No, we got the point. Social conservatism is based in oversimplification, so it was pretty easy to understand. Our points are the ones that are flying over your head, as evidenced by the fact that all you seem capable of doing is posting quotes from the Qu'ran and the men who use it for violence, and pretending that a few poached quotes from an interpretative document and the violent interpretations of the outspoken terrorists constitutes an empirical argument against an entire religion.
Hmmm??? Question was posed regarding "speech". Specific text from the "Koran". I included a passage from the "haddiths" and made comments regarding "doctrine". It "constitutes an empirical argument against" those specific texts from the "Koran" and "haddiths" which make up Islamic "doctrine". YOU interpret any criticism of the doctrine as an attack on the "entire religion", which YOU interpret to be an attack on a billion Muslims.
Nothing but the typical political correctness, cultural relativism, not good and bad but just different, bull shiite.
But carry on with the hear no evil...see no evil...speak no evil bit.