes Grasshopper, we're seeing a pattern of "do anything it takes". Are you aware of how many minorities were disenfranchised in Florida especially and also Michigan by not having their votes be counted? Yes, that's right. Obama favored that as well..
He steals the persona of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. without merit of his own in the same department. He talks out of both sides of his mouth. The only thing certain about Barack Obama is his ambition for power and the lengths he'll go to get it.
The same is true of McCain. He is so obviously a puppet for Big Oil and the Bush/Cheney corporate takeover of the Middle East that it is laughable.
If you think people cannot see this, think again. Both candidates are patently mean-spirited ruthless, corrupt and unfit for the Oval Office. Hillary was smeared in the Media who doled out sexist comments (whose racial equivalents would've gotten anchors fired on the spot) to her detriment. Meanwhile they favored Obama so blatantly that I was becoming sick to my stomach watching it...and wondering why the GOP/Big Media would do such a thing if they knew it meant they would run against the same man...????
These big red flags kept popping up but the whole nation, and here too apparently, is caught up in burying the past of their "hero" Barack Obama and that of McCain, glossing over what would've earned Hillary the red hot poker should it have shown up on her resume'...
No, Hillary represents. She represents the millions of voters who can see through the lulling speechs, the empty promises, the hype around Obama. During Bill Clinton's 8 year tenure our nation's economy was the strongest in US History. They actually had problems figuring out what to do with the surplus....Hillary Clinton gained more popular votes in the primary than any candidate in US history..
She represents grit, determination, the ability to take punches and get up again to fight another day. She has rolled up her sleeves for decades to ACTUALLY represent minority rights and women's rights and the rights of the downtrodden...instead of just talking about it.
She represents US. Like I said. I'm tired of being told who I can and cannot vote for and so are MILLIONS of others. Just for kicks and giggles this Fall I'm going to see how many millions that adds up to in a Write-In campaign. It's only started recently. As time goes on and more mire gets dug up out of the swamp of Obama and McCain, it can only play in the favor of "Write-In Hillary" numbers this Fall..
I think it would be more accurate to say she lost after either August or Novemeber.
In the meantime, Big Media/the GOP has only begun with Obama. They've raked Hillary over the coals many years ago and she's still standing. I don't think Obama's ties to his church, his trouncing of fellow minority progressives in that Chicago election and a host of other fatal flaws will leave him in anything but a political wheelchair come November...if he's lucky. He certainly isn't going to win.
What you fail to understand is that us poor little whiney babies are necessary for his walk into the Oval Office. To Obamanation's likely delight I'll say I'd rather chance McCain's foibles and supreme court nominations and give Hillary another run in four years, failing a win at a write-in surge by November, than hire a man espousing by day minority rights and what's best for our country, who by night dances on the heads of minorities ruthlessly for fun and prayed at the altar of "down with white america" for 20 years..
And I'm not alone...not by a longshot.
Now, take out your pencils and do the math kids...
I suspect that Obamanation is a McCain supporter. Encouraging that more people (that he "knows") are likely to vote for McCain, but that writing in Hillary is also acceptable means he really wants McCain to win and to ensure that, splitting the dem vote by writing-in Hillary is perfectly OK with him.
Fair enough. Just today I saw an interview with a Hillary insider who sported a Cheshire-cat smile while she reminded the host that Hillary only suspended her campaign and that she didn't end it..that the campaign was still open, that she only considered Obama the presumptive nominee until things were made official at the convention..
They all suspend their campaigns so that they can retain control of their delegates and so that they can continue to fundraise and use federal money to pay off their debts.
It is NO Obamanation, and NO I am not a McCain supporter either. I would have voted for Hillary in the general and I did vote for Hillary in the primary. And if she can get the nomination (and I think she still has a shot, though slim) I will still probably vote for Hillary in the general, not because I agree with her. I don’t like any of them. But I like her better than the other two. IF McCain picked a decent running mate like Mitt Romney, then I will do what ever I can to help them. But it’s because of the running mate not the Liberal Senator from AZ.
I did not encourage anyone to do anything. I said if someone did not want Obama but did not like McCain either, they should vote for Nader or write in Hillary’s name. I said it would send the Democratic Party a strong message if a huge amount of people did write in her name. NO matter who wins it won’t be perfectly ok with me, I don’t like any of them and if you have read any of my posts you would know that I don’t like McCain either. I just simply Loathe Obama the most. And by the way I am a she not a he.
You get all defensive to me for agreeing with you about supporting Hillary. That is so funny. But what ever, I still think she got a really bum deal, there was a lot of sexism, she is a ton more qualified than Obama and I still support you in what ever way you feel will send your message out, even if it was to vote for Obama, I would support you. I would think you’re a bit nutty for accepting someone so terribly disgusting as him but it’s your right and your vote.
I have a lot of friends who are democrats who do not like Obama and do not really want to vote for McCain. I have told them they should either write in Hillary or they should decide what bothers them more, Obama or McCain and vote accordingly. I could really give a crap who anyone but me votes for.
You may have not understood my post but I was defending you and your right to do what ever it is you think you need to do. If it going to the march, or if it is spreading the word to write in her name, what ever it is you decide to do, I was trying to defend your right to do it without being called a cry baby or one of the other hundred names Obama supporters are calling Hillary supporters.
I am sorry if you found that deceiving.
Guess what there was a lot of people with a lot more experience then Clinton, they don't cry about it. My guy had her in experience 10 times over. He lost, I said I hope he gets VP because I think he would fit that rule well, if not he has stated that he liked his role in the Senate as well, and at worst I am happy he is there. My 2nd pick lost as well and threw in behind Obama, after that I was not sure who I wanted, outside that I did not what Clinton. Had she won, I would have gave her a shot , as I am Obama now, becuse as much as I repspect McCain, I dont agree with most of His Policies.